Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 171 General Outline of the Ziwei Scripture

Everyone looked at Su Ying in surprise and asked, Why not?

Murong Fu relied on himself outside to maintain balance with the surrounding fire.

Once you move around, the balance will be broken. By then, I'm afraid, the true energy will explode and there will be no hope of salvation. Su Ying explained.

Everyone showed a trace of embarrassment, and Lai Wenjun also echoed:

The little girl is right. But now, we can only wait until Murong Fu consumes all his energy.

Bao BuTong asked in confusion: Then my young master is going to be burned to death?

Burning him to death won't just result in burns at most. If I save him when the time comes, he will become uglier at most, Su Ying said.

The others were immediately speechless and looked at Wang Yuyan beside them.

Madam, what do you think we should do? Bao BuTong asked.

Wang Yuyan's face turned pale, and she stared at Murong Fu intently, thinking of solutions rapidly in her mind.

Suddenly, a mysterious scripture appeared in my mind.

It was the ancient secret book she had just cracked, the general outline of the Ziwei Scripture.

Cousin, if you can hear me, give me a reaction.

Murong Fu had already noticed Wang Yuyan's words.

It was just that he needed to suppress all the qi, so naturally he didn't talk to him.

He forcibly condensed his consciousness and entered Wang Yuyan's mind.

Cousin, if you have anything to say, you can tell me directly.

If Wang Yuyan was in Murong Fu's spiritual world, she would naturally understand what he meant and said:

How are you now?

Murong Fu said solemnly: I can hold on for a while longer, but when my true energy is exhausted, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on anymore.

Wang Yuyan said anxiously: I have translated the general outline of the Ziwei Sutra. Maybe it can help you.

The Ziwei Sutra? It's so good. Murong Fu was overjoyed and quickly asked Wang Yuyan to read the general outline to him.

Wang Yuyan did not dare to delay, and quickly said, Beidou Yansheng, Huizhen Siming.

“When the sunlight shines down, the cave glows naturally.

The Book of the Seventh Yuan Dynasty serves the body and spirit. The spirit truly records the name and the Xuanwei form.

The soul lasts forever, and the ears and eyes are not alarmed. The guards support the life, and the Taizhen is popular.

Stay true to nature and rise to the top of the world.


When Murong Fu listened to the general outline of the scripture, he immediately felt that it was obscure, profound and profound.

However, the only clear thing is that this is a Taoist exercise.

There is a certain connection with his Xiaowuxiang Kung, which prevents him from being empty-headed and understanding nothing.

Moreover, this technique implies that Tiangang Beidou is consistent with his own method of Dou Zhuan Xing Shift.

Let Murong Fu quickly find a clue from inside.

I saw that he quickly circulated his true energy in his dantian and turned it into a whirlpool.

Guide several strands of true energy from the vortex and let them completely merge into one.

Hundreds of acupuncture points all over the body are strung together.

It was like strips of mercury flowing everywhere, like water and fire, dragon and tiger meeting, making him extremely comfortable.

Several internal skills, under the special nature of Xiao Wuxiang Gong, are integrated and drawn, and the training turns into a torrent of true energy.

Murong Fu's whole body's true energy suddenly released, and a purple golden light rose up all over his body.

The surrounding pressure suddenly increased, causing the iron plate below to make violent crunching and crunching sounds.

Immediately, everyone heard Murong Fu roaring like a dragon, which frightened them.

Lai Wenjun suddenly said loudly: The voice of the true dragon, the voice of the true dragon, Murong Fu has the luck of the true dragon!

What is the True Dragon's Voice? What is the True Dragon's Luck? Bao BuTong asked under tremendous pressure.

Unparalleled luck, turning bad things into good luck is the real dragon's luck. If there is an opportunity, there is no way he can establish a country and become the emperor! Lai Wenjun said loudly.

Bao BuTong was overjoyed: Are you telling the truth?

Nonsense, when did I, Lai Wenjun, ever talk nonsense? Lai Wenjun said disdainfully.

Doesn't that mean Murong Fu? There will be a chance to ascend the throne and become emperor in the future! Su Ying glanced at Lai Wenjun and asked.

Lai Wenjun shook his head and said: Whether you can be an emperor depends on the heritage of your ancestors. It may be difficult for the Murong family without the support of dragon veins.

Dragon veins are controlled by the royal families of various countries. Our Murong clan also found a small one in the early years, but unfortunately, it failed. Bao BuTong sighed.

However, while several people were discussing, the aura exuded by Murong Fu became more and more powerful.

I saw a huge purple flame erupting, followed by Murong Fu's cold shout, and then extinguished instantly.

Then a figure fell in front of everyone.

Cousin, are you okay? Wang Yuyan wanted to reach out and touch Murong Fu, but was stopped by him.

Cousin, be careful of burning you. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Murong Fu, you can't wear even one piece of clothing. Su Ying said with disgust. ..

Abi quickly held up a piece of clothing and draped it over Murong Fu.

Who would have thought that the clothes would be ignited as soon as they touched Murong Fu.

Don't touch him, this guy has a layer of invisible energy. Lai Wenjun faintly felt something different about Murong Fu and quickly reminded him.

Murong Fu nodded: Yes, the energy of earth fire has been introduced into my bone marrow. In the future, our true energy will also be accompanied by the energy of earth fire.

Is this okay? A'Zhu asked in surprise.

Su Ying explained: Different techniques produce different qi. I know that Yao Yue's technique can absorb moonlight and make her qi become extremely cold.

Then my young master's skill is flame? A'Zhu asked.

Murong Fu shook his head and said: I am just contaminated by the attributes of earth fire, and my own skills are still Taoist Qi.

Cousin, I noticed that there was a change in your aura just now. Wang Yuyan's eyes remained on Murong Fu, not letting go of him at all.

Murong Fu pondered for a moment. He couldn't explain what his technique was now.

When I practiced the Ziwei Sutra before, all the techniques were miraculously integrated.

But now that I came out, the mysterious feeling before disappeared.

The true energy of each skill was dispersed and returned to the Dantian. He smiled and said: I may have found a way to merge them.

Really? Wang Yuyan said happily: Then I have to congratulate my cousin in advance.

Murong Fu said: Well, within a month, I think I can initially exercise the entire body's bones with earth fire.

Although his strength is not enough to be promoted to Grand Master, it will not be a problem to save his life under Jinlun Dharma King.

Haha, the emperor said that as long as you don't die, he will make you King Yan, and then we will have our own territory. Bao BuTong never dreamed of this.

Murong Fu had just been promoted to the military governor of Pingjiang Prefecture. Before he took office, there was good news that he could directly claim the throne.

There is a huge difference between the two.

Lai Wenjun shook his head, poured a basin of cold water on it and said, With that old bastard Qin Hui here, it will probably be difficult for your young master to become king!

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