Bu Jingyun listened quietly and stared at You Ruo. He knew it was time for him to give her some guidance and advice.

You Ruo, you are not wrong. We all once had our own missions and goals. But when we meet true love, we should bravely face the inner voice and changes.

Maybe Murong Fu is not the kind of person you think he is, and there is no need for you to continue on the path of hatred. Bu Jingyun's tone was firm but soft.

As Youruo listened to Bu Jingyun's words, the entanglement in her heart gradually eased, and she began to accept the changes in her heart. She thanked Bu Jingyun for giving her guidance and inspiration.

Just then, a voice gently broke the silence of the garden.

Youruo, I finally found you. It was Mingyue, and her voice revealed a sense of relaxation and relief.

Youruo turned around and saw the bright moon passing through the shadows cast by the moonlight on the stone path, with a faint smile on her face. Youruo thought of her previous confrontation with Mingyue, and felt a wave of embarrassment in her heart.

Murong Fu asked you to come over. You can go, I won't go for the time being. Bu Jingyun said calmly, seeming to give Youruo a space to breathe and choose.

Okay, Bu Jingyun, thank you for your suggestion. You Ruo responded, and then followed Mingyue out of the garden.

The two walked through the winding corridor and arrived at the dining room. Murong Fu was already sitting there, as if he had been waiting for someone for a long time. There are long mahogany tables and chairs in the dining room, covered with white brocade. Several lanterns are hung high, illuminating the entire space with warm light.

You are here. Murong Fu said with a smile, without any burden or pressure, as if the battle that had just ended did not bring any fatigue to him.

Sit down and let's eat together. Murong Fu motioned for the two of them to sit down.

Mingyue and Youruo looked at each other, then carefully sat down on both sides of Murong Fu. Mingyue felt a little uneasy. After all, she was the guardian of Wushuang City before, and Youruo was Xiongba's daughter, and now they were sitting at the same table.

Murong Fu seemed to notice the subtle atmosphere between the two of them, smiled softly, and then started eating.

At the corner of the long mahogany table, several waiters began to serve the dishes. There is a golden food on the plate, which is full of aroma.

This is the fried milk I specially taught the cook to make. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Youruo curiously picked up a piece of fried milk and put it in her mouth. It starts with a crispy exterior, then a creamy, mellow interior. She couldn't help but her eyes lit up, It's delicious!

Mingyue also smiled and picked up a piece. She rarely enjoyed such exquisite food, and she couldn't help but feel a little joy in her heart.

Bu Jingyun couldn't help but feel relieved as he watched the two women tasting the food. He knows that food is sometimes a bridge between souls, and it seems that this fried milk has achieved the desired effect.

Murong Fu looked at Youruo and asked, How is it? It tastes different from what you have eaten before, right?

Youruo nodded, It's very different. It tastes much better than hatred.

These words seemed to touch everyone present. Murong Fu smiled slightly and Mingyue lowered her head.

Murong Fu turned to Mingyue, Mingyue, what do you think?

Mingyue glanced at Youruo thoughtfully and replied: I think... not only food, but also people's hearts can be like this fried milk, hard on the outside and soft on the inside.

Then what do you think my heart is like? Murong Fu suddenly asked.

Mingyue was startled, then glanced at You Ruo, Mr. Murong Fu's heart is probably soft on the outside but hard on the inside. It seems easy to get close to, but in fact it is difficult to figure out.

After finishing his words, Murong Fu just smiled faintly and didn't say much.

The waiter came in again, this time bringing a plate of brightly colored durian cakes.

Murong Fu smiled and said to everyone: This is durian cake. I don't know if you like durian as an ingredient, but I think this is a good opportunity for you to try it.

Mingyue raised her head, her expression slightly changed. Durian is a rare thing in Wushuang City because most people can't stand its unique smell. But she thought that Bu Jingyun and Youruo were both present, so this was not the time to refuse.

Murong Fu saw Mingyue's hesitation and said softly: You don't have to force it. If you don't like it, you don't have to eat it.

Seeing this, Mingyue felt relieved, picked up a piece and tasted it.

The unique smell of durian almost made her flinch at the first bite, but then the rich milky aroma and slight sweetness broke through the indescribable barrier, making her take another bite involuntarily.

It's delicious! Mingyue couldn't help but praise.

Murong Fu looked at Mingyue and smiled: I'm glad you like it. Sometimes the taste of food is like the human heart. It's hard to accept it at first, but after you taste it carefully, you will find the beauty in it.

You Ruo and Mingyue's expressions relaxed and they began to enjoy their food.

The waiter brought out another dish, including emerald white jade soup, unicorn delivery and so on.

Mingyue, what do you think of these dishes? Murong Fu suddenly asked.

Mingyue chewed the beef and smiled slightly: It tastes fresh and tender and very delicious. It is a good food that has not been seen for a long time.

Really, that's good. Murong Fu nodded, then turned to You Ruo.

Youruo, what do you think?

You Ruo took a sip of the emerald white jade soup and felt as if her whole body was warmed up.

I think this jade white jade soup is not only delicious, but also has a heart-warming feeling, which is very rare.

Hearing this, Murong Fu showed a satisfied smile.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

After hearing Murong Fu's words, both Mingyue and Youruo smiled. Although the two came from different backgrounds and camps, they had a subtle spiritual communication because of this extraordinary dinner.

At this time, the waiter brought the last dish, a silky chicken stewed with fine herbs.

This is the Silky Chicken, stewed with several precious medicinal materials. It has the effect of nourishing and strengthening the body, and is very suitable for warriors to eat. Murong Fu explained.

Both Mingyue and Youruo became very interested in this dish. They reached out and picked up the bowl and chopsticks almost at the same time.

This silky chicken soup has a very rich taste, and the flavors of the medicinal materials are blended just right. It is truly delicious. Youruo praised.

Mingyue nodded, That's true. I feel like my body has warmed up after eating this dish.

When Murong Fu saw this, he was greatly relieved.

And soon.

After finishing the meal, Youruo stood up awkwardly.

After all, she could see Mingyue's feelings for Murong Fu.

And to be honest, You Ruo always felt that her initial hatred towards Murong Fu was an unforgivable mistake.

This deep inferiority made You Ruo dare not have more contact with the two of them.

So soon, You Ruo said: Sir, I... will leave first.

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