Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 169 Tang Clan Poison Palm

Tang Lan and Yan Nanfei's expressions changed, and the former said coldly: You have to know how much harm you will bring to the southern martial arts community by doing this.

If you want to fight me, fight me. Why should I, the Murong clan of Gusu, be afraid? Murong Fu glanced at the two of them calmly and turned to leave.

Yan Nanfei held the Rose Sword in his hand and looked at Tang Lan: Do you want to do it?

Your sword? Tang Lan did not rush to take action. Instead, he looked at Yan Nanfei's scabbard and saw that the flower soul of the blood rose above it was slowly resurrecting, and asked, Are you sure?

If I can't kill him with one sword, I will die under the peacock feathers. Yan Nanfei said solemnly.

Tang Lan's heart was as cold as stone. She knew that if Murong Fu did not die, he would become Gong Ziyu's enemy in the future: I will cooperate with you to avoid Peacock Ling, and you kill Murong Fu!

Okay! Yan Nanfei said without any unnecessary nonsense.

Then, the two men suddenly rushed towards Murong Fu.

Haha, we are really here. Murong Fu sneered, retreated instead of moving forward, looked back and slapped Tang Lan with his palm.


Tang Lan's eyes were startled, and a huge force came from her arm. Before she could react, her whole body was already flying backwards.

I saw you played well for me last night, don't worry!

Yan Nanfei saw Tang Lan being blown away by a palm, and he didn't dare to move any more. He looked at Murong Fu in shock: Your injury?

Oh? Murong Fu said calmly, My injury is fine.

You... Yan Nanfei looked at Tang Lan and Murong Fu. Without any hesitation, he decisively picked up the latter and ran away.

Murong Fu, who was at the master level, was not someone he could offend, and he was afraid that Gong Ziyu would have to do it himself.

Murong Fu narrowed his eyes slightly and watched Yan Nanfei go away without pursuing him.

He knew that these two people were direct descendants of Gong Ziyu, and it was not easy to kill them now.

However, the Rose Sword is somewhat interesting and can be used in the future.

After weighing the peacock feathers a few times, he left with satisfaction.

At this time, Yan Nanfei, who had been running for a while, couldn't help but feel strange when he saw that Murong Fu didn't catch up.

Stop. Tang Lan also discovered something strange and got off Yan Nanfei's body.

Yan Nanfei looked at Tang Lan and couldn't help but ask, You really played for him all night last night...


Tang Lan endured the severe pain in his arm and slapped Yan Nanfei hard: Dirty!

Hmph, what's wrong with me? Yan Nanfei was very unconvinced and thought to himself, even if Gong Ziyu came, he would think the same way.

Tang Lan glared at Yan Nanfei fiercely, and was furious. However, she didn't know how to explain it, so she said coldly: My husband is worried about my affairs, so please stay out of it.

Yan Nanfei immediately calmed down a lot, lowered his head and said, I'm sorry, it was my fault.

Humph, let me go. Tang Lan glanced at Yan Nanfei seriously, turned and left.

Yan Nanfei breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Tang Lan didn't blame him for his cowardice: Is your hand okay?

The bones are just broken. It will be fine in half a year. Tang Lan said nonchalantly.

Yan Nanfei said fearfully: It seems that Murong Fu's injuries are almost healed. I'm afraid only Gong Ziyu can defeat him. Should we ask the Six Dragon Heads to stop attacking Gusu City?

No! Tang Lan shook his head: Send the order and let the other dragon heads take action together.

Yan Nanfei looked at Tang Lan in disbelief, thinking that this woman was probably crazy: Murong Fu is already at the master level. Unless we use some secret power, we cannot be his opponent.

Haha, maybe it wasn't the case before, but it's different now. Tang Lan said proudly.

What do you mean? Yan Nanfei asked confused.

Tang Lan smiled faintly: Have you forgotten my origin?

Your origin? Yan Nanfei pondered for a moment and couldn't help but feel happy: Tang Clan in Sichuan?

That's right, what I used before was my Tang Sect's Five Poison God Sand Palm. As long as he touches it, he will be infected with five poisons. Even if he has strong internal energy and will not die, it will affect 70% of his combat power. Tang Lan said confidently. ..

Yan Nanfei said angrily: Isn't it possible that I missed the best opportunity to kill him?

That's none of that. Sand poison needs a certain amount of time to ferment. Tang Lan said.

Yan Nanfei's eyes flashed and he asked, How long will it take?

Three days, only three days, the sand poison will inevitably break out. By then, as long as we gather together and attack him, we will definitely die! Tang Lan said.

Yan Nanfei was overjoyed: I will go and pass the order now and ask the other dragon heads to come together.

Well, go ahead! Tang Lan nodded and said.

Half a day later, all the major dragon heads of the Qinglong Society received orders from Gong Ziyu.

They gathered in Gusu City to kill Murong Fu.

Master, you are back.

A'Zhu and A Bi seemed to have been waiting aside for a long time.

Why are you two here guarding the door? Murong Fu asked curiously.

A'Zhu replied: When I got up in the morning, Brother Bao San came to see you and said that Dihuo had already taken care of it and wanted you to go and have a look.

Oh? I didn't expect them to move very fast, not bad. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Master, you smell so good. Abi said curiously, sniffing the scent of Murong Fu.

Murong Fu laughed haha and said: Just average, just average.

A'Zhu rolled his eyes and asked with a smile: It seems we are going to have another little sister.

Don't talk nonsense. What kind of little sister is this? In your hearts, is this young master like that? Murong Fu said speechlessly.

Then where did you go all night? Abi asked curiously.

I'm going to listen to music. Murong Fu said.

Ah, Master, what are you hearing? Why do your hands sound so dark? Abi shouted, pointing at Murong Fu's hand.

Listen to the flute. Murong Fu said smoothly. When he lowered his head, he saw that his right hand was indeed terribly black.

A'Zhu said anxiously: Master, are you poisoned? Do you want to ask Miss Su Ying to come over and treat you?

Haha, it doesn't matter, this little poison is useless to me. Murong Fu calmly circulated his Qi, and a purple fire suddenly appeared in the poisoned hand.

In the blink of an eye, the arsenopyrite on it was burned away and returned to its original color.

Okay, it's amazing! Abi said in surprise.

Murong Fu said calmly: It's a small matter. With me, your young master has been immune to all poisons for a long time. This poison can only be a little stronger.

Oh, by the way, Master, you've been listening to Xiao all night, and I'm going to learn how to play it to you later. Abi asked curiously.

We are not going to learn the bad Xiao that we played last night. I will teach you how to play a more powerful Xiao. Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, then showed a faint evil smile and walked into the Palace Master with A'Zhu and A Bi in his arms.

At this time, the entire southern martial arts world was undercurrent.

The two forces, which were feared in the world, fought desperately.

On a certain road in Gusu City, the five dragon heads of the Qinglong Society pointed at a cold woman in front of them and asked unwillingly:

I, Qinglonghui and Tianzun, do not offend the river, so why do you want to kill me?

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