Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1432 I am willing to listen to your plan

Duan Lang nodded, Yes, this is also our chance to prove ourselves to Murong Fu.

At this moment, Murong Fu walked up to them. He stared at the two of them, smiled and patted their shoulders, I believe you will succeed. The challenge on Iron Heart Island will not knock you down easily.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang smiled, sensing Murong Fu's trust in them.

Bu Jingyun raised his eyes and looked at Murong Fu, My lord, please rest assured. We will definitely complete the task you gave us.

Duanlang held the hilt of the sword tightly with a determined look on his face, We will never let you down..

Murong Fu nodded, his eyes firm, Okay. You must remember that this is an extremely important operation.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang both understood the importance of the task. They were Murong Fu's cronies and his solid backing.

Bu Jingyun cupped his hands and said, Lord, please rest assured. Duanlang and I will definitely fulfill our mission.

Duan Lang grasped the hilt of the sword tightly, his eyes firm, The enemy's obstruction cannot break our determination.

Murong Fu nodded with satisfaction, Okay.

He pointed to the door, Let's go, prepare your bags as soon as possible, and leave before dark.

After hearing this, the two people immediately agreed, turned and left the door of Murong Mansion to prepare.

They all knew in their hearts that this operation was not only to complete the task, but also to show the world their ability and determination.

When leaving Murong Mansion, Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang had confident smiles on their faces.

When they were carrying their luggage and embarking on the voyage to Tiexin Island, Bu Jingyun looked into the distance.

Duanlang clenched the hilt of his sword with a determined expression, We will definitely succeed. A few days later.

Near Tiexin Island.

The wind was howling on the sea, and huge waves were crashing against the rocks. Thick fog covered the island, making the view blurry. Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang arrived at Tiexin Island and scanned the surroundings, alertly preparing for any possible emergencies.

They were in a courtyard surrounded by high walls, and there was a huge palace in the courtyard. Several weird laughs came from the hall, making people shudder.

This is Tiexin Island. Bu Jingyun whispered to Duanlang.

Duanlang nodded, a look of determination on his face, We have to be careful and don't get discovered by them.

The two exchanged glances in a tacit understanding, hinting to the other to remain vigilant.

They know there is no room for retreat in this hostile and dangerous place, only to move forward firmly.

As he gradually walked into the palace, Bu Jingyun felt resentment and murderous intent filling the air.

They tried to control their breathing and try to keep a distance from this evil spirit.

In the center of the hall, three figures stood proudly.

Huai Kong, Huai Mie and Bai Ling respectively represent the three major disciples on Tiexin Island. They are all evil people who do everything possible and are full of hostility to outsiders.

Huai Kong was wearing a black robe and his face was as pale as a ghost. He sneered and said, The two boys sent by Murong Fu, are you sure you can challenge us?

Huai Mie was wearing a mask, and his true face could not be seen clearly.

He said contemptuously: Give up, you are no match for us at all.

Bai Ling frowned, Who are you? What are you doing here?

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang faced the hostility of the three people without wavering at all.

Bu Jingyun said indifferently: We are here to negotiate an alliance for Murong Fu.

Duan Lang tightened the hilt of the sword in his hand, his eyes firm, If you reject us, be prepared to suffer the consequences.

Huai Kong, Huai Mie and Bai Ling all felt the strong pressure emanating from the two of them.

Their expressions changed slightly, secretly alert.

Suddenly, a strange light flashed in Huai Kong's eyes, Huh, since you are so stubborn, let's just leave you here.

Let's see if Murong Fu will send anyone else to pick you up.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge stone tablet fell from the sky and landed in front of Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang.

The two jumped away quickly to avoid this fatal attack.

Be careful! Duan Lang shouted, gripping the hilt of his sword tightly and preparing to fight back.

Huai Kong, Huai Mie and Bai Ling also launched an offensive.

The entire hall was filled with the sound of sword fighting and shouts.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang cooperated tacitly to fight against the enemy. They were agile and thought calmly about every move.

Rather than being intimidated by their enemies, they transformed that hostility and danger into fighting spirit and courage.

After the fight went on for a while, the scene gradually calmed down.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang looked a little tired, but their eyes remained firm.

The three major disciples Huai Kong, Huai Mie and Bai Ling looked at the two men with complicated expressions.

They did not expect that these two young men were so powerful that they could start a fierce battle with them. And soon.

Huai Kong thought to himself: These two guys are so powerful. Have they already been in contact with Murong Fu?

Huai Mie and Bai Ling also had doubts, and they began to think about whether to seek the possibility of cooperating with Murong Fu.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang panted heavily, but they did not stop.

Bu Jingyun stared into the sky and said firmly: We are here to establish contact with you and show the importance of our common goal to Murong Fu.

Duan Lang put away the hilt of his sword and looked at Huai Mie calmly: We know that you are full of hostility towards us, but we hope to put the past aside and find the possibility of cooperation.

Huai Kong, Huai Mie and Bai Ling looked at each other in silence for a moment before speaking.

Bai Ling was the first to break the silence: You are saying that if we can cooperate with Murong Fu, our goal may be achieved faster?

Bu Jingyun nodded: Yes, we can provide you with more resources and support to help you achieve your common goals.

Huai Kong stared at Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang, knowing that if he could really cooperate with Murong Fu this time, it would be an excellent opportunity.

He looked at the other two disciples and found that they were also thinking about the same problem.

Finally, Huai Kong sighed: Okay, I'm willing to listen to your plan. At the same time.

When Murong Fu stepped into the door of Rong Fu's medicine shop, a strong aroma of medicine hit his face.

After looking around to make sure no one noticed his identity, he walked straight into the backyard.

There were various medicinal materials and medicine refining equipment in the backyard. Murong Fu was wandering, thinking about how to make the Discontinuous Bone Ointment that could help Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang recover from their injuries.

He carefully selected some precious heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and began to lay out the alchemy formation.

He handled each medicinal ingredient skillfully, crushing, mixing, and heating them, and finally formed a pile of fine powder.

Mingyue came after hearing the news and stood beside Murong Fu curiously observing his production process.

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