Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1475 Visiting at this time

We did it! Bu Jingyun shouted excitedly.

Nie Feng smiled broadly: Indeed, each of us has made great progress.

Mingyue smiled at everyone: Guardian's guidance is of great significance to us. We will never let him down.

Murong Fu stood aside quietly, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

He knew that he had achieved a breakthrough by choosing to improve his swordsmanship talent.

I believe that in the next battle, we will be even better. Murong Fu said.

Everyone was excited when they heard Murong Fu's words.

They realized that under the guidance of the big man and the tacit cooperation with each other, they would be invincible in the world.

The next challenge is only a matter of time.

And soon.

Several people finally succeeded in defeating the Guardian.

The guardian smiled at the group and said, Congratulations on passing this test. Now, let's go to the Lingguo Garden to have a look.

Everyone showed excited expressions and followed the guardian towards the deep spiritual orchard.

The emerald green leaves in the Spiritual Fruit Garden are covered with spiritual fruits of various colors, exuding an alluring aroma.

The sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps between the leaves, forming colorful light and shadow.

Murong Fu and others couldn't help but be dazzled when they saw this scene.

They couldn't help but hesitate, and then rushed in eagerly.

Wow! There are so many! Mingyue exclaimed excitedly, jumping to pick the most colorful and attractive red spiritual fruit in front of her.

Bu Jingyun also happily picked a few green spiritual fruits with a faint golden light from the tree. These fruits are very suitable for cultivation. He thought.

Nie Feng climbed up a tree lightly and picked the spiritual fruits growing high up. He couldn't help but let out a continuous sound of admiration.

Murong Fu gently held a purple crystal clear spirit fruit and felt the rich spiritual energy contained in it. His heart was filled with joy and expectation.

The guardian stood aside and looked at everyone quietly, smiling.

These spiritual fruits are prepared for you, you can pick them at will. The guardian said to everyone gently.

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

They began to pick more spiritual fruits from the trees and shared the treasures they found with each other. Murong Fu gently held the purple crystal clear spiritual fruit, feeling the rich spiritual energy contained in it, and his heart was filled with joy and expectation.

He carefully observed every spiritual fruit in the garden, as if it was a gift from nature.

These spiritual fruits are really wonderful. Murong Fu couldn't help but sigh, The spiritual energy they emit can help cultivators absorb the essence of heaven and earth faster and improve their cultivation.

Everyone nodded and praised Murong Fu's remarks. M..

Bu Jingyun smiled and added: In addition to being beneficial to cultivation, these fruits can also be used to heal injuries and enhance physical fitness. They are very precious.

Nie Feng held a dark red spirit fruit in his hands, his eyes full of anticipation.

After he looked at the spiritual fruits growing high on the trees around him, he couldn't help but laugh.

The guardian looked at everyone with a smile and said gently: These spiritual fruits in the spiritual orchard are prepared for you. You can pick them at will. But remember, greed will be punished. Just take the right amount.

Murong Fu nodded: I understand. Nature has given us these gifts, and we must learn to cherish and be grateful. I will not be greedy and pick too many spiritual fruits.

Everyone agreed and took Murong Fu's words to heart.

The sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps between the leaves, forming colorful light and shadow.

Accompanied by joyful laughter and shouts of joy, they thoroughly enjoyed this beautiful and magical spiritual orchard.

The spiritual fruits they picked were carefully put into storage bags.

Although the tempting and delicious aroma hit their nostrils, no one dared to taste it greedily.

These spiritual fruits are really too precious. Mingyue said, We must make good use of them to improve our cultivation.

Murong Fu nodded in agreement: Yes, we should use these spiritual fruits when we need them most instead of relying too much on them. Only by grasping the rhythm can we make better progress.

Everyone unanimously expressed support and said they would follow Murong Fu's approach.

At this time, Qian Tong and Qin Shuang also came over.

Qian Tong smiled and said: Congratulations to you all for obtaining so many spiritual fruits.

Qin Shuang also added: Everyone should seize the opportunity to practice hard and strive to become a peak person as soon as possible.

After hearing what Qian Tong and Qin Shuang said, everyone nodded to express their understanding. And at this moment.

The guardian looked at Murong Fu, his eyes showing admiration for his honesty and truth.

He felt that Murong Fu was a wise and humble person who was worthy of trust and reliance.

Murong Fu, I admire you very much.

The guardian slowly spoke, Not only do you have extraordinary talent and strength, but more importantly, you have a sincere and humble heart. Such qualities are very precious on the path of cultivation.

Murong Fu was slightly startled, not expecting that the guardian would comment on him like this.

He lowered his head humbly: Guardian, thank you very much. I just tried my best and thank you for thinking so highly of me.

The guardian smiled: You don't have to be so polite. In this world, there are very few people like you who can remain humble and true after reaching the peak. I hope to see you again in the future and exchange ideas about cultivation. .”

Murong Fu felt the guardian's sincere respect for him, and an inexplicable motivation surged in his heart.

The guardian nodded with satisfaction. Murong Fu and the guardian clasped hands and blessed each other goodbye.

The instant communication between the two seemed to convey each other's feelings through touch.

Murong Fu felt the guardian's expectations and encouragement for him, which strengthened his determination to move forward.

It will be an honor to see you again. Murong Fu bowed slightly and thanked him.

The guardian smiled and nodded: Have a safe journey, remember to take care.

Accompanied by friendly blessings, Murong Fu and his party reboarded the boat and prepared to return to Murong Mansion.

Qian Tong quickly arranged everything and waited for them on the boat. And a few days later.

In the backyard of Murong Mansion, the sun shines through the gaps in the leaves, reflecting on Murong Fu's face.

He nibbled on a fairy fruit and tasted the sweetness and freshness emanating from his mouth.

This fairy fruit really deserves its reputation. Murong Fu sighed, It contains rich spiritual energy and makes people feel full of vitality.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door. Murong Fu put down the fairy fruit in his hand and looked up at the door.

Who is visiting at this time? He frowned.

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