Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1415 Continue to collect intelligence

After Murong Fu entered the study, he felt the anxious atmosphere on Qian Tong and walked up to him with a smile: Qian Tong, you don't have to worry anymore.

Qian Tong breathed a sigh of relief: Sir, may I ask...

I decided to respect Miss Kong's choice. Murong Fu interrupted Qian Tong, She likes Nie Feng, and I can feel her deep affection and determination for him. She convinced me.

Hearing these words, Qian Tong breathed a sigh of relief. He had never seen his master be so tolerant and understanding. He knows how rare it is to be able to stick to love and respect other people's choices in this troubled world.

Thank you, Master, for your tolerance and understanding. I think Miss Kong must be very grateful. Qian Tong sincerely thanked Murong Fu.

Murong Fu smiled and waved, You're welcome, this is my voluntary choice. I think that in this world, we need more help and support from each other.

Qian Tong was silent for a while, and then asked cautiously: Master, how do you plan to deal with the relationship with Xiong Ba next?

Murong Fu frowned slightly, knowing that his relationship with Xiong Ba had become more subtle and complicated. He needs to consider the interests of his family and his own safety. Qian Tong, I have decided to be invited to interview Xiong Ba. Murong Fu said firmly.

After hearing this, Qian Tong's face suddenly became serious. Sir, please be careful. The Xiongba helmsman is the chief helmsman of the Tianxiahui. He is powerful and ruthless. We must be fully prepared.

Murong Fu nodded, You are right, we must be fully prepared before talking to him. I have sent people to investigate some information about Tianxiahui, and we need to know their details.

Qian Tong bowed to Murong Fu solemnly: Master, please rest assured, I will do my best to protect your safety.

Murong Fu smiled and patted Qian Tong on the shoulder, I know you have always thought this way, and I believe you will do a good job. And soon.

Murong Fu and Qian Tong went to Xiongba's restaurant after dinner. The restaurant was buzzing with people, showing no signs of calming down. They were led into a secret private room with only a long table and two large mahogany chairs.

Murong Fu sat on a chair and glanced around. He was alert but calmly concealed his emotions.

Xiongba strode into the private room with a smile on his face. Mr. Murong, welcome. He smiled slightly and looked very polite on the surface.

Murong Fu took a deep breath and said firmly: I hope you can fulfill the love between Nie Feng and Kong Ci, and give You Ruo freedom.

The corner of Xiong Ba's mouth twitched, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Murong Fu, are you threatening me? His voice was full of anger.

Murong Fu smiled and shook his head, Master Xiongba, you misunderstood. I didn't mean to blackmail you, but I just hope that the best way to solve this problem is to let Nie Feng and Kong Ci be together. After all, they have been in love for a long time.

Xiong Ba sneered: Do you think I will agree to your request unconditionally?

I know you are protective of You Ruo. Murong Fu maintained a calm attitude, But please believe that she has no real feelings. If we can successfully solve this problem, I promise not to do any harm to her.

Xiongba's eyes flashed with anger and hesitation. Why should I believe you?

Because we all know how painful it is for a person to live in hatred all the time. Murong Fu looked at Xiong Ba, Both Nie Feng and Kong Ci have been hurt. If we can give them happiness, wouldn't it be a better choice? Is it a good choice? I believe you know that Nie Feng and Kong Ci love each other deeply. Murong Fu said slowly, The bond between them can no longer be broken, why do you want to prevent their happiness?

Xiongba frowned slightly and sneered: Of course I know about Nie Feng and Kong Ci, but Youruo is my daughter, and I can't let her get any harm.

A trace of hesitation flashed in Murong Fu's eyes. He didn't know how to respond at this critical moment. Suddenly, a servant hurried into the private room.

Report to the helmsman! the servant gasped, Miss Youruo is suffering from a sudden illness.

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, feeling an inexplicable fear in his heart. did she get sick? he asked stutteringly.

The servant replied tremblingly: The eldest lady's condition is very serious and there is no cure.

Murong Fu's heart seemed to be squeezed tightly by something, and he looked at the servant in disbelief. The fear and despair deep inside began to spread.

Xiong Ba looked at Murong Fu's hesitant expression and smiled proudly. It seems that you don't have the strength to protect Youruo. He said mockingly, Youruo is already dead, and you are just the last person to know.

Murong Fu's face was as pale as paper, and his eyes were full of pain and weakness. He could hardly accept this cruel fact. Murong Fu sat at the table in the study room, confused. The fear and despair in his heart seemed to turn into a huge wave, constantly impacting his heart. He could not accept the cruel fact that Youruo had passed away.

Suddenly, Murong Fu felt a voice in his mind: Master, please believe me, Youruo is not dead. This was the voice of the system.

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, with hope flashing in his eyes.

The system is so sure that it doesn't even give itself a choice!

He quickly came to his senses and asked, How is that possible? Xiong Ba told me that she was seriously ill and incurable.

The system explained: Actually, Xiongba is just confusing you. Youruo is not sick. She was imprisoned by Xiongba and was imprisoned in the secret dungeon of Xiong's family.

A trace of anger and determination flashed in Murong Fu's eyes, I'm going to save her!

The system warned: Master, please proceed with caution. The world will be powerful, and you need to be fully prepared to successfully rescue Youruo.

Murong Fu nodded, but he had already made up his mind. He immediately summoned the two most trusted people around him, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng. Seeing Murong Fu's serious expression, both of them felt the seriousness of the situation, and determination suddenly arose in their hearts.

Mr. Murong, what happened? You look very anxious. Bu Jingyun asked.

Murong Fu stared firmly at Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, Youruo is not dead. She is imprisoned in the Xiong family's dungeon. I plan to rescue her.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Sir, please tell us your plan. Nie Feng asked.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, We need to understand the situation inside the Tianxiahui first. I have received news that the Xiong family has other hiding places besides the secret dungeon. You must continue to sneak into the Tianxiahui and collect intelligence.

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