Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1493 Both sons and daughters

In the blink of an eye, Murong Fu had returned home for several days.

Naturally, all the beauties in the family were taken care of, especially the good sister-in-law, who took care of her for three days and three nights.

Master, what are we going to do now? Bao Tongtong was curious. Murong Fu came back for a few days, in addition to drinking wine and beauties.

Nothing has been done.

Haha, I will have my own arrangements when Min'er and the others come back.

Understood. Bao BuTong apologized with a smile.

He guessed that Murong Fu would probably accompany Zhao Min and Murong Taiyi.

Murong Fu smiled.

At this time, the power gang of Song Dynasty was inside.

Li Chenzhou and others already knew the news of Murong Fu's return, and were shocked.

His face was filled with hope.

Gang leader, will the return of King Yan Murong Fu from heaven be an opportunity for our lives?

Tao Baichuang asked curiously.

I think Murong Fu is very ambitious and will not stand up for our affairs. Liu Suifeng said calmly.

Now it is no longer a matter of one city or one country, but a matter of life and death for the people of the world.

With Murong Fu's past behavior, it is impossible for him not to take action. Li Chenzhou said.

I think even if he takes action, he won't do it for our divided Song Dynasty. Zhao Shirong said worriedly.

He won't, but we can find someone to talk to him. Li Chenzhou said solemnly.

You want to... Liu Suifeng had already guessed what Li Chenzhou was thinking.

That's right, now Your Majesty, whether His Majesty is here or not, it actually doesn't matter.

If he can persuade Murong Fu to take action, even if our power is damaged in the future, it will be better than being annexed by others at any time now. Li Chenzhou said.

Who will be sent when? Tao Baichuang asked.

Just let Shi Rong go.

She had contact with Murong Fu before, so it would be most appropriate to send her there. Li Chenzhou was silent for a moment.

I don't want to go. Zhao Shirong immediately objected: I want to accompany you in the Power Gang to resist the Qing Dynasty together.

No! Li Chenzhou said resolutely: Not only are you going, but you are also bringing our brothers' families with you.

Buy a piece of land there and let them live a good life.

This... Everyone else immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and advised: Gang leader, it's not so serious now.

Li Chenzhou said: It's already very serious. I've heard that they have begun to contact the Qing Dynasty over there. It is possible to defect to the Qing Dynasty anytime and anywhere.

What! Everyone suddenly became furious: They don't care about orthodoxy, but they dare to disobey their ancestors and join the enemy.

Li Chenzhou sighed: There is nothing we can do about this. The Yuan Kingdom is so powerful, so we are not forced to have no way out.

Liu Suifeng sighed and agreed: In this matter, we can only do what the gang leader said.

Zhao Shirong sighed, understanding that this was a critical moment, and said in a deep voice: Okay, I understand. I will take them away in three days.

Well! Li Chenzhou didn't say anything. He had already decided to live or die with the Song Dynasty.

Qing Dynasty.

In the imperial study room of Shengjing, Kangxi took a blood drop to report the news, pondered for a few breaths, and murmured:

Unexpectedly, he actually came back.

Wei Tuo said: Master, when he comes back this time, I'm afraid he's coming with bad intentions.

Yeah. The corner of Kangxi's mouth raised, with a hint of expectation in his eyes: I'm really curious, he knows exactly where he went.

Your Majesty, Murong Fuben is a serious problem for us.

Should we eliminate him before he becomes a fledgling?

Kangxi smiled helplessly: It's not easy to eliminate him.

I can't leave the demonic energy at all. I'm afraid it wouldn't be right to go out.

Wei Tuo said: Your Majesty, I am willing to go.

No, how is the contact with Mi Cangqiong? Kangxi asked.

Mi Cangqiong and the others have agreed to abandon the Song Dynasty and join us. Wei Tuo said proudly: In this way, the strength of our Qing Dynasty will inevitably increase dramatically.

Very good. Kangxi breathed a sigh of relief: With the addition of Mi Cangqiong and Fang Shizhou, we are enough to deal with the Jianghu forces in the Song Kingdom.

It is my decree to allow them to enter the Demon Cave to practice.

Your Majesty, you are really merciful. Wei Tuo couldn't help but be shocked. He was seriously injured and almost died, but he survived by relying on the evil energy in the devil's cave.

Not only that, after entering, his own strength has skyrocketed.

He is now confident that he is within the scope of the demonic aura.

Fight with Zhang Sanfeng.

You can even defeat the opponent.

Go. Kangxi waved his hand and asked Wei Tuo to leave.

He turned around and looked at the plaque hanging on the study room, and murmured: I will borrow another 500 years from heaven. It seems that I have done it.

My son calls me daddy! In Prince Yan's palace, Zhao Min had returned with Murong Fu's subordinates. They were all happy and excited to see Murong Fu.

Haha, come on, let daddy carry you. Murong Fu picked up Murong Taiyi, who was more than three years old. He then looked at the little girl in Gongsun Lan's arms and said with a smile, Haha, it seems that I, Murong Fu, have both children.

Zhao Min said: Isn't there something wrong with you calling us back in a hurry, leaving Brother Ding alone there?

Haha, there's nothing wrong with it. Isn't there still a war on the city? Murong Fu smiled.

What I'm saying is wrong is that he is like a madman who enjoys killing people all day long.

What kind of freezing experiment of yours have you been carrying out recently?

It made people in Japan panic.

Zhao Min asked angrily.

That's right. Murong Fu said, I just need him to do these experiments now, otherwise, the Japanese dog will not be honest.

well known.

Japanese people are dogs. If you are polite to them, they will not be polite to you.

On the contrary, the more you beat him, the more honest he becomes, and he even respects you as your biological father.

Qing Qing worried: Would it be a little cruel? After all, Sister Min has already comforted her.

In a few years, all the Chinese people there will be my descendants.

Murong Fu smiled, cruel, definitely cruel.

When he saw this scene, even a grown man like him was frightened.


If he didn't take revenge, he really couldn't do it.

If this kind of hatred in his bones were to come out, he was afraid that he would go crazy.

Okay, you just came out of the teleportation array, you're very tired.

Go and rest first.

Let's have a family dinner tonight so you sisters can have a good time together.

Zhao Min rolled his eyes at Murong Fu, knowing his little Jiujiu well in his heart, and whispered: Don't think I don't know, you have made fun of all the sisters in the house.

They are all nourishing their bodies.

Murong Fu was stunned and said angrily:

Who dares to spread bad words about me? If I catch him, I won't punish him.

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