Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1413 I’m afraid grandma will continue to make mistakes.

Xiong Ba crumpled the letter into a ball and frowned. He glared at the person who handed the letter to him and asked sternly: Are you sure this letter was written by Murong Fu himself?

The subordinate lowered his head and said: Yes, helmsman. I saw him write it and seal it himself.

Xiongba sneered: Since he is so determined, we have to give him a surprise.

He took offense and would never tolerate Murong Fu's entanglement with You Ruo again. He decided to use this opportunity to let Murong Fu know his strength and determination.

Xiongba said to everyone with a gloomy face: Send the order and call Kong Ci!

After hearing the words, everyone agreed and started to take action. Xiong Ba was angry but felt helpless. Youruo is his only daughter, but she falls in love with his enemy. This left him unable to start.


At the same time, in Murong's mansion, Mingyue stared at the letter that was sent, feeling uneasy in her heart. She knew that Murong Fu's actions were very dangerous, but she also understood that he was willing to take risks for You Ruo. She wanted to go and dissuade him, but she knew that Murong Fu had already made up his mind.

Sir, do you really want to do this? Mingyue couldn't help but ask.

Murong Fu raised his head and looked at her firmly: This is the only way, Mingyue. We must use the most direct way to force Xiong Ba to release You Ruo.

Mingyue sighed softly: I only hope that this decision can bring back Youruo's freedom.

Murong Fu clenched his fists, No matter what, I will never let You Ruo get hurt again.


At the Tianxiahui headquarters, Xiongba sat in the main seat and thought about Murong Fu's letter. He was angry but helpless. He knew that it was difficult for him to deal with Murong Fu. But at this moment, he has found a solution.

Call Kong Ci here! Xiong Ba shouted angrily.

After a while, a young woman hurriedly walked into the hall.

She knelt on the ground with a nervous look on her face: Helmsman, what are your orders when you summon me?

Xiong Ba sneered: Kong Ci, are you willing to marry Murong Fu?

Kong Ci raised his head in surprise, unable to believe his ears. Helmsman, are you kidding?

Xiongba looked at her coldly, I ask you, are you willing to marry him? This is my order!

Kong Ci trembled, Master, I am willing to obey your arrangements.

This arrangement was a torment for Kong Ci anyway.

Just because she once loved another person. Xiong Ba was so angry that he decided to talk to Murong Fu personally to let him understand his determination and strength. He organized his thoughts into the form of a letter, sat at the study table and began to write.

The handwriting on the letter is strong and powerful, revealing a sense of toughness and majesty. Xiong Ba expressed his unwillingness to tolerate Murong Fu's entanglement with You Ruo and the decision he made to protect his daughter's freedom. He expressed his willingness to betroth his goddaughter Kong Ci to Murong Fu. For the sake of the dignity of his family and the leader of the Tianxiahui, he hoped that Murong Fu could meet him in a restaurant.

After writing the letter, Xiongba put it into a sealed envelope and gave it to his subordinates to send it to Murong Mansion. And soon.

In the small house in the middle of the lake in Tianxiahui, there is a secret room.

You Ruo watched her father enter the secret room, feeling a chaotic emotion rising in her heart. She once thought that she could calmly use emotions to achieve her goals, but she didn't expect that she would eventually fall into it and be unable to extricate herself.

Father, why do you do this? You Ruo tried to ask calmly.

Xiong Ba sighed and did not answer immediately. He walked to the center of the room and looked around. This cabin is their most private place, where they can be truly face to face with each other.

Youruo, you should understand that I am not doing this to control you. Xiongba said firmly.

But I don't want to be restrained, and I don't want to be controlled anymore. There was a look of resistance in You Ruo's eyes, I have my own life, and I have the right to choose my own destiny.

Xiong Ba felt a pain in his heart. He never thought he would face such a situation. He tried to calm his daughter's inner dissatisfaction, You Ruo, you have to understand that as your father, I just want to protect you.

A bitter smile appeared on Youruo's lips, Protect? Or control? Father, you should know my abilities. I don't have to rely on anyone. She stopped suddenly, with a look of confusion on her face, But why, in With Murong Fu around me, I always feel at ease and supported?

Xiong Ba was slightly startled when he saw this. He did not expect that his daughter would mention Murong Fu. He tried hard to put away the anxiety and fear in his heart.

Youruo, Murong Fu is not sincere to you. He only values ​​your family's background and status. As the daughter of the leader of the Tianxiahui, you must not let yourself down. Xiongba tried to convince Youruo.

Youruo frowned slightly, Does my father think that I can understand him better than I do? Maybe that's why I'm even more fascinated by him.

Hearing this, Xiong Ba frowned immediately. ...

In a quiet courtyard in Wushuang City, Mingyue sat alone on a stone bench, feeling heavy in her heart.

She was sent by Grandma Mingjing to protect Wushuang City, but at the same time she was controlled by Dugu and his son, asking her to complete the task for them.

During this period of time, Mingyue has been thinking about her position and choices. She knew that surrendering to Murong Fu was the best choice to protect Wushuang City, but it meant betraying her roots and identity.

At this moment, Grandma Mingjing came from a distance. She looked sad and uneasy, and her eyes were full of expectation and longing.

Ming Yue, have you really decided to submit to Murong Fu? Grandma Ming Jing stopped next to Mingyue and asked softly.

Mingyue raised her head and looked at her grandma firmly, Grandma, I know this decision is difficult for you to accept. But I can no longer be used by Dugu and his son. They sowed wrong seeds in my heart.

Grandma Ming Jing's eyes gradually softened, I understand the pressure and responsibilities you are facing now, but you must think clearly that once this choice is made, there will be no chance to look back.

Mingyue's heart felt as painful as a knife, and she knew that her grandma was right. This decision will determine the fate of her life and will also affect the future of Wushuang City.

Grandma, I understand. Mingyue lowered her head, I have been weighing the pros and cons, but I can't continue to work for Dugu and his son. They don't really care about Wushuang City, they just use us.

Grandma Ming Jing gently patted Mingyue on the shoulder, Child, choosing the truth is always the right thing to do.

It's just this time... I'm afraid grandma will make the mistake herself.

Mingyue raised her head, tears flashing in her eyes.

Grandma still smiled, Good boy. You have grown up.

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