Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1484 I don’t want to lose you

Murong Fu closed the door, and You Ruo's appearance appeared in his mind. He knew that You Ruo's disappearance was related to Xiong Ba's death, and he also understood her mood. He hoped that she could figure it out and return to the house as soon as possible.

In a blink of an eye, the night is already deep. Murong Fu was lying on the bed, and the starlight shone on him through the window lattice. The original world, Youruo, Xiongba... these complicated things made him unable to calm down.

The sky had just dawned, and the twilight penetrated the window lattice and shone on Murong Fu's face. He slowly opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and felt the beginning of a new day.

He stood up, gently moved the curtains, and looked outside at the Murong Mansion, the country he once conquered. There are mixed feelings in my heart, and every moment with my family and friends is still vivid in my mind.

As soon as he thought about it, a porcelain bottle appeared next to him. He opened the bottle cap and a smell of medicinal fragrance hit his nostrils. This is the Intermittent Bone Ointment, his exclusive formula. Countless people in the world are vying to buy it, but it has never left the Murong Mansion.

With a thought in his heart, he waved his hand gently, and his magic power surged. In an instant, piles of porcelain bottles appeared in front of him, each one filled with the broken bone paste.

At this moment, the voices of Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng came from outside the door: Master, you asked us to come, what's the matter?

Murong Fu said calmly: Come in.

The door slowly opened, and Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng walked in. They couldn't help but look surprised when they saw the room filled with porcelain bottles.

Master, this is... Bu Jingyun asked doubtfully.

Murong Fu looked at him calmly: This is the broken bone paste I made by myself. I hope you can continue to sell it and help those in need.

Nie Feng was surprised: Master, why are you so generous? Could it be...

Murong Fu interrupted him: I have something to do and need to leave here for a while.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng couldn't help but look surprised. They both knew how deep Murong Fu's feelings were for Murong Mansion. At this time, he suddenly said that he wanted to leave, which naturally surprised them.

Bu Jingyun said worriedly: Master, where are you going? What's important?

Murong Fu smiled slightly and said calmly: There are some things that you don't need to know. I will ensure the stability of Murong Mansion, and you only need to follow my arrangements.

Nie Feng was confused, but knowing that there was no point in asking at this time, he said: Master, we will all follow your instructions, but you have to take care.

Murong Fu nodded: Don't worry, I have my plan.

The two of them were confused, but they both knew that Murong Fu never made decisions easily. Now that he had decided, they could only follow his orders.

Murong Fu sighed softly and looked at the two of them: You can step back first, keep these ointments, sell them at the original price, and guard Murong Mansion for me.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng both nodded and said respectfully: I obey, Master.

The two of them retreated, and Murong Fu fell into deep thought again. He knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but he was determined to give it a try.

He sat down quietly, preparing to start meditating and practicing for the next journey.

The temperature of the sunlight outside the window gradually rises, reflecting the golden color on the ground. When Murong Fu was about to close his eyes and meditate, suddenly there was a gentle knock on the door. He opened his eyes slightly and opened his thin lips slightly: Please come in.

The door opened slowly, and a slender figure walked in. bright moon. She was wearing a light blue dress with a fluttering skirt, like the moon in the clouds, elegant and refined.

Master... Mingyue's eyes were full of confusion and worry. She said softly: Is it true? You want to leave Murong Mansion?

Murong Fu didn't answer, just looked at her indifferently. That glance seemed to contain a thousand words.

Mingyue walked to Murong Fu and said softly: Master, I don't know why you made such a decision, but please tell me, where are you going?

Murong Fu took a deep breath and sighed: Mingyue, there are some things I should have done long ago. I want to go back to a place to find myself.

Mingyue's eyes turned red: So, can I come with you? I don't want to lose you.

Murong Fu was slightly startled. He did not expect Mingyue to make such a decision. His eyes when he looked at Mingyue were full of determination and persistence. He knew that this was not out of love or dependence, but a sincere emotion and a determination to go with him.

He was silent for a moment, then finally nodded and said, Then come with me.

The two of them left Murong Mansion and rode to the foot of Luming Mountain. There is an ancient formation hidden here, which is said to lead to another world.

The mountain wind blew by, picking up the fallen leaves, and the bright moon followed Murong Fu closely. The two of them climbed to the top of the mountain, and in front of them was the ancient stone formation that had been eroded by time.

Murong Fu thought silently in his mind, and the god-level selection system emerged, providing him with several ways to open the formation. He chose one and began to cast the spell according to the prompts.

On the stone platform in the center of the formation, a blue light gradually lit up, so intense that it was almost blinding. Mingyue held Murong Fu's hand tightly, and their figures became increasingly blurred in the blue light.

At this moment, Murong Fu seemed to feel something. He turned around and saw You Ruo standing there at the foot of the mountain in the distance, her white skirt fluttering. She waved to him gently as if to say goodbye.

Murong Fu was shocked, but the next moment, blue light completely enveloped him and the moon. The two figures gradually disappeared into the formation.

The mountain breeze continues to blow, and the fallen leaves are floating. The ancient stone formation was silent again, as if nothing had happened.

Youruo slowly walked into Murong Mansion. The house inside the mansion was still so peaceful and solemn, but at this time, her mood was extremely heavy. She glanced around. This was the place where she and Murong Fu had been together. Every inch of land and every tree recorded their past.

Entering the hall, Duan Lang, Qian Tong and several other experts were already gathered together, seemingly discussing something. Seeing Youruo, Duanlang hurriedly stepped forward: Miss Youruo, you are finally back. The head of the family...

Youruo interrupted him and sighed: I saw it, he left with Mingyue.

Everyone showed a trace of regret and reluctance. Qian Tong stepped forward and said, Miss You, during this period, Murong Mansion will need you to be in charge.

You Ruo nodded and said softly: I understand, but I ask Qian Tong to take care of the affairs of Murong Mansion.

Duan Lang looked at Youruo and felt deeply for her difficulty, and said slowly: After the master left, we all knew that life in the Murong Mansion would not be easy, but we will definitely stick to it and wait for his return.

Youruo smiled softly: Thank you, but the affairs of Murong Mansion will have nothing to do with me from now on.

Qian Tong and Duan Lang both looked surprised. They didn't expect You Ruo to make such a decision. Duanlang hurriedly said: Miss You, you mean...

You Ruo said slowly: I will stay in Murong Mansion for a while to help you arrange everything. But after that, I will leave to pursue my own path.

Duanlang had mixed feelings in his heart, and he knew the determination in Youruo's heart. He stepped forward and nodded gently towards Youruo: No matter what you decide, we will respect it. I just hope that one day in the future, we can meet again.

Youruo nodded slightly, with a flash of tears in his eyes: Thank you, Duanlang.

It was getting late, and the lights in Murong's mansion were on, but that night, many people felt an indescribable heaviness in their hearts...

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