In the secret place of Murong's old house.

Murong Fu looked at Lai Wenjun and was very surprised by the fire-igniting equipment he had made.

The other party first dug out a long tunnel in a pit, poured black iron on both sides, and connected it to the magma to guide it into the pit.

Then the ground kang was covered with several layers of black iron full of holes, and a thick layer of gold was poured on top, making it look like a huge steamer.

Are you going to roast me and eat me?

Haha, this method of pulling earth fire is something I have learned from ancient books for a long time. It is one of the most stable methods.

Then why didn't I see any flames? Murong Fu asked curiously.

Lai Wenjun smiled and threw a piece of wood onto the iron plate.

Suddenly, the wood glowed red, then burned, and after a few breaths it was burned to ashes.

How about it? Mr. Murong is pretty good, isn't he? Lai Wenjun said proudly.

Murong Fu nodded: Brother Lai is superb in his skills, and we admire him greatly.

But Mr. Murong, are you sure you want to practice here? Lai Wenjun asked Murong Fu in confusion.

The wood can't even last a few breaths on it, how can a mortal body bear it?

Murong Fu said cautiously: It's not a big problem, it's just a matter of time.

Really? Lai Wenjun still didn't believe it.

Bao on the side was different and suggested: Master, I have already invited Miss Su Ying here. Let her watch from the side so that you can be more confident.

Murong Fu nodded and was about to praise him for his difference.

Hey, Murong Fu, what are you doing with your mysteriousness? Su Ying's ethereal and sweet voice reached several people's ears.

Murong Fu looked back at Su Ying and explained.

Su Yingmei was so stunned that she said in disbelief: Are you crazy, or do you think you are a god?

There is no way. If we don't find another way, it will be difficult to survive under the hands of King Jin Lun. Murong Fu said calmly.

Then Jinlun Dharma King is as powerful as you said? Su Ying said.

Murong Fu nodded: Not only was this old guy not beaten to death, but his state of mind was improved and he became a great master.

Okay, if you want to try it, I won't stop you, but I can't guarantee that I can save you if you are burned by the fire. Su Ying said truthfully.

Murong Fu thought for a moment and said, Don't worry, I am very confident in myself.

Seeing this, everyone stopped talking nonsense and stepped back to make way for Murong Fu.

Murong Fu took a deep breath, swallowed all his clothes, and jumped up naked.


There was a streak of white smoke mixed with a burning smell.

spread to everyone's eyes and noses.

Murong Fu was so frightened that he quickly used his small phaseless power to resist, and a barrier of true energy was instantly formed around him.

To outsiders, it looked like his whole body was burning with fire.

It's on fire! It's really on fire! Lai Wenjun and others couldn't believe their eyes.

Someone can literally be on fire all over, and nothing has happened yet.

What a miracle! As expected of our young master, he really did it! Bao BuTong was so excited that his whole body trembled. ?

Su Ying murmured: Oh my god, can you really practice like this?

Murong Fu seriously refreshed his knowledge again and again.

Murong Fu raised his hand and looked at the flames coming out of his body, and slowly sat cross-legged on it.

After another white smoke rose, Murong Fu began to train his whole body according to the method of practicing the Heavenly Juedi Destroying Great Ziyang attack.

He tried to maintain his true energy at a level that could burn his body without hurting him.

The raging fire followed the true energy and entered the texture, burning every bone in his body and penetrating into the marrow.

The indescribable pain made him feel worse than death.

Murong Fu gritted his teeth and forced himself to stay calm.

Otherwise, just a little bit of distraction on the iron plate.

If there is any deviation in the movement of the true energy, the body will inevitably be burned by the fire and turned into coke.

The blood in the body, with the continuous addition of fire, makes all the functions of the body rotate rapidly.

Time passed by breath by breath, and in the blink of an eye, it was already several hours. Murong Fu only felt that his mouth was dry, his head was dizzy, and the various qi in his body became so intense that his body was about to burst.

He gritted his teeth, knowing that this was the most critical step.

As long as fire is introduced into the bone marrow, as long as this step is done well, an indescribable fire energy can be integrated into his body.

The body must rise to another level.

The blood in Murong Fu's body also became darker red and more compact under the burning of the fire.

And just when Murong Fu was about to reach collapse.

Several kinds of true qi also rushed out of the Dantian, such as the Nine-Yang Divine Skill, Shen Zhao Jing, Dou Zhuan Xing Shi, and various miscellaneous skills, and began to wander freely in the meridians of the body.

This made Murong Fu, who was already overwhelmed, even worse.

It's over. If you continue like this, you will definitely explode and die today.

Murong Fu was frightened but did not dare to act rashly. At this moment, no one could help him except relying on his powerful centuries-old skills.

Whether it's life or death, I'm afraid I can only leave it to fate!

At this time, Bao BuTong, Lai Wenjun and others did not notice that Murong Fu was in a crisis, and they were still chatting.

Madam, why are you here?

When Bao Bubu saw Wang Yuyan coming over with A'Zhu and A Bi, he quickly stood up and saluted.

Wang Yuyan, who had always been calm, smiled slightly at a few people and said, I came to see how my cousin is doing.

Seeing this, Lai Wenjun and Su Ying also stood up and greeted Wang Yuyan. The former said with a smile: The fire is stable, there is no problem, don't worry.

Wang Yuyan nodded and walked to Murong Fu, looking at her beloved husband with worry in her heart.

Young Master's body is really on fire, it's so amazing. Abi said in surprise.

A'Zhu asked: Won't this burn the young master to death?

Probably... it won't burn. Bao BuTong replied anxiously after seeing that Murong Fu was fine even after being burned for a long time.

Wang Yuyan said nothing and still stared at Murong Fu closely.

Suddenly, she noticed that Murong Fu's Dabao, Zhou Rong, and Tian Xi kept beating.

He quickly looked at the Xuanji, Zigong, and Tanzhong acupoints and found that the three acupoints were black in color and faintly sunken.

She, A'Zhu, and A Bi all practiced the Xiao Wu Xiang Gong, and they knew that these major acupoints were not like this at all when they were practicing.

Immediately realizing that something was wrong, Murong Fu might have gone crazy and asked:

Is there any way to get my cousin out?

Bao BuTong and others did not realize anything was wrong, so they advised: Madam, the young master has reached a critical moment in his cultivation. It might not be good for him if he stops suddenly.

My cousin has gone crazy. If he continues to practice forcefully, he will definitely die! Wang Yuyan said.

Ah? No way! Bao BuTong and others were shocked, and immediately shouted to Lai Wenjun: Hurry up, stop the ground fire and get the young master out.

Lai Wenjun had already thought of such an accident and was about to take action.

Su Ying quickly came out to stop her and said, Don't move!

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