Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1483 Xiongba is furious

Xiongba was furious: I don't believe it! As he said that, he rushed towards Murong Fu again.

The two clashed again, with Murong Fu gaining the upper hand, and Xiong Ba was tired of dealing with every attack. Finally, Murong Fu found the right opportunity and hit Xiong Ba's chest with a palm.

Xiong Ba was shaking and coughing up blood. He knew that he had been defeated.

Murong Fu looked at Xiong Ba who fell on the ground and said calmly: Xiong Ba, you are too naive to think that you can defeat me with these bastards.

Xiongba's eyes widened and he said angrily: Murong Fu, don't be proud!

Murong Fu looked at him coldly: Xiong Ba, I can spare your life tonight, but you must swear that you will never be an enemy of Murong Mansion again.

Xiongba gritted his teeth and looked at Murong Fu, but he knew that tonight's defeat was determined and he could not reverse it. He gasped for breath and finally lowered his head: I, Xiongba, swear that I will never be an enemy of the Murong Mansion from now on.

Murong Fu was about to turn around when suddenly, the system's voice sounded in his mind: Host, there is a special choice in the current situation.

Murong Fu was stunned and felt a little uneasy: What choice?

The system responded: After the host kills the tyrant, he can get a way to return to the original world.

Murong Fu's body shook violently. He saw the original world, the place he dreamed about and often missed. It never occurred to him that he would ever be able to return.

He looked at the half-dead Xiong Ba, feeling extremely conflicted. On the one hand, he knew that the grudge with Xiong Ba had been settled, and there was no need to fight again. But on the other hand, returning to his old world was too tempting for him.

Xiongba felt Murong Fu's gaze, and he said weakly: Murong Fu, you have already won, why do you still want to kill me?

Murong Fu took a deep breath and said, Xiong Ba, this is fate.

Without any hesitation, Murong Fu rushed towards Xiong Ba and slashed him with a palm, beating him into a bloody mist.

There was dead silence in the square.

Mingyue, Duanlang, Huaikong, Huaimie and Bailing looked at everything in front of them and were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Qian Tong said nervously: Master, this...why is this?

Murong Fu slowly put away his hand and said calmly: There are some things you don't understand.

Bai Ling stepped forward and looked at Murong Fu worriedly: Master, you...

Murong Fu interrupted her: No need to say more, I have my plan.

Mingyue walked to Murong Fu's side, her clear eyes revealed a firm light: Master, no matter what decision you make, I will fully support you.

Murong Fu looked at her gently, with a smile on his lips: Mingyue, you silly girl, you always trust me so much.

Mingyue blushed and responded softly: That's because Master, you have never let me down.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and for a while, the tension in the square seemed to ease a little. At this moment, an urgent voice broke the tranquility.

Master! Bu Jingyun ran in panting, obviously coming to report something important.

Murong Fu frowned: Bu Jingyun, what's wrong? You're so panicked.

Bu Jingyun said anxiously: Master, it's bad, Miss Youruo suddenly disappeared.

Murong Fu's face instantly became solemn: What? How could it be?

Bai Ling said hurriedly: Just now, I found this in the house. She handed over a piece of rag, which had Youruo's handwriting on it. The simple words made people feel heartbroken: I chose it myself. Lu, you don’t have to worry about me.”

Murong Fu was silent for a moment and sighed deeply: Although Xiong Ba does evil, he is her father after all.

Mingyue said softly: Master, what do you think You Ruo will choose?

Murong Fu looked to the horizon and said softly: Youruo is a smart child, and I believe she will make the right choice. But at this moment, what we have to do is to find her and ensure her safety.

Qian Tong nodded: Don't worry, Master, I will send people to search everywhere.

Both Huai Kong and Huai Mie also expressed their intention to join the search, and Bai Ling's frown also revealed her worries: I know Miss Youruo's character, she will not give up easily, but her current mood... .

Duanlang calmly interjected: Now is not the time to discuss this. We must find her as soon as possible.

Murong Fu nodded. He knew that everyone was worried at this moment. He took a deep breath and said, Let's split up and find Youruo before dawn.

Everyone nodded in agreement and took action. Murong Mansion instantly became busy, with people searching everywhere for Youruo's figure.

As the night grew darker, Murong Fu stood at the highest point of the house, looking at the dark night sky. He knew that Youruo must be somewhere, looking at the starry sky, hoping that he could find the answer.

Suddenly, a meteor streaked across the sky, seemingly guiding someone in the direction. Murong Fu took a deep breath and prayed silently in his heart: You Ruo, you must be safe.

Murong Fu walked slowly back to the mansion. The night breeze blew gently, making the entire mansion look particularly peaceful. Every step seemed to be intertwined with memories of the past. The familiar eaves and the pond reflecting the moon gave him mixed feelings.

He came to his bedroom and pushed open the carved wooden door. The moonlight shone on the soft bed with a gentle luster. Murong Fu walked slowly to the desk, lit the candle, took out the rag and looked at it again. Although the writing on it was simple, it deeply touched his heart.

The system's voice sounded again: Host, to return to the original world, you need to go to the ancient formation at the foot of Luming Mountain. There is an ancient teleportation formation there.

Murong Fu listened silently, his heart constantly churning. In the original world, that familiar yet distant place, is everything still as he remembers?

He decided that since he had such an opportunity, he would take a look, return to that world, and end the unfinished relationship.

Master. Qian Tong's voice came from outside the door, with a hint of anxiety.

Murong Fu stood up and opened the door: Qian Tong, what's the matter?

Qian Tong cupped his fists and said, Master, I heard that Rongfu Pharmacy has some small problems that you need to deal with personally.

Murong Fu sighed: I originally set up this medicine shop to help the people, but I didn't expect that it would cause trouble now.

You are doing it for a greater good, for the people. Qian Tong said respectfully.

Murong Fu smiled: Okay, I'll go take a look tomorrow.

Qian Tong nodded in agreement and said: Master, regarding Miss Youruo, I have sent people to search everywhere.

Murong Fu nodded: Excuse me, Qian Tong. I believe You Ruo will be fine.

Don't worry, Master. Qian Tong bowed again and then exited.

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