Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1407 Various information collected by Wushuang City

at the same time.

the other side.

Mingyue stood in front of the door of Wushuang City's data room, her hand gently stroking the door inlaid with jade.

All kinds of information and materials collected by Wushuang City over countless years are gathered here. She took a deep breath, opened the door and entered.

The interior of the reference room was dark and quiet, with only a few oil lamps emitting faint light, illuminating the wooden bookshelves filled with books and files.

Mingyue walked to a large mahogany table and began to spread various hand scrolls and books on it.

Youruo, who is this woman? Mingyue said to herself, her eyes traveling between books and scrolls, searching for information related to Youruo.

Finally, she found some clues in a file that was so old that it was almost broken.

This file describes a mysterious woman whose life experience is very similar to Youruo.

Tian Xia Hui? Xiong Ba's only daughter? Mingyue's eyes narrowed, and she suddenly felt that things seemed more complicated than she imagined.

Mingyue began to look through the information about Tianxiahui and Xiongba, her eyes scanning every word like a sharp sword.

The more she watched, the more uneasy she became, because she gradually discovered that You Ruo might have assassination intentions against Murong Fu.

I must tell Murong Fu all this. Mingyue decided in her heart.

She quickly walked out of the data room and opened the heavy door.

As she walked, she prayed silently in her heart, hoping that she could stop everything in time.

And soon.

The dense forest outside the city near the Chenghuang Temple was quiet. The moonlight penetrated the branches and leaves and sprinkled on the soil, forming a mottled light and shadow.

At this time, Mingyue was walking in a hurry, as if there was something important that she was eager to complete.

She walked in the dense forest, her slender steps stepping on the fallen leaves, making a slight rustling sound. In front of her, Youruo was also walking quietly through the forest.

Not far away, Mingyue caught Youruo's figure and frowned instantly. She quickened her pace and walked straight to Youruo, looking at her with an almost questioning look.

Youruo, I found some information about you. What exactly do you want to do to Murong Fu? Mingyue's voice revealed a trace of unnoticeable tension and suspicion.

Hearing this, You Ruo smiled slightly and was noncommittal. Mingyue, do you think that because you understand Murong Fu, you understand everyone?

Mingyue bit her lower lip, trying to suppress her inner uneasiness, No matter what you say, I won't let you hurt him....

Youruo looked into Mingyue's eyes and said slowly, Oh? Are you protecting him or yourself?

Mingyue's eyes darkened, and she recalled all the experiences she had experienced with Murong Fu, as well as the complicated emotions in her grandma Ming Jing's eyes. Then she looked at You Ruo and said, That's not important. What's important is that I won't let you succeed.

You succeeded? Haha... Youruo chuckled, Do you think everything is under your control?

Mingyue was stunned, and she suddenly realized that maybe she didn't understand Youruo as she imagined. But no matter what, she couldn't let You Ruo get close to Murong Fu.

I don't need to control everything, I just need to stop you. Mingyue's voice revealed a firmness.

A trace of surprise flashed in You Ruo's eyes, and then the corners of her mouth raised slightly, Your determination is very valuable, but unfortunately, some things cannot be changed without determination.

Mingyue felt palpitations in her heart, but she still asked bluntly: What exactly do you want to do?

You will know. Youruo's voice was somewhat mysterious and playful.

At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps came from the distance, and Mingyue's heart moved. Could something have happened to Murong Fu?

No matter what you want to do, I will stop you. Mingyue warned Youruo one last time, then turned around quickly and ran towards the source of the sound.

Youruo looked at Mingyue's retreating back, with an imperceptible smile on her lips, Stop me? Oh, stop yourself first.

Mingyue's figure disappeared deep into the dense forest. Her heart was filled with tension and uneasiness, but more importantly, a firm belief. She must find Murong Fu and tell him everything.

Youruo quietly disappeared into the dense forest, and she seemed to have a more complex and far-reaching plan in her heart.

The fate of the two seems to be intertwined at this moment, but no one can predict the outcome. Only time can reveal all the answers.

On the other side, Murong Fu took a carriage from the Chenghuang Temple back to Murong Mansion. The moonlight was hazy, and the light shone on the stone road, reflecting long shadows. The wheels of the carriage rolled past, making a click, click sound, which was particularly loud in the quiet night sky.

The car door opened slightly and Murong Fu got out. His expression seemed calm, but there were unspeakable complex emotions hidden deep in his eyes. His robes fluttered gently in the breeze, like a ghost in the night.

Master, you are back. As soon as Qian Tong saw Murong Fu's figure, he went up to meet him, holding a candlestick, and the candlelight reflected on his face full of vicissitudes of life.

Qian Tong paused for a moment, then asked, Master, did something happen?

Murong Fu did not answer, but walked into the mansion. His steps were firm, as if no difficulty or obstacle could shake him.

Qian Tong looked at Murong Fu's back, feeling a little uneasy, but more of a feeling of admiration and trust. He knew that no matter what happened, Murong Fu would handle it properly.

The lights in the house are brightly lit, as if they will never be swallowed by darkness. Murong Fu walked into the study and closed the door gently.

Murong Fu gently closed the door of the study room, and a breeze blew the curtains in the study room as the door closed, as if some invisible ghosts were whispering. He walked to the desk and was about to sit down when he found a piece of paper spread out on the table.

Master, if you need to go out for urgent matters, don't worry, we will be back as soon as possible. - Mingyue

Murong Fu frowned slightly, and an uneasy feeling came to his heart. At this time, what urgent matter could Ming Yue be in that would make her leave in a hurry? You Ruo's previous smile and mysterious words suddenly appeared in his heart.

This system provides the host with several options:

1. Go out and look for the bright moon immediately.

2. Stay in Murong Mansion and continue to handle the affairs of the house.

3. Question Qian Tong to see if he knows where Mingyue has gone.

The voice of the system rang in Murong Fu's mind, but he did not hesitate and chose the third option.

Qian Tong! Murong Fu replied angrily, without any fluctuation in his voice.

After a while, Qian Tong hurried in, still holding the candlestick in his hand. Master, what are your orders?

Where did Mingyue go? Murong Fu asked bluntly.

Miss Mingyue? Qian Tong was stunned for a moment, I don't know, she didn't tell me.

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