Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1444 The best opportunity

You Ruo gritted her teeth, I can't be controlled by him anymore! I decided to submit to you, Murong Fu. You are an upright and brave man, and I believe you can lead us out of this predicament.

Murong Fu held Youruo's hand tightly and said affectionately: Youruo, I promise you that until I am able, I will protect you and all the people who are suffering, no matter how much it costs.

Youruo felt Murong Fu's warmth, and she knew she had made the right choice. And at the same time.

The county magistrate Liu Feng has been immersed in anger towards Xiong Ba, and he can't wait to take immediate action to stop Xiong Ba from harming the people.

However, he was well aware of the huge gap between himself and Xiongba, and his heart was filled with fear.

Liu Feng is an upright and responsible official.

But in this turbulent world where power is paramount, he can only secretly bear the pressure and threats brought to him by Xiong Ba.

Liu Feng's heart burned every time he heard his subordinates brought back stories of Xiong Ba's evil deeds.

But he never had the courage to take action, because he knew clearly that his strength was meager and he was doomed to fail when facing such a powerful and brutal enemy as Xiongba. .

Thinking about how to solve this problem day and night became Liu Feng's only choice.

He studies various methods and strategies, looking for possibilities to weaken or defeat the Overlord.

However, amidst the intrigues, Liu Feng gradually found that his mental strength was haggard, and he even began to doubt whether there was hope to change this situation.

At this moment, Liu Feng received an anonymous letter.

He opened the envelope carefully and found a painting of beautiful landscapes and a note inside. The note read: Magistrate, please be brave.

Liu Feng was extremely shocked by this simple request.

The landscape in the painting was as beautiful as a fairyland, making him feel endless strength and hope.

A sudden determination rose in his heart, and Liu Feng decided not to remain silent any longer.

He decided to set an example and use his own strength to change the situation.

On the morning of the next day, Liu Feng announced loudly in front of the county government: Xiong Ba ignores the life and death of the people and acts recklessly! As a county magistrate, in my opinion, protecting the safety of the people is the most important thing.

Everyone looked up at Liu Feng, and they saw a county magistrate with firm will and firm eyes.

People who were once afraid of Xiongba found hope and support at this moment.

The news quickly spread throughout the county, and people praised Liu Feng's courage and justice.

Some people say that in this darkness, there is finally a ray of light.

Liu Feng didn't know that his decision caused even greater waves.

In the distant Ming family, Mingyue is sitting in the back garden of the Ming family, meditating.

Mingyue immediately left the Ming family and walked alone in the dark night.

She knows that this road will not be easy, but she is determined to become a city lord who truly protects the people.

At the same time, inside the headquarters of Tianxiahui, Xiongba sat nervously next to the huge book desk. He was furious after learning the news brought by Liu Feng.

Damn Liu Feng! How dare he openly oppose me! Xiong Ba stood up angrily.

A subordinate stepped forward and advised in a low voice: Captain, Liu Feng is not an easy person to deal with. We must act carefully and not act hastily.

Xiongba gritted his teeth and suppressed the anger in his heart.

He knew that now was not the time to take action, because there might be more powerful forces behind Liu Feng.

Okay, in that case, I'll wait and see what kind of follow-up actions he can take.

Xiong Ba sneered, However, let me solve this problem personally. After a long period of thinking and weighing the pros and cons, Magistrate Liufeng decided to send Murong Fu to the Tianxiahui to confront Xiong Ba.

He was well aware of the power gap between himself and Xiongba, so he decided to find a smart and resourceful person to help him solve this problem.

In the county government office, Liu Feng announced to everyone: I have decided to send Murong Fu to confront Xiong Ba. Murong Fu has extraordinary intelligence and strategy. I believe he can find a way to defeat Xiong Ba.

After hearing the county magistrate's words, everyone started talking. Some people expressed concerns about whether Murong Fu was qualified for this task. After all, Xiong Ba was the chief rudder of the Tianxiahui.

But Liu Feng said firmly: We cannot be afraid of the powerful. Only by facing them with stronger power can we hope to change the situation.

He was well aware of the huge gap between himself and Xiongba, so he decided to find someone who could play an important role in this duel.

So, on a cold morning, there was movement in the county government office.

Everyone gathered around to watch, and saw a tall young man with sharp eyes standing in front of everyone.

This is Murong Fu.

He was wearing a black robe, and his face was handsome and cold.

A pair of eyes showing sharpness and determination.

Everyone was watching him, expecting him to bring a glimmer of hope.

The county magistrate stepped forward and personally explained to Murong Fu the importance and danger of the task.

I believe you can do it.

The county magistrate encouraged. You are a smart and talented person who can find a way for us to defeat Xiongba. This is an opportunity to save the people and an opportunity to prove yourself.

Murong Fu smiled slightly. He clearly knew that this was an important task and an opportunity for him to prove his strength.

I won't let you down, magistrate. Murong Fu said firmly.

The county magistrate nodded, and then handed a secret letter to Murong Fu.

This secret letter contains information about Xiongba's recent movements and his distribution of power within the Tianxiahui. I hope you can use this information to find weaknesses and bring the results back as soon as possible, the county magistrate ordered.

Murong Fu took the secret letter and put it in his arms.

I will do my best. Murong Fu said solemnly.

So, under the farewell of everyone, Murong Fu embarked on the road to confront Xiong Ba.

Inside the headquarters of Tianxiahui, Xiongba received the news. He sneered, It seems that the county magistrate is not going to sit back and wait for death.

A servant stood nearby, frowning and said: Helmsman, what should we do now?

Xiongba thought for a moment and then said: Let them come over. I just want to see what Murong Fu is capable of.

The servant nodded in agreement and left immediately.

At the same time, Bu Jingyun, who was investigating Xiongba, was sitting in a dilapidated hut, covered in sweat, holding a book of information tightly in his hand.

This intelligence shows the terrible side of Xiong Ba, his ruthlessness and vicious methods.

Bu Jingyun was trembling all over, but he became more determined to take revenge.

This time Murong Fu went to confront Xiong Ba, which might be the best opportunity for revenge.

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