Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1406 I’m going to the City God’s Temple

Murong Fu buttoned up his cloak gently and walked slowly but firmly, as if he was weighing the opportunities and challenges in the future with every step he took.

When he walked out of the study, the candlelights on both sides of the corridor seemed to be a little brighter because of his breath.


He called softly. Although the sound was not loud, it was enough to penetrate the complex atmosphere in Murong's mansion.

Qian Tong walked quickly from the corner, still holding a volume of account books in his hand, but his face was serious, and he could tell at a glance that he was a shrewd housekeeper.

What are your orders, Master?

Murong Fu stood at the end of the corridor, gently stroking the exquisite vase on one side of the corridor, as if he saw countless stories and choices in it.

Prepare a carriage, I'm going to the City God's Temple.

Qian Tong was stunned for a moment, but quickly regained his composure and nodded quietly: Okay, sir, how many guards are needed for the carriage?

Murong Fu smiled slightly and said, No need, I am enough for this business alone.

Qian Tong knew that Murong Fu was not unnecessarily arrogant. If he wanted to go alone, there must be his arrangements and considerations.

Then please be careful, sir, I will arrange the carriage immediately.

Well, you have to hurry up. It's already dark and there's no time to delay.

Murong Fu said.

Qian Tong left quickly after accepting the order. He thought about Murong Fu's order for a while, but he also knew that there were some things that he could not understand.

Soon, a simple and elegant carriage stopped outside the gate of Murong Mansion. The groom was one of the most capable people in the manor.

Murong Fu stepped out of the house, the breeze blew, and his dark cloak was like an endless shadow in the night.

He turned his head and looked at the huge mansion behind him, a complex emotion flashing in his eyes.

After getting on the carriage, the interior was a little simple, with only a cushioned seat and a small table with some simple food and fruits on it.

Murong Fu picked up a crystal grape and took a bite. The sweet juice spread in his mouth. He closed his eyes and silently thought about Po Rong who was about to face him.

The carriage drove on the road at night, and the surrounding scenery became blurry in the darkness.

Murong Fu suddenly had a premonition in his heart, as if this career would be an important turning point.

While the carriage was traveling, Youruo's figure appeared like a ghost in a shadow several miles away from Murong's Mansion.

She followed Murong Fu's carriage, her eyes full of complexity and curiosity.

What does this Murong Fu want to do? You Ruo thought secretly in her heart, Why does he want to go to the City God's Temple?

The carriage finally stopped in front of the City God's Temple. Murong Fu slowly got out of the carriage and nodded to the coachman, indicating to him to wait.

Murong Fu walked into the City God's Temple, followed closely by Youruo. She hid behind a stone statue, and the conflict in her heart became more and more intense.

On the one hand, she wanted to take the opportunity to attack Murong Fu, but on the other hand, she wanted to find out Murong Fu's true purpose.

And at this moment.

Murong Fu slowly entered the City God's Temple and took a deep breath of the ancient aroma mixed with a hint of stale taste.

The candlelight in the temple was weak, and the stone tablets and statues were shrouded in a mysterious shadow.

He walked along the gravel path and came to an inconspicuous hut.

The door is ancient, as if it has witnessed the past and choices of countless people.

Po Rong, I'm here.

He gently opened the door and stepped into the house.

The layout of the house is extremely simple, with only a table and two wooden chairs.

Sitting on one of the chairs was a plainly dressed old woman.

Although her eyes were old, they revealed an indescribable depth.

Murong Fu, you are finally here.

Rongpo put down the tea cup in her hand and smiled slightly.

I came here this time hoping to discuss an important issue with you, about Xiongba.

Murong Fu said bluntly.

Rongpo smiled slightly, Oh? Xiongba has always been a difficult person to figure out. Do you think you and I can cooperate to deal with him?

Murong Fu silently activated the god-level selection system in his heart, and the system gave several choices:

Option one, reveal some of Xiong Ba’s secrets to gain Rong Po’s trust.

Option two is to show off your own strength and make Rong Po believe that she has the ability to deal with Xiong Ba.

Option three, carefully ask Rong Po if she knows Xiong Ba’s weaknesses.

Murong Fu chose the third option.

Rongpo, I want to know if you know some of Xiong Ba's weaknesses or unknown things? If we can share this information, I think we will probably have more strength to fight against him.

Rong Po was silent for a moment, and then said: Young man, dealing with Xiong Ba is not an easy task.

However, since you ask, let me tell you that Xiong Ba has a secret, and that is his training place, Baihua Valley.

Murong Fu's heart moved slightly, Valley of Hundred Flowers?

Yes, there is a rare plant called 'Blue Moon Orchid' growing there, which is the key to Xiongba's cultivation.

A sharp light flashed in Rong Po's eyes.

It seems that it is inevitable to kill the tyrant...

The secret has to do with his roots, but it's not something that can be said casually.

Can you give me a reason to believe you? Rong Po's eyes became sharper, as if she wanted to penetrate Murong Fu's heart.

Murong Fu observed Rong Po's eyes and spoke slowly.

Rongpo, if we can get your support, I believe we will have more strength to fight against Xiongba.

Working together is always better than working alone.

Rongpo nodded slightly, Very good, in that case, let's cooperate.

And soon.

Murong Fu ended his conversation with Rong Po and walked out of the hut, feeling peaceful in his heart.

When he stepped into the Chenghuang Temple, the breeze was blowing and the candlelight was swaying. He felt as if he had returned to a peaceful paradise.

In front of the shrine, he knelt down, clasped his hands together, and began to pray silently.

In this silent temple, he is a devout prayer.

He prayed for strength for himself, happiness for Mingyue, and for the secret Youruo, although he didn't know her true purpose.

At this moment, Youruo, who was standing in the alley, was secretly observing Murong Fu.

When she heard his sincere prayer, her heart trembled.

This was a side she had never seen before, a powerful and mysterious man who looked so fragile and gentle in the temple at this moment.

Murong Fu's prayer not only touched her heart, but also made her plan more complicated.

Pray for me? Why? Youruo thought to herself. She originally thought she had seen through Murong Fu, but at this moment he made her feel conflicted.

As Murong Fu's prayer ended, he slowly stood up, his heart filled with complicated emotions.

He knew that cooperation with Rong Po would trigger a new storm, and why he wanted to pray for You Ruo was not entirely clear to him.

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