Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 177 Interesting Enemies

You bastards, you deserve to die! Brothers, don't be afraid to kill me! Yan Nanfei shouted and went to kill Bao BuTong and the other three.

Bao BuTong shouted and charged towards Yan Nanfei: Leave this masked guy to me!

Third brother, please don't mess around. Let's go together. Deng Baichuan followed Bao BuTong and killed Yan Nanfei together.

Haha, let me do this. Gong Yeqian hit Di Qinglin with a wine gourd.

The five people quickly got together and started fighting.

The rest of Tang Lan's high-pressure action was blocked by the Murong sisters.

Everyone in the Qinglong Club was suddenly shocked. They did not expect that Murong Fu had such a master in his hands.

Bastard, how did you get the information? How did these women get out? Tang Lan couldn't help but curse.

Yan Nanfei's face turned pale as he said, Aren't these women the daughters of Murong Wudi? How could they help Murong Fu?

That's my Murong family's private matter. What does it have to do with you? Go to hell!

Murong Shanshan's swordsmanship was tricky and extremely fast. She stabbed Tang Lan several times with her sword.

The other sisters cooperated with each other tacitly, striking one sword after another without giving Tang Lan a chance to fight back.

Tang Lan frowned slightly, secretly thinking something was wrong.

If this continues, maybe the Murong family will really get tricked this time.

Di Qinglin rolled his eyes and couldn't tell which ones were from his own family and which ones were from the Murong family.

He thought of escaping again, and said, I think it's better to retreat first and fight another day!

What are you afraid of! There are just too many people, I will just kill them. Yan Nanfei held the Poison Rose Sword in his hand, relying on the sharpness of the sword, he did not show his defeat yet.

It's just that he underestimated it. Deng Baichuan and Bao Tongtong have always been known for their deep internal strength.

And Deng Baichuan's internal strength is not inferior to that of the master, and he can easily divide gold and gravel with one palm.

As he continued to fight, he found that his internal energy was depleted very quickly.

The sweat on my back has already wetted my clothes.

I couldn't help but be shocked: A boiled frog in warm water, these two are trying to kill me quietly!

He quickly mobilized his whole body's energy and improved his body skills several times.

If you want a quick victory, kill either Bao BuTong or Deng Baichuan.

However, the two brothers cooperated tacitly and were not immune to his tricks at all.

Before he could resist, he was suppressed again.

He was also a little tired of eating, and suggested: Tang Lan, Qinglin is right, we should go back first.

No! The Qinglong Society will fight to the death, and a mere Murong clan can't make me retreat. Tang Lan replied loudly.

Huh, if you don't die, you can stay. Murong Shanshan stabbed Tang Lan's vitals again.

Seeing that everyone in the Murong family is showing their superiority, they want to eat up a group of young people from the Qinglong Society.

At this time, several huge kites flew down from the sky.

Everyone was startled and looked up.

Everyone saw that there were several people tied under the kite.

Bao BuTong frowned and said, An enemy or a friend?

Deng Baichuan said solemnly: They are enemies, not friends.

Be careful! Bao BuTong shouted.

When Jiang Zian heard this, he was not polite: The secret guards of the shadows obey the order and shoot the people on the kite.

Yes! The Shadow Guards shouted.

He raised his crossbow and shot towards the sky.

Tang Lan looked at the bows and arrows that were like pear blossoms in a rainstorm, and said anxiously: Stop them, the ones above are our reinforcements.

Get down! The people on the kite shouted.

Everyone only saw a few people falling down quickly from the kite.

After they fell, many died.

Tang Lan looked intently, couldn't help but feel happy, and read out the names of several people: Yu Qin, Gu Qi, Tang Shi, Wu Hua, Xiao Jian, Miao Tianwang...

Outsiders didn't know who they were, but Tang Lan knew clearly, except for King Miao Tian.

The remaining few are Gong Ziyu's personal guards.

After the few people landed, they quickly distinguished themselves from the enemy and started killing Bao BuTong and the others.

The situation that was originally clarified suddenly became chaotic again. .

Tang Lan looked around and asked, Where is he?

Young master, he said he would meet interesting enemies. Tang Shi said.

Bao BuTong forced Yan Nanfei back with a palm, and said in a deep voice, What should we do? The new ones are not easy, and that one is very good at using a knife.

It doesn't matter, just kill him! Deng Baichuan shouted and went out to kill him.

The two parties immediately fought fiercely.

In the secret place, Murong Fu has reached a critical moment.

He didn't expect that Qinglong would be so shameless and choose to attack in the early morning of the seventh day.

At this time, he had concentrated all the fire energy into his head, refining the skull bit by bit.

Haha, Murong Fu, you thought I was just a lunatic, but you didn't expect that you are even crazier than me?

Murong Qiniang and others were startled when they heard the sound and quickly looked towards the source of the sound.

A man wearing gorgeous clothes and a bronze dragon head mask walked in and asked sharply:

Who are you?

Haha, who am I? Gong Ziyu thought for a moment and said, You are all going to die anyway, so I will tell you who I am.

Who? Murong Qiniang frowned and continued to ask.

I am the leader of Qinglonghui... Gong Ziyu hasn't finished speaking yet.

Murong Fu had already guessed the other party's identity and didn't bother to listen to Gong Ziyu's nonsense.

Directly facing the bronze corpse, he ordered: Kill him!

As soon as he finished speaking, a black shadow suddenly rushed toward Gong Ziyu.

Gong Ziyu was stunned and raised his palm to strike.


There was a loud noise, and neither of them could do anything to stop the other.

A strong cyclone was generated in place, lifting everything around it.

Zombie? Gong Ziyu said with a hint of surprise in his tone.

Although he has a profound background and experience far beyond ordinary people, he has never seen such a strange thing.

Xiao Tong naturally ignored Gong Ziyu's shock, and struck at the opponent again with a pair of iron fists.

Gong Ziyu's eyes widened, his body left and spun around, and within a few breaths he was far away from the bronze corpse.

The true energy was concentrated on his right hand, and he punched the bronze corpse under the ribs.

The bronze corpse had no fear and did not hide at all. The iron fist fell on Gong Ziyu's head.

When Gong Ziyu saw the iron fist falling, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and his body started to spin out of thin air as he tapped his toes.

He used an extremely clever angle to avoid Xiaotong's attack.

And the power of his punch caught the power of rotation, strengthened it again, and hit Xiaotong hard.


Gong Ziyu suddenly felt as if his fist hit a ten-inch thick iron plate.

Not only did he not take advantage, but there was a faint pain in his fist:

Hey, interesting, interesting!

Murong Fu couldn't help but frown. Gong Ziyu was indeed as difficult as the legend.

When other people encounter zombies, they want to run away.

The other party actually found it interesting.

The young master's behavior at the next moment surprised him even more.

The opponent's hand actually burned with a purple flame.

He couldn't help but exclaim in his heart: Heaven and earth will destroy the great Ziyang hand!

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