Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1429 Youruo’s confusion

As time passed, he felt that the mysterious power gradually disappeared from his body.

He understood that he could not rely on this power to continue fighting.

Murong Fu! I will become a more powerful being than you! Dugu Ming shouted, with determination shining in his eyes.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, We'll see.

The two faced off again, sword energy flying, and an even more intense battle started in the study. In this chaos, other people in the Murong Mansion were also attracted by Dugu Ming's shouts.

They all showed surprised expressions as they looked at Dugu Ming and Murong Fu in the battle.

Why did this kid suddenly become so strong? Someone smacked his tongue.

Did he get some adventure? Another person asked doubtfully.

At the same time, between the battle between Murong Fu and Dugu Ming, Murong Fu quietly called out his system, System, I have a question.

The system answered: Please ask the host to ask questions.

Murong Fu frowned slightly and said to the system: Will killing Dugu Ming now affect the cause and effect of Fengyun World?

The system pondered for a moment and then replied: Killing Dugu Ming now will not have any impact on Fengyun World. He is just a small role.

Murong Fu felt relieved after hearing the system's answer. Since there are no worries about cause and effect, he can deal with Dugu Ming to his heart's content.

The battle was still going on, sword moves intertwined with each other, and the study room was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The people in Murong Mansion watched the battle closely, with admiration rising in their hearts.

Time gradually passed, and Dugu Ming's strength began to gradually decline.

He felt that he could no longer resist Murong Fu's attack.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Dugu Ming suddenly stopped and raised the long sword in his hand to block Murong Fu's attack.

I won't lose to you so easily! Dugu Ming shouted through gritted teeth. However, in an instant, he felt the power in his body completely dry up.

Everything that happened next became blurry, and Dugu Ming could only see Murong Fu's indifferent face.

Finally, after the fierce sword attack, Dugu Ming fell heavily to the ground.

He was covered in blood and had a deep sword wound on his chest. He gasped hard, endless regret and despair flashing in his eyes.

This scene left the men in Wushuang City dumbfounded.

They thought there was a powerful force behind Dugu Ming, but they didn't expect that he would be defeated by Murong Fu.

They immediately realized that the situation was not good and evacuated the scene.

Piercing screams echoed on the battlefield, and blood dyed the ground red.

Dugu Ming's death caused the entire Murong Mansion to be immersed in silence.

But at this time, Mingyue had very complicated thoughts.

She felt relieved because her grandma was freed from guilt and fear; she also felt happy because she was freed from the oppression of Wushuang City.

Finally dead. Murong Fu's voice was cold and ruthless.

He showed no mercy at all, and just looked at Dugu Ming's body indifferently.

For Murong Fu, this was just a battle that had to be won.

With the death of Dugu Ming, the battlefield was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Mingyue stood aside in silence. She looked at this scene and couldn't help but recall her difficult experience when she was brainwashed by Wushuang City.

She felt that her mind had regained freedom, and the constraints of Wushuang City had been completely lifted. Bu Jingyun witnessed the entire battle and was shocked beyond words.

He saw Murong Fu defeating Dugu Ming mercilessly, his eyes full of indifference and ruthlessness.

Murong Fu is really amazing! Bu Jingyun secretly praised.

He had always admired and admired Murong Fu, but at this moment, he respected Murong Fu even more.

In Murong Fu, Bu Jingyun saw the strength and ambition he longed for.

He realized that if he wanted to achieve great things, he must hand over his destiny to Murong Fu.

I want to be as powerful as Murong Fu! Bu Jingyun secretly made up his mind.

Mingyue watched all this silently. She knew that she had been freed from the shackles of Wushuang City, but she also saw endless blood and cruelty.

She felt the strong smell of blood coming from the battlefield, and this scene reminded her of the difficult experiences she had when she was brainwashed by Wushuang City.

She deeply understood that only by standing firmly on Murong Fu's side could she realize her revenge and justice.

Qian Tong looked at Murong Fu with loyalty and respect, knowing that he would follow this young and powerful master to glory.

The entire Murong Mansion was filled with a cruel atmosphere after the battle, but none of this affected the order in Murong Mansion.

Murong Fu looked at Dugu Ming's body without any mercy in his eyes.

He knew that for him, this was just a battle that he had to win.

Bu Jingyun, have you seen it? Murong Fu asked coldly.

Bu Jingyun nodded subconsciously. He had reverence and admiration for Murong Fu from the bottom of his heart. the other side.

What Youruo didn't expect was that Murong Fu's attitude towards her was completely different from others.

Youruo was shocked and confused by this. As the daughter of a tyrant, she has always been surrounded by indifference and cruelty.

However, Murong Fu's kind treatment broke her established concept.

Qin Shuang watched Youruo thinking silently, and secretly felt lucky that she and she were on Murong Fu's side.

He felt the warmth radiating from Murong Fu.

Murong Mansion is really a wonderful place. Qin Shuang whispered to himself. Just as Youruo gradually developed feelings for Murong Fu, she began to fall into inner confusion and contradictions.

Murong Fu's kind treatment made Youruo begin to doubt his original intentions and actions.

On a cool night, Youruo was meditating alone in the garden.

The moonlight shone down, reflecting her beautiful and contradictory face. She didn't know what she should do.

Suddenly, a gust of breeze blew by, bringing with it Bu Jingyun's indifferent figure.

Bu Jingyun! Youruo suddenly stood up and walked towards him.

Bu Jingyun stopped and turned around to look at Youruo. There was a hint of inquiry and vigilance in his eyes.

Why did you come to me? Bu Jingyun asked.

You Ruo walked up to him with small and exquisite steps. She bit her lip tightly, looking a little uneasy.

Bu Jingyun, I have feelings for Murong Fu. You Ruo said without any secret.

Bu Jingyun's brows raised slightly, and he seemed to be able to feel the shake and confusion in Youruo's heart.

You have feelings for Murong Fu? Why? Bu Jingyun asked.

A trace of hesitation and helplessness flashed in You Ruo's eyes. She looked into the distance, seeming to be recalling the past.

He treats me completely differently from others. He is gentle and considerate, and treats me like a treasure. This makes me start to doubt my original intentions. Am I wrong? Youruo's voice revealed inner contradictions and confusion.

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