Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1434 The ambush has begun

As long as we make good use of this opportunity and launch an attack, we will surely achieve greater victory.

The subordinates nodded in agreement, understanding Kisara's plan.

Lord Kisara is right!

Not only do we need to ambush their route, we also need to use poison to stop them. One of his subordinates suggested.

Okay! Let's do it then. Guishara declared decisively, Take action immediately!

Seize the weaknesses of Murong Fu and Emperor Shitian and defeat them!

After hearing this, everyone turned around and left the secret room, and each began to prepare the items needed for action.

In the tense atmosphere, they quietly disappeared into the darkness.

At the same time, Murong Fu and Mingyue were preparing to leave elsewhere.

There was a hint of worry in Mingyue's eyes as she stared at Murong Fu. Mr. Murong, you must be careful. She reminded softly.

Murong Fu smiled and held Mingyue's hand, Don't worry, Mingyue. I will take good care of myself.

Mingyue felt his determination and readiness and smiled slightly. I wish you all the best and that you can successfully achieve an alliance with Emperor Shakti.

After the two looked at each other in silence, they turned and left the room.

at the same time.

the other side.

Youruo walked to Mingyue's residence with light steps. She clenched her fists tightly, with a trace of hesitation and confusion on her face.

She whispered: Sister Mingyue, I'm a little troubled.

Mingyue looked at Youruo tenderly and encouraged her to continue speaking. She asked softly: What's bothering you so much?

Youruo frowned, looking very embarrassed. I found that I had feelings for Murong Fu, but I felt that this was wrong.

After all, we are hostile forces, especially my father... Her voice was a little uneasy.

Mingyue patted Youruo's shoulder gently and said affectionately: Youruo, love has nothing to do with enemies or friends. You should listen to your true inner feelings.

“Sometimes, we can’t be bound by a fixed identity.”

You Ruo silently thought about Mingyue's words, and gradually let go of her inner conflicts and troubles.

Maybe you're right, she whispered back.

Mingyue continued: Murong Fu is making a kind of bone-breaking ointment, which may become the greatest protection against Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang.

That's what he's trying to do to form alliances.

Mingyue sighed softly and looked at Youruo.

Youruo was shocked after hearing this. She stared into Mingyue's eyes and thought about what she had just said.

She gradually understood Murong Fu's intentions and efforts, and gradually let go of her inner conflicts and troubles.

Sister Mingyue, thank you for telling me this.

Youruo said gratefully, I will definitely consider my feelings carefully in the future.

Mingyue smiled and nodded, encouraging: Youruo, you are a kind and brave girl.

No matter what choice you make, I support you.

After the two stared at each other for a while, Youruo turned and left Mingyue's residence.

In the corridor, she quietly recalled the time spent with Murong Fu.

She began to understand the reasons for her deep feelings for Murong Fu.

That's because he is not only powerful, but also a person worthy of reliance and trust.

Youruo took a deep breath and decided to face the true feelings in her heart. No matter her identity, she was willing to follow her heart and choose.

Meanwhile, in another room.

When Murong Fu heard someone knocking on the door, he raised his head, smiled and said, Please come in.

Qian Tong walked into the room and saluted Murong Fu respectfully. Owner.

He handed over a letter as he said, This is the latest information obtained.

Murong Fu took the letter, read it quickly and showed a thoughtful expression, It seems that Guishara has learned that we are going to form an alliance with Emperor Shaktian.

Qian Tong nodded: Yes, according to intelligence, Guishara has prepared to set up an ambush where you are going to Emperor Shitian.

Murong Fu thought for a moment and then smiled slightly, Okay! It seems that they have noticed the threat. But I have been prepared.

Qian Tong nodded to express understanding, then turned and left the room.

Murong Fu stood quietly in front of the window, looking at the stars in the night sky. Murong Fu packed his luggage in the room and put the items he needed to bring into the suitcase one by one. His face was serious, and his eyes revealed determination and firmness.

Butler Qian Tong walked into the room and saw Murong Fu's busy figure, so he immediately went over to help him pack his luggage. He asked softly: Sir, are you ready to go to Tianmen?

Murong Fu nodded and took a deep breath. This was an important step in his meeting with Emperor Shakten and one of the keys to his plan.

Yes, I am ready. Murong Fu replied and turned to Qian Tong, We must seize this opportunity to form an alliance with Emperor Shaktian.

Qian Tong smiled slightly, Young master's determination is commendable. We have received intelligence that Guishara has begun to set up an ambush.

Upon hearing the news, a serious look flashed across Murong Fu's face. It seems that Kisara is also aware of our plan.

Qian Tong nodded, Yes. But don't worry, sir, I have arranged elite personnel to protect you and us as we go to Tianmen.

After finishing packing his luggage, Murong Fu glanced at the room. This place where he once rested peacefully can no longer stay for too long.

He took a deep breath, turned and left the room. Qian Tong followed closely behind.

In the long corridor, Murong Fu remained silent. There was an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart, as if he felt the upcoming test.

Master, we have to be careful. Qian Tong reminded softly, The other party may have laid an ambush.

Murong Fu nodded, I understand. He stopped and looked at Qian Tong, But no matter what, we have to go to Tianmen.

Qian Tong looked at Murong Fu's eyes and couldn't help but feel admiration. Young Master is indeed a brave and determined man.

Murong Fu smiled and said, I just want to make some contribution to the world. He turned around and continued walking forward.

The two walked through the quiet courtyard and came to the gate. Outside is a silent and dark night with twinkling stars.

Murong Fu looked at the sky, feeling a surge of pride in his heart.

Now, it's time to go see Emperor Shitian. He whispered to himself.

Qian Tong also looked at the stars, and his trust and admiration for Murong Fu became even stronger in his heart.

He knew that this young master would lead them to a glorious rebirth.

As the door slowly opened, Murong Fu and Qian Tong stepped out of Murong Mansion.

Behind them, small petals fell gently, gradually covering the entire courtyard.

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