Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1474 They passed the test

The pride and confidence in their hearts vanished when they faced the big man. The strength of the big man is constantly frustrating and frustrating everyone.

Murong Fu stopped his offensive and looked at the big man while panting, his heart full of doubts and helplessness.

What kind of power does the guardian of this island hide? Is he a legendary top player?

The big man looked at everyone indifferently, with a hint of indifference in his eyes: You are still far away.

These concise and indifferent words were resounding and echoed in everyone's ears. A sense of unwillingness and desire arose in their hearts. .

They are determined to become stronger, surpass themselves, and defeat this guardian.

Everyone kept trying to fight the big man, but failed every time.

They stood up with difficulty, took a deep breath, and silently encouraged themselves in their hearts.

No matter whether he used various martial arts such as swordsmanship, boxing or stick skills, he could not shake the big man's defense.

Time passed quietly in the fierce battle, and everyone gradually felt the exhaustion and exhaustion of physical strength.

The bright moon's two swords danced lightly, peeling off the cold wind and biting chill.

She tried her best to attack the big man's weakness, but she still couldn't defeat him.

The big man dodged Mingyue's attacks and fought back at the right moment.

Nie Feng's body was agile and he nimbly avoided the sharp attack of the big man.

He endured pain and fatigue, constantly adjusting his moves and rhythm. However, even so, he could not tear through the iron-solid defense of the big man.

Bu Jingyun's whole body exuded a cold and murderous aura.

He used the unique martial arts taught by Xiong Ba to display unparalleled attack power.

However, even so, the big man can still deal with it calmly and never take it lightly.

Murong Fu's brows showed perseverance and determination, and he attacked the big man without any discouragement.

Although he was easily dodged by the opponent every time, he still believed that he could find a breakthrough.

There was a fierce confrontation between the crowd and the big man.

Both sides tried their best and kept trying different moves.

They convey respect and challenge to each other with their eyes and body language.

There was a tense and intense atmosphere on the venue.

Big beads of sweat broke out on everyone's foreheads, and they felt exhausted from their efforts.

But they were not discouraged, but instead strengthened their belief in victory.

Time gradually passed, and everyone experienced failure and rise again.

They endured fatigue and exhaustion and searched for breakthroughs in constant attempts.

The big man looked at everyone with a smile, his eyes filled with encouragement and guidance.

Although he easily defeated everyone in every competition, he did not show any contempt or arrogance.

Instead, he gave everyone a look of approval and continued to encourage them.

Murong Fu panted and stopped his offensive, stared at the big man, and secretly made up his mind.

He understood that he was far from reaching his limit.

After his failure, he became even more convinced that he could find a way to defeat the big man.

A wave of unwillingness and desire arose in everyone's hearts.

They know that only by experiencing failure can they pursue victory more firmly.

The strength of the big man made everyone feel frustrated and defeated, but it also aroused the fighting spirit deep in their hearts.

This competition is not over, and finding breakthroughs in failure is the direction they are heading.

Everyone was determined to stand up again and defeat the guardian with greater power. But soon.

Everyone exchanged surprised looks and looked at the guardian in disbelief.

They had tried their best, but they were easily defeated by the big man, and he didn't even feel the slightest fatigue.

How did you do it? Mingyue couldn't help but ask.

The big man smiled and explained: I have a special cultivation method that can quickly restore my physical strength and improve my endurance. Whenever I am defeated, I only need to take a short rest to return to my peak condition.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but stir up a stir in their hearts.

They began to re-examine this seemingly ordinary guardian with extraordinary strength.

Bu Jingyun frowned, thinking about how to break through the super strong physique displayed by the big man.

Nie Feng raised his head, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes: Since the big man's physical strength is so strong, we must be more careful and cautious. We cannot charge blindly, but must look for his weaknesses.

Mingyue nodded and agreed with Nie Feng's point of view: Yes, only by finding his weaknesses can we have a chance to defeat him.

Murong Fu listened quietly to the discussion, with a trace of thought in his eyes.

He was thinking about how to use his god-level selection system to improve his combat effectiveness.

Suddenly, Murong Fu's god-level selection system issued a prompt: Host, please choose one of the following ways to improve your combat effectiveness: 1. Improvement of swordsmanship talent; 2. Breakthrough in body skills; 3. Practice Qigong secrets.

Murong Fu thought silently for a moment and finally made his choice.

I choose to improve my swordsmanship talent. Murong Fu said softly.

Immediately, a powerful and mysterious force surged in his heart.

Invisibly, he felt the sword intent spreading through his body.

Murong Fu clenched the sword in his hand and his eyes became extremely determined.

He was determined to integrate this sword spirit into his sword technique as soon as possible in order to achieve a breakthrough in battle.

Everyone gradually came to their senses and couldn't help but feel encouraged when they saw the perseverance and determination in Murong Fu's eyes. Come on! Mingyue shouted, We are ready!

Murong Fu, Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng and others nodded in agreement.

The big man smiled and accepted the challenge: Very good! You have made significant progress! Then let me see how strong you can be!

When the battle began, everyone followed the big man and used the knowledge and skills they had learned to cooperate with each other and have a tacit understanding.

They are both offensive and defensive, and can advance and retreat freely.

Exciting battle scenes unfolded on the venue. Bu Jingyun's swordsmanship was extremely sharp, and Nie Feng's movement was extremely flexible.

Mingyue suppresses the opponent with its endless Qigong secrets.

Murong Fu felt the sword intent raging in his body during the battle.

He combined it with his sword skills to create a new and powerful way of fighting.

He waved the long sword in his hand, as powerful as the sword god coming to the world.

The big man did not flinch. Under the siege of everyone, he still maintained a firm and calm posture.

Although the pain filled his body, he still faced every attack unyieldingly.

As time passed, everyone competed with the big man, fighting wits and courage.

A strong rapport developed between them.

Mutual trust and cooperation make the whole battle more fierce.

Finally, when everyone finally defeated the big man and declared victory.

They knew they had passed this test.

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