Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1492 Returning home for a few days

Are you okay? Master Concubine Xuan's beautiful eyes moved as she kept looking at Murong Fu, fearing that he was pretending to be strong.

Haha, when I first left this world, my internal strength was already able to protect my body independently, and now I am already at the pinnacle of this world.

Do you think your sword's heart is clear enough to hurt me? Murong Fu joked.

Huh, you are so powerful, we are not as good as you! Huan Huan snorted and rolled her eyes fiercely at Murong Fu: Say no, what is your purpose of kidnapping me two?

Purpose? Murong Fu glanced at the pool behind him and chuckled: Of course he wants to bathe with the beauty.

Huanwen blushed and said shyly: We don't want to take a bath with you.

Don't even think about dealing with us like you dealt with Master.

Huh? Murong Fu smiled hoarsely: What? Our eldest lady Huanhua can't come?

As he spoke, he leaned back suddenly and took the two women into the pool.

Crash made a big splash, and the next moment, Hanwan and Shi Feixuan hurriedly came out of the water.

The enchanting and sexy witch.

The saint's innocence is lovely.

In addition, the veil that was wetted by the water revealed a hazy beauty.

It’s really infuriating to watch.

Haha, you two beauties, since you welcome me like this, I won't be polite. Murong Fu laughed a few times, like a tiger descending from the mountain and pounced on the beauties.

Huanwan and Shi Feixuan looked at each other.

The two girls didn't want to take advantage of Murong Fu for nothing, so they gave a sweet shout and each used their special moves.

The Great Magic of Heavenly Demon.

Cihang Sword Code.

The two true energies of good and evil formed a huge whirlpool and rushed towards Murong Fu.

Well done. Murong Fu thought in his mind, planning to have some fun with the two ladies. He pinched the magic formula with his hands, and a huge dharma figure that looked very similar to Murong Fu slowly appeared behind him.

Smile calmly.

Stretch out your palm and press it on the vortex of true energy.

In an instant, the change stopped the vortex.

No matter how Huanwan and Shi Feixuan stimulated the true energy in the body, they could not make it go any further.

Haha, how can you two martial arts girls beat me, a cultivator of immortality? Murong Fu jokingly restrained the two girls in front of him.

Let me go, you bad guy. Huanwan said urgently.

That's right, I'm not convinced. If you are capable, let's test our realm together. Shi Feixuan protested.

With a thought in his mind, Murong Fu formed a spiritual whip and whipped it towards the two proud buttocks.

There were two pop sounds, which made the two women feel extremely painful.

Murong Fu, please put me down quickly. Huanhua said angrily.

Humph, I can't bend with power, I can't change poverty, don't even think about breaking my Taoist heart. Shi Fei Xuan was relatively tough.

Exactly the same, I don’t accept your behavior.

Haha, these two beauties are quite good-tempered, so I'm not welcome.

Murong Fu had a thought in his mind and hit him several times.

The two straight girls kept humming.

Huanwan was helpless, but she didn't want to be stubborn because of Murong Fu, so she changed her tough attitude and said softly:

Fu Lang, I was wrong.

They just want to joke with you, so why should you take it seriously?

Hurry up and put me down. If you like to hit her, just hit her.

You... Shi Feixuan was furious and scolded: Huanwen, you are a witch, you can't change the evil behind your back.

Exactly. Hanwen said nonchalantly: So what? You and I are Fu Lang's people. Is it possible that we really want to sleep with him forever?

Even if I'm in the same room, I don't want to be with you. Shi Feixuan said angrily.

You think I want to be with you. I'm as cold as ice all day long. I really don't know how Fu Lang fell in love with you.

If you were another man, I wouldn't even think about talking to you. Shi Fei Xuan has never been able to surpass her in language since she met Huan Huan.

This time it was even more difficult to win the opponent.

Haha, if that's the case, come down. Murong Fu liked to watch them bickering.

He snapped his fingers and immediately put Huanwan down.

Okay, Fu Lang. As soon as Huan Huan landed on the ground, she immediately threw herself into Murong Fu's arms.

Haha, be good. Murong Fu tasted the beauty's fragrant lips without any courtesy.

Fu Lang! Huan Huan looked at Murong Fu with hazy eyes, and unconsciously used the [Heavenly Demon Technique].

Haha, okay! Murong Fu naturally understood what Huanwan wanted: You little goblin, I really can't relax for you for a moment,

Huanwan smiled and said mischievously: No way, no way, I'm not Fu Lang, you taught me well.

Unceremoniously displayed the method of dual cultivation.

A moment later, in the pool, people were blushing and thinking.

You... Shi Feixuan listened to Huan Huan's demonic voice and felt her blood rushing and burning, and her whole body turned red like a cooked crayfish.

After a while, I always became a little confused.

Upon seeing this, Murong Fu waved her hand to his side and kissed her unceremoniously.

This time, Shi Feixuan surprisingly did not resist, but took the initiative to interact with Murong Fu.

The three of them danced in the pool.

The water in the pool rotated, creating a scene of one black and one white, surrounding Murong Fu, gradually forming a huge Bagua figure.

Hey, your girl is screaming louder than your master.

I say Fan Qinghui, aren't you Cihang Jingzhai not close to men?

Why are women of every generation so different? Zhu Yuyan approached Fan Qinghui and asked provocatively.

Go away. Fan Qinghui said rudely: It's not your demon sect's turn to take care of what we Cihang Jingzhai is doing.

Zhu Yuyan raised her lips slightly and said with a smile: Don't you want to go and see what our disciple is doing at this time?

I don't want to. Fan Qinghui naturally understood that Zhu Yuyan wanted to use this to humiliate herself.

But now that she and Shi Fei Xuan were both Murong Fu's people, there was no point in engaging in a verbal dispute.

Simply, ignore the other party.

Huh, boring. Zhu Yuyan smiled and said to Shan Meixian beside her: Let's go, she doesn't want to see her apprentice, I want to see her.

Anyway, our Demon Sect doesn't care about this thing.

Shan Meixian nodded: A daughter listens to her mother.

Zhu Yuyan didn't want to let Fan Qinghui go, so she continued: Hehe, maybe the two of us will go there later and we can bully the little saint together.

Her master doesn't care about her future anyway.

You... despicable! Fan Qinghui was slightly angry. She didn't care about personal honor or disgrace, but she did care about Shi Feixuan's future.

After hearing Zhu Yuyan's words, I wanted to give her a slap.

Let's go! Zhu Yuyan saw that Fan Qinghui had taken the bait, so she stopped talking nonsense, pulled Shan Meixian and turned around to leave.

Behind him, Fan Qinghui's figure changed and he followed.

The three of them stood outside the pool, not far away, watching quietly as Murong Fu took Huan Huan and his master Fei Xuan to practice the concave and convex magic skills.

From time to time, something strange arose in my heart.

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