Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 172 Looking for unpopular skills

It's Qin Hui, that old bastard again. He always targets my young master. Sooner or later, I will skin him and remove his bones. Bao BuTong cursed.

Murong Fu smiled lightly, he didn't care whether he could be crowned king or not.

Now he is more concerned about the General Purpose of the Ziwei Scripture, which can actually temporarily fuse his three magical powers together.

At the previous moment, he noticed that the true energy seemed to have undergone some kind of qualitative change.

And that kind of qualitative transformation power is several times that of true energy.

Come here, let me check your pulse. Su Ying rolled her eyes at Murong Fu and asked him to sit on the stone chair to diagnose his pulse.

Murong Fu agreed, found a piece of clothing and put it on, sat on the stone chair that Bao Bubutong had brought from somewhere, and handed his hand to Su Ying.

The cold little hands were very comfortable on Murong Fu's wrist.

Hold your breath and concentrate, don't think wildly. Su Ying said.

Murong Fu was embarrassed and speechless. This sentence obviously had a narrow meaning. When did he have such random thoughts?

Just when she was about to retort, Su Ying suddenly frowned, and the atmosphere around her suddenly dropped. Several other people were too frightened to speak.

The scene became extremely quiet for a while.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of the Chinese medicine doctor smiling, you are afraid of the Chinese medicine doctor having a low brow.

Seeing this scene, Murong Fu quickly looked inside and looked at all his internal organs, but he didn't find any problems. He asked in a low voice: Miss Su, am I okay?

Is everything okay? Su Ying's tone rose an octave: Do you have the desire to kill someone now?

The desire to kill? Murong Fu thought for a while and shook his head: No, why do you kill someone so well?

Do you have the urge to fight? Su Ying asked again.

Murong Fu thought for a moment and said, A little bit.

That's right, you should have been poisoned by fire. Su Ying said as she put away her slender jade fingers from Murong Fu's wrist.

Murong Fu frowned. He had fused five parts of Dragon Yuan and was invulnerable to all poisons. It was impossible for him to be poisoned.

But seeing Su Ying speaking so confidently, he felt that there could be no mistake and asked, What kind of poison is this fire poison?

Fire poison and water poison are both chronic poisons. They are difficult to detect on ordinary days and do no harm. Once they accumulate to a certain maturity, they will suddenly explode in a breath. Su Ying explained.

Bao BuTong retorted: Doctor Su, could you have made a wrong diagnosis? What if it was just a misunderstanding?

Hmph, I'm not wrong. A normal person would have been burned to death by such a strong fire. It's a blessing that your young master is like this. Su Ying rolled her eyes. She was not polite at all.

Bao BuTong smiled awkwardly. Although he could usually speak well, he was still a little behind when it came to Su Ying.

Murong Fu asked: What will happen if you are poisoned by fire?

Well, it doesn't seem to be a big deal for the time being, but if you continue to practice on Earth Fire, you will definitely become obsessed with it in the future, and your temperament will change drastically by then! Su Ying said.

Bao BuTong asked curiously: What will the change look like?

Huh? For example, he has a bad temper, kills people like crazy, and becomes a big devil! Su Ying said.

Bao BuTong looked at Murong Fu and said, Master, how about we practice in a different way?

No, I think Doctor Su should have a way to save me. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Su Ying rolled her eyes at Murong Fu and spat: You are really despicable. When you need me, you call me a miracle doctor. When you don't need it, you call me a girl. Girl.

Haha, when you are not sick, calling you girl makes you look younger. When you are sick, calling you doctor makes you look serious. Murong Fu said with a smile.

You are so glib in front of your wife, Murong Fu, I really underestimate you. Su Ying shook her head speechlessly.

Wang Yuyan smiled and said: Miss Su, please don't give me any advice. I don't know, how is my cousin doing?

Well, there are two ways to treat fire poison. The other one requires a technique that can clear the internal fire. Su Ying said.

What about the other one? Everyone asked curiously.

Su Ying said calmly: Of course I need to find a woman with enough yin energy to practice dual cultivation.

This... Bao BuTong showed a smile: Hey, the young master is very lucky.

Su Ying shook her head: This method is not as good as you think. It only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Moreover, it will become more and more serious as it is repeated.

So, we can only choose one technique? Right? Wang Yuyan asked.

Su Ying nodded: Yes, and ordinary kung fu is not very effective. It must be the kind of mind cultivation method that eliminates distracting thoughts in the mind and makes people open-minded.

This kind of unpopular technique is rare in the world. I'm afraid it will be difficult to find it for a while. Bao BuTong shook his head.

Wang Yuyan pondered for a moment and said, I remembered that there used to be a Taoist method for cultivating the mind in the Langhuan Jade Cave in my home.

Madam, the fighting is fierce outside now, it is better to wait until I am completely released from seclusion and then go back with you. Murong Fu said bluntly.

Wang Yuyan looked at Su Ying and asked, Isn't my cousin okay?

At the moment, it's just a little bit of fire poison, no big deal. However, once this thing takes root in your body, it will be difficult to remove. You have to be careful about this. Su Ying said truthfully.

Well, don't worry. Murong Fu nodded, not caring about the fire poison at all.

Whether he is murderous or violent.

It is nothing more than a manifestation of strength.

When a person is invincible, who can say cruelty.

All will sing praises for the rules he has established.

Cousin, you are tired today, let's go back and rest. Wang Yuyan suggested.

Murong Fu said: Indeed, it must have consumed a lot of energy and is no longer suitable for cultivation.

Everyone nodded and walked out.

Murong Fu suddenly slapped his head and said to Su Ying: Later, come to my room. I have a Book of Alchemy Making for you to read.

Casting Alchemy Sutra? Su Ying suddenly became interested when she heard these three words.

I got it from the auction last time. It talked about some ancient methods of alchemy. However, many medicinal materials are no longer famous today. Murong Fu said.

Haha, just leave this to me. Su Ying patted herself and said confidently.

Murong Fu smiled and led everyone away. After returning to the room, he did not wait to rest.

Jiang Zian came to report: Master, according to the latest information, several major dragon heads of the Qinglong Society will gather in Gusu City in the near future.

Huh? Are you all here? Murong Fu was stunned. He didn't do it just for Lai Wenjun.

Yes, the leader of the Azure Dragon Society gave an order earlier, saying that...

What do you want? Murong Fu asked curiously.

Jiang Zian said: The chief dragon of the Qinglong Society said that the master is suffering from severe poison and will be poisoned to death soon.

So, order all the dragon heads to gather in Gusu City and destroy the Gusu clan!

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