Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1414 Worrying about their marriage


Grandma stretched out her hand and gently touched Mingyue's forehead, Go and don't look back.

Mingyue bit her lip, forced back her tears, turned and left, and the figure behind her gradually disappeared at the end of the courtyard.

Grandma Ming Jing looked at the retreating figure and let out a long sigh.


At the same time, in the small house in the middle of the lake in Tianxiahui, Youruo finally made a decision. She decided to give up her plan to assassinate Murong Fu for the freedom and happiness she really wanted.

Youruo stood in front of the window, looking at the ripples on the lake outside. She knew that this decision would completely change her existing relationship with Tianxiahui and Xiongba's father.

But Youruo is no longer afraid. She finally understood that only true love and being loved can give people strength and courage in this world. And Murong Fu gave her all this.

.....At the same time, in a remote mountain forest, Dugu Ming stood in front of an ancient tree full of hatred. He held the sword in his hand tightly, his eyes fierce.

Suddenly, a figure came out from behind the tree. This person was Bu Jingyun, who looked at Dugu Ming quietly.

Dugu Ming! You finally showed up! Bu Jingyun's voice revealed a hint of murderous intent.

Dugu Ming sneered, Bu Jingyun, I had expected that you would come to me.

I didn't come to you to join forces with you. Bu Jingyun's eyes were cold and he said according to what Murong Fu taught him before: I came to tell you that Murong Fu has received the support of the Tianxiahui.

Hearing this, Dugu Ming's expression changed, What? Murong Fu has the support of Tianxiahui?

Bu Jingyun nodded, That's right. Leader Xiongba and him have reached an agreement, and they will join forces to deal with the Ming family and the Duan family.

A trace of anger flashed in Dugu Ming's eyes, The hegemonic helmsman really can't be trusted!

Because of this, I plan to stay on the sidelines. Bu Jingyun said calmly.

Dugu Ming suddenly laughed, Bu Jingyun, you are such a smart man. Since Murong Fu has the support of the Tianxiahui, why don't we join forces to deal with him?

Bu Jingyun frowned slightly, Are you saying you want to join forces with me to deal with Murong Fu?

Dugu Ming sneered and nodded, That's right. Murong Fu killed my biological father, and you also have grudges that you can't bear. We can deal with him together and reach an agreement on our hatred and goals.

Dugu Ming said coldly, Now is the time to make a choice.

Bu Jingyun smiled slightly, a complicated light flashed in his eyes, Dugu Ming, you are right. Now is the time to make a choice.

His voice had a hint of ambiguity, which made Dugu Ming feel inexplicably uneasy.

So, what are you going to do? Dugu Ming asked tentatively.

Bu Jingyun calmed down the emotions in his eyes and said calmly, This plan still needs time to consider and prepare. I will find you.

Dugu Ming nodded, seemingly not satisfied with Bu Jingyun's answer.

After the two looked at each other for a moment, Bu Jingyun turned around and left the forest, while Dugu Ming stood there deep in thought. ...

at the same time.

In Murong Mansion.

Qian Tong hurried into the garden. With a hint of anxiety on his face, he said to Murong Fu: Master, the helmsman Xiongba just sent someone to deliver a letter.

Upon hearing the news, Mingyue's heart tightened. She knew that this letter must be about the matter between herself and Murong Fu.

Murong Fu took the letter and looked at Qian Tong with a gloomy look, What do you want to tell me, Master Xiongba?

Qian Tong took a deep breath and handed the envelope to Murong Fu, Master Xiongba expressed his willingness to betroth his goddaughter Kong Ci to you, and hopes that you will stop worrying about Youruo. He asked you to meet at a restaurant.

Mingyue felt a chill behind her back, and she knew that this was just Xiong Ba's conspiracy. Since he knew You Ruo's true purpose, he would definitely set a trap and wait for Murong Fu to take the bait.

Murong Fu frowned deeply, knowing in his heart that Xiong Ba didn't really care about him. He stared at Qian Tong and asked, Mingyue, how do you feel about this situation?

Mingyue simply avoided the question and said softly: Master, you must be careful of the plans of the helmsman.

Murong Fu was silent for a moment and clenched his fists. I see.

He said nothing more and walked straight to the banquet hall. Mingyue secretly bit her lips, feeling full of contradictions and helplessness.

Meeting in a restaurant has become inevitable. Murong Fu calmly thought about countermeasures and firmly decided to protect himself and Mingyue. ...

And soon.

In a corner of the garden of Murong Mansion, Kong Ci and Murong Fu stood alone facing each other.

Mr. Murong Fu, please listen to me. Kong Ci's voice trembled slightly, but she tried her best to stay calm.

Murong Fu looked at her unexpectedly and asked curiously: Miss Kong, is there something that makes you so nervous to come to me?

Kong Ci took a deep breath and made up his mind: I am here to clarify one thing. The hegemonic helmsman sent me to deliver a message to you, but please believe me, it does not mean that this is my wish.

Murong Fu frowned slightly, feeling a little surprised by her direct statement, Then why did you accept this task?

Kong Ci bit her lip, Because the person I like is not you... but Nie Feng.

These words hit Murong Fu's heart like a bolt from the blue. He didn't expect that Nie Feng had such a secret hidden in him.

He was silent for a moment before replying: Miss Kong, do you want me to bring you and Nie Feng together?

Kong Ci's voice had a hint of bitterness, Nie Feng is the hope and support in my heart. He is the love of my life. I know very well whether I am qualified to be with him, but I don't want to tie him to me either. .So, please don’t accept this marriage.”

Murong Fu observed Kong Ci silently, savoring every word in her words.

He could feel the firmness and contradiction in her heart. In this chaotic world, the existence of love is so rare and precious.

Miss Kong. Murong Fu said gently, I understand your difficulty. Although we have this marriage, I am determined to respect your choice.

Kong Ci breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't expect Murong Fu to be so tolerant and understanding. Thank you, Mr. Murong Fu.

Murong Fu smiled and shook his head, You don't have to be polite, this is also of my own free will.

Soon, the conversation between Kong Ci and Murong Fu ended in the garden, and Murong Fu returned to his study. This study room is spacious and bright, with walls full of books and antique furnishings, showing the owner's rich knowledge and taste.

Qian Tong stood at the door of the study, anxiously waiting for Murong Fu's return. He knew that his master had been talking to Kong Ci, and he couldn't help but worry about their marriage.

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