Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 176 Siege of Murong Mansion

Deep in the secret place.

Murong Fu still sat on the iron plate to meditate.

The whole body was burning with blazing fire.

Looking at the eight Murong sisters, they were shocked.

Second sister, you never thought that there is such a magical practice method in the world?

This is also the first time I've seen him. I'm afraid the legendary immortal is nothing more than this.

I heard that my eldest cousin has been practicing for a long time, but I don't know if it's true or not.

Su Ying stood aside and smiled: Haha, it's been seven days to be precise.

Murong Shuang asked: Will this practice method cause any harm to the body?

Yes, of course it will, and the more time passes, the greater the damage will be. Su Ying truthfully told the women the disadvantages of Murong Fu's practice method.

After hearing this, Murong Shuang's face couldn't help but become weird, and he looked at Su Ying with some confusion.

It always felt like there was something behind her words, as if she was hinting at something.

Murong Qiniang heard that Murong Fu was in danger and said anxiously:

My eldest cousin avenged my husband for me, and because we offended Yuan Guo, I haven't repaid him yet, so nothing can happen to him.

Su Ying smiled hehe and said: I still have something to do and need to leave. Is Murong Fu going to leave it to you?

Doctor Su, go slow. Murong Shuang and others saluted and watched Su Ying leave.

Murong Shanshan said doubtfully: Second sister, there seems to be something in what Doctor Su said.

I also feel that what Divine Doctor Su said is strange. I don't quite understand what it means to balance yin and yang and bring fire back to its source.

Murong Jiu was relatively young and didn't quite understand the meaning of a few words.

The other sisters were extremely embarrassed upon hearing this.

Murong Shanshan even said: When you grow up, you will know.

But I am already twenty-three this year. Murong Jiu retorted in a low voice.

Murong Shuang smiled and said, When you get married, you will naturally understand.

Huh? What does this have to do with getting married? Murong Jiuda had the attitude of asking the question.

Murong Shuang glanced at Murong Jiu, but still didn't tell him.

Instead, he began to think about the meaning of Su Ying's words.

However, she was thinking of six days.

Murong Fu was still an ordinary person, practicing normally.

My eldest cousin said that today is a critical moment. No one should disturb him before he leaves the customs. Murong Shuang reminded.

The sisters were divided into four groups of two, each taking care of Murong Fu.

Today it happened to be Xiao Qi and Lao Ba's turn.

Well, second sister, don't worry, we won't let anyone disturb the eldest cousin.

Murong Qiniang, dressed in purple, looked particularly beautiful today.

Her cool and beautiful temperament gave her an indescribable unique charm.

If she were born in modern times and paired with a pair of long black stockings, she would definitely be called a royal sister.

Murong Shuang said hmm and left with Xiaojiu without thinking much.

Murong Qiniang watched Murong Shuang leave and slowly approached Murong Fu who was practicing.

Smelling the special scent that belonged only to men, she couldn't help but feel a hint of admiration.

My eldest cousin, you are truly a true man in the world.

Haha, Seventh Sister, are you in front of your eldest cousin, aren't you afraid that he will hear you? Murong Xiaoba joked.

Murong Qiniang smiled without fear: Hey, so what if he hears it? He can still eat me?

Murong Fu felt helpless after listening to Murong Qiniang's words. He didn't expect the little girl to be so wild.

However, at this time, he was not paying attention to the other party, but was running his Qi at full strength.

Let them wash away the bones in the body over and over again.

He could clearly see inside that the color of his bones was undergoing an extreme change.

It is becoming as white as jade step by step.

The intensity far exceeds twelve times that of ordinary people.

And now, he is condensing all the energy and blood into the skull.

Once the skull is refined.

His physique will be greatly improved and his combat power will be tripled.

And as Murong Fu practiced desperately, the night was slowly falling.

A group of people dressed in blue slowly walked towards Murong's old house.

That idiot Murong Fu never imagined that we would suddenly attack them early on the seventh day and catch them off guard. Di Qinglin said with a proud smile.

Tang Lan nodded, she was very satisfied with Yan Nanfei's decision.

He secretly thought that Gong Ziyu's substitute was not all brainless trash.

A group of thousands of people quietly landed in Murong's old residence.

It was like a ray of breeze blowing by, but it didn't attract anyone's attention.

This makes them even more proud.

Tang Lan asked in a low voice: Do you know where Murong Fu's residence is?

Di Qinglin said: Follow me, let's kill him.

Yan Nanfei glanced at him and ordered to his subordinates behind him: Do it!

As you command, Big Dragon Head!

Countless members of the Qinglong Society shouted in unison and started to kill everyone in Murong's old residence.

In an instant, the sound of killing was loud in Murong's old house.

Everyone in the Qinglong Society rushed towards the room in front of them like monsters that choose people to be addicted to.

As a result, to their surprise, there were only some normal decorations in the room.

It was completely empty, without anything.

What's going on? Yan Nanfei was stunned for a moment.

Haha, you are really stupid. You think you can come to Gusu City to attack the Murong clan secretly?

Bao BuTong, Deng Baichuan and Gong Yeqian walked out of a room at the same time.

Impossible, we all came in batches, there's no way you could notice. Di Qinglin didn't believe it.

Deng Baichuan smiled lightly: How many people appear in the entire Gusu City every day, and what is the origin of each person.

We will record everything one by one, even every word you said, if my young master wants to know, he can do it.

Yan Nanfei, Di Qinglin, and Tang Lan were all speechless at the same time.

They can't believe that a noble family can control a city. How much control does this have?

Exaggeration! Yan Nanfei replied coldly: Even if we don't attack you secretly, our Qinglong Society is still far stronger than your Murong family.

Haha, I'm afraid you misunderstood. Even if Xiuziying is not used, you Qinglong Club people are not enough. Deng Baichuan shook his head.

Bao BuTong glanced at the people from the Qinglong Club who came here, and said coldly: Do it!

As soon as he finished speaking, countless torches were erected in all directions of Murong's old house, illuminating the dark night.

And the moment the lights came on, there were countless swishing archers in the air.

At the moment when everyone in the Qinglong Club saw a sharp contrast, a heartbreaking pain caused them to scream in agony.

It's the Crossbow Rain Formation of the Murong Family Shadow Secret Guard! Tang Lan quickly reminded loudly.

However, everyone in the Qinglong Club has not yet waited for their reaction.

The Murong family troops armed with weapons rushed out from all directions and rushed towards the people of the Qinglong Club.

Murong's old house suddenly sprayed blood into the air like rain.

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