Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1433 Ghost Shara’s Conspiracy

She noticed that Murong Fu's every movement seemed very focused, as if the whole world disappeared in his eyes.

What are you making? Mingyue couldn't help but ask.

Murong Fu raised his head and looked at Mingyue with a smile: This is a kind of intermittent bone ointment that can help injured people recover quickly. Although the effect cannot be compared with my previous medicine, for Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang , should be enough.”

Mingyue's heart moved. She knew very well how serious the injuries suffered by Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang. This kind of bone-joining ointment was undoubtedly a shot in the arm for them.

You are such an amazing person. Not only can you make such a miraculous medicine, but you can also run this pharmacy independently. Mingyue praised.

Murong Fu smiled and shook his head: This is just one of my identities, not my most important identity.

A trace of doubt flashed in Mingyue's eyes: Do you have other identities?

Murong Fu smiled mysteriously: Maybe.

He did not reveal to Mingyue that he had a system to help him. He knew that the existence of the system would cause a lot of unnecessary trouble and resistance.

Mingyue watched Murong Fu working attentively, and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable good feeling. She couldn't help but ask: Why did you help Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang?

Murong Fu stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Mingyue: Because they are also people who pursue justice. Like me, they all hope to change the world.

Mingyue stared into Murong Fu's eyes, and she could feel the determined light in his eyes. At the same time, Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang were discussing cooperation matters with the three major disciples in a hidden secret room.

Huai Kong, Huai Mie and Bai Ling are all the top beings among the masters, and their joining will greatly enhance the power of Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang's Revenge.

Bu Jingyun's eyes flashed, he looked at the three people standing in front of him, and asked with a hint of solemnity: Are you willing to cooperate with us to deal with Xiongba together?

Huai Kong smiled and nodded: Of course we are willing. We have been suppressed by Xiongba for many years, and we have long been eager to find an opportunity to have a showdown with him.

Bu Jingyun nodded slightly and looked at the three of them with satisfaction: In this case, we will formulate a plan immediately. First, we need to collect intelligence about Xiongba.

Huai Kong took out a thick document from his arms and handed it to Bu Jingyun: This is the information I have collected about Xiong Ba over the years, including his power, subordinates, hiding places, etc.

Bu Jingyun took the document and studied it carefully.

He found that the intelligence was very detailed and contained a lot of inside information, which was very helpful for them in formulating their plans.

Duan Lang said in a deep voice: In addition to intelligence, we also need to establish a safe and reliable communication channel. Only by delivering information in a timely manner can we respond quickly.

Bai Ling smiled and took out a small jade pendant and handed it to Duan Lang: This is the communication token I secretly prepared. As long as you wear it, you can contact us anytime and anywhere.

Duan Lang took the jade pendant and looked at Bai Ling gratefully: Thank you.

Bu Jingyun frowned and thought for a moment before suggesting: We also need to establish a trusting relationship between each other. Only by trusting each other can we truly cooperate.

Huai Mie smiled and nodded: I agree. I am willing to hand over my life and death to you, as long as you are willing to believe in me.

Bu Jingyun smiled and stretched out his hand, holding the three of them tightly: From now on, we are allies, facing the threat of Xiongba together. On the other side.

Murong Fu concentrated on studying the formula for making Discontinuous Bone Ointment.

His eyes were full of confidence and determination. He held an ancient medical book in his hand and searched every step and material meticulously.

The secret room was silent except for the slight sound of Murong Fu flipping through books.

He bit his lower lip tightly, thinking about how these materials and herbs could be combined perfectly.

After several hours of hard work, Murong Fu finally successfully prepared a bottle of pale white paste.

This is the final product of the Intermittent Bone Balm that he had been thinking about for a long time.

He held the bottle, smiled, and exclaimed: It's finally done. This bone-breaking ointment represents an important weapon on the road to hope and revenge.

Immediately, Murong Fu carefully put the prepared bone-joining ointment into the package and began to pack his luggage.

He knew that there was one important thing to do before leaving - to go to Tianmen to meet Emperor Shaktian. After Murong Fu packed his luggage, he felt tired, but at the same time he was also extremely excited and looking forward to it.

He knew that he was getting closer and closer to his goal of leaving the world of wind and cloud.

At this moment, Mingyue gently opened the door and walked in.

She looked at the package in Murong Fu's hand and the smiling expression on his face, and couldn't help but walk forward and asked, Mr. Murong, are your luggage ready?

Murong Fu raised his head, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes when he saw the bright moon.

He didn't know why Mingyue came to him, but he was full of trust and dependence on her.

Yeah, I'm ready. Meanwhile. .

the other side.

In a dark secret room, Onishara sat in front of a long black table with various weapons and poisons placed around him, creating an eerie and terrifying atmosphere.

Several of his subordinates lined up on both sides, looking at him solemnly.

Guishara frowned, his eyes showing a bit of dissatisfaction and anxiety.

He reminded: I heard that Murong Fu is going to form an alliance with Emperor Shaktian. This will be a big trouble for us.

His subordinates echoed, knowing full well what this news meant to them.

Yes, Lord Guishara, if Murong Fu succeeds in forming an alliance with Emperor Shaktian, our plan will face huge challenges. One of his subordinates said worriedly.

We must stop this alliance! Another subordinate clenched his fist tightly, revealing firm determination in his voice.

Guishara nodded after a moment of silence.

Okay, we have to be careful. Murong Fu will definitely have a safe passage to where Emperor Shaktian is.

He interrupted his men, We need to set up an ambush on their way to that road to sneak up on them and prevent an alliance from happening.

There was a glimmer of expectation in everyone's hearts. They already had a certain understanding of Murong Fu before and knew that he had extraordinary skills.

If they could kill Murong Fu in one fell swoop, they would definitely become famous in the world.

Tianmen will also be hit hard.

Guishara tapped the table with his slender fingers and smiled mysteriously: We must calmly deal with this alliance between Murong Fu and Emperor Shakti.

I have heard about a new type of poison that can completely incapacitate people in a short period of time.

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