Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1443 You Ruo’s Sorrow

Mingyue, prepare the signal for the curious attack. Murong Fu ordered again.

Mingyue took out a small and exquisite bell: This is my signal device.

Murong Fu nodded with satisfaction and continued: We set off to the abandoned village separately.

Everyone silently accepted the order and left the room to prepare for action.

Under the cover of night, Bu Jingyun led an elite team to a forest near an abandoned village.

They dispersed to different locations in tacit understanding, waiting for Murong Fu's signal.

At the same time, Duan Lang and Nie Feng were also setting up formations on the other side.

They make eye contact from time to time and coordinate each other's actions tacitly.

While waiting, a weak but clear voice suddenly sounded: It's time to go.

This is the signal sent by the bright moon.

After hearing the signal, Bu Jingyun immediately led the elite team into action quickly.

They searched the abandoned villages closely and cooperated with each other to arrest the enemies one by one.

Whenever an enemy attempts to resist, they take action quickly and subdue the opponent as quickly as possible.

At the same time, in another corner, Duan Lang and Nie Feng also displayed their unique skills and tactics, successfully providing invisible and powerful support to Bu Jingyun.

After a moment of fierce fighting, all the thieves in the abandoned village were successfully arrested.

They looked at their subdued companions in dismay, feeling their failure completely.

Murong Fu led the bandit suppression team into the abandoned village and witnessed this scene.

Well done. Murong Fu nodded with satisfaction.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang also saluted Murong Fu, saying that they had completed their mission. After the bandit suppression operation, all the bandits in the abandoned village were successfully arrested by the teams led by Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang.

Murong Fu looked at this scene with satisfaction, nodded and praised: Well done.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang felt relieved, knowing that they had successfully completed their mission.

However, behind this victory, Mingyue and Murong Fu were shocked beyond words.

They did not expect that Xiongba could be so ignorant of the life and death of the people and the safety of innocent villagers.

Anger and disappointment were written on his face.

Mingyue couldn't help but said sadly: Although these bandits are evil, they also embarked on this path to survive. But Xiongba treated them as pawns and put them to death.

Murong Fu was silent for a moment and then sighed: Things are not as simple as we expected. We thought we only needed to wipe out the bandits to get rid of the harm to the people, but we didn't expect that Xiong Ba would be so ruthless.

They discussed Xiong Ba's behavior together, and they felt more and more responsible for themselves.

Mingyue clenched her fists, determined to fight against Xiongba.

Murong Fu looked at Mingyue and told her with firm eyes: We must uphold justice for the people.

However, they also know that their current strength cannot compete with the Xiongba.

They need more strength and support.

We need to unite other forces. Murong Fu said, Only through alliance can we fight against the hegemon.

Mingyue nodded in agreement.

Before leaving, they tied all the bandits together and planned to hand them over to the government for trial. Murong Fu and Mingyue took the prisoners back to Murong Mansion, preparing to hand them over to Qian Tong. The prisoners were tied together tightly, with frightened expressions on their faces, and they kept whispering to themselves.

They realize that they were once murderers of innocent people, and what's even more frightening is that everything they do is ordered by the hegemons.

After the interrogation began, Qian Tong coldly asked the bandits about their identities and the purpose of their actions.

The voices of people passing blame and crying and begging for mercy echoed in the interrogation room, but no one was willing to admit their loyalty to Xiong Ba.

Murong Fu watched this scene with deep eyes, but fell into deep thought in his heart. He recalled his anger and determination when he discussed Xiong Ba's behavior with Mingyue and Bu Jingyun.

Are you all under Xiong Ba's orders? Murong Fu suddenly asked.

The bandits looked at each other, and finally one of them bowed his head and admitted: Yes, we are all just tools to carry out Xiong Ba's orders.

This frank answer made Murong Fu fall into deep thought.

He began to question whether his assessment of Xiongba was correct. The tyrant can not only control the actions of bandits, but also make them obey until death.

How did you receive Xiong Ba's order? Murong Fu continued to ask.

The bandits explained: We were arrested during an operation and then rescued by Xiong Ba. He said that if we obeyed his orders sincerely, we would get everything we wanted.

Murong Fu was silent for a while, his heart full of entanglements and confusion.

He said to the bandits: You once embarked on this road to survive. I understand this. But you must also be responsible for what you have done.

The bandits lowered their heads and said nothing, with guilt and helplessness written on their faces.

Murong Fu turned his head to look at Mingyue and Qian Tong, and said solemnly: The reason why Xiongba controls the situation so unscrupulously has other reasons besides its strong strength. We cannot simply regard it as a pure opponent.

Both Mingyue and Qian Tong saw hesitation and thinking flashing in Murong Fu's eyes.

We need to have a deeper understanding of Xiong Ba's true motives and intentions, as well as the source of power in his hands. Murong Fu said firmly, Only by truly understanding him can we find ways to effectively fight against him.

Mingyue nodded in agreement, knowing that this was a big decision.

Qian Tong silently accepted Murong Fu's instructions and began to plan the next move.

Next, Murong Fu decided to launch an investigation about Xiong Ba.

He understands that only by understanding the other party can he fight better.

After leaving the interrogation room, Murong Fu walked in the garden of the mansion.

He faced the stone table placed in the center of the courtyard and stared ahead with a heavy heart. And at the same time.

When Youruo received the news, she was greatly shocked.

This news was about Xiong Ba's disregard for the lives of the people, which made her suspicious and distrustful of her father.

She couldn't accept that such a vicious man was her father.

Murong Fu saw the change in You Ruo's expression and felt heartbroken and helpless. He knew that this news was a huge blow to Youruo.

Murong Fu walked gently to Youruo and said softly: Youruo, I know this news is difficult for you to accept.

Youruo raised his head, tears shining in his eyes. Murong Fu, I have felt that I am incompatible with Xiong Ba since I was a child, but I am his daughter after all! How can I believe that he would be so ignorant of the lives of the people?

Murong Fu gently wiped away the tears on Youruo's face. Youruo, sometimes we can't choose the family we are born into. But we can choose who we want to be.

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