Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 184 The First Alchemy

Murong Fu licked his slightly dry lips, smelled the body fragrance of Murong Qiniang's body, and said:

Don't worry, I will be gentle to you in the future.

Murong Qiniang stood on tiptoes and came closer to Murong Fu.

She pressed it with her cool red lips.

When Murong Fu paused, his mind went blank.

Very fragrant, very sweet, very soft.

In the following days, Murong Fu lived a very happy life.

In addition to practicing Qigong every day, he also practices Qingxin Jue.

He also chatted about life with Murong Qiniang and others.

Compared to others, Murong Qiniang was more proactive, and actually the most enjoyable to cooperate with.

A pure heart is like water, and pure water is the heart.

There is no breeze, no waves.

Youhuang sits alone, whistling and playing the harp.

Murong Fu slowly put away his true energy. Every time he practiced Qingxin Jue, he felt refreshed.

Let the raging fire and poison in your heart be suppressed.

Master, the day after tomorrow is New Year's Eve, do you have any other instructions? Jiang Zian bowed and asked.

Murong Fu shook his head and said, I don't have any instructions. There are too many things going on this year. I just want to enjoy the New Year quietly.

Yes, I understand. Jiang Zian nodded: By the way, Master, your adopted brother and his master are here and Mei Niansheng will be here soon.

Haha, my adopted brother is a little slow to come. Murong Fu laughed a few times, but he was wondering how Mei Niansheng's injuries were being nursed back to health.

By the way, where is Yinmeng? When will she come?

Jiang Zian immediately replied: Madam, she will arrive today at the earliest and tomorrow morning at the latest.

Well, very good. Send someone to keep an eye on him. Don't let anything unpleasant happen on the road. Murong Fu reminded.

He is now considered to be a big influence, and many unknown people in the world want to step on him and rise to the top.

Master, please rest assured, we have made arrangements for Madam's journey. Jiang Zian said.

Haha, I can rest assured that you will do things. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Jiang Zian thought for a moment and said:

Master, according to

Dead! Yes, this is good news, Murong Fu laughed and said, Where is Wuhua? How is he?

Wuhua was revived by Shi Guanyin, the master of Stone Forest Cave. Jiang Zian said.

Shi Guanyin! Murong Fu nodded not surprised.

In the original work, she was Wu Hua's Madonna, but in this world she became Wu Hua's biological sister.

It's her! Jiang Zian thought Murong Fu didn't hear clearly, so he repeated it again.

Haha, even if she revives Wuhua, she won't be able to keep him alive for a while. Just be careful. Murong Fu said calmly.

By the way, is there any news about Brother Chu?

Jiang Zian shook his head and said: Returning to the master, Shenshui Palace is too mysterious and our people can't enter at all.

Well, I hope he has his own destiny, otherwise... Murong Fu looked at the yard not far away.

If something happens to Chu Liuxiang, I'm afraid Song Tian'er, Su Rongrong, and Li Hongxiu will be sad.

Murong Fu!

Murong Fu was lost in thought when he suddenly heard shouting from behind.

Looking back, I saw that the person coming was none other than Su Ying.

Hey, why did Doctor Su think of looking for me today?

Hmph, I missed you, so naturally I came over to have a look and tell you the good news. Su Ying said with a smile.

Good news? Murong Fu looked surprised. After thinking about it, he immediately guessed something: Could it be that you have already found the medicinal materials in the Alchemy Sutra?

Of course, although the names of the medicinal materials inside have changed a bit, after my research, I have almost found them. Su Ying said with a smile.

Immediately, he took out a prescription and handed it to Murong Fu.

Strengthening Pill?

Well, yes, that's it!

I have included the medicine in this elixir.

After comparing them all, Bao BuTong was asked to take someone to buy the medicinal materials.

Miss Su is really efficient in doing things. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Humph, no need to flatter me, I just want to see if the ancients' alchemy method is true. Su Ying said.

Murong Fu nodded. A few days ago, Eunuch Hua had brought an ancient furnace.

He was also thinking of getting something to practice his skills on, and this recipe came just in time.

Haha, when Brother Bao San comes back, we can testify whether the ancient method of alchemy is true or false.

Yeah. Su Ying nodded.

Sure enough, after a while, Bao BuTong walked in and saluted:

Master, Miss Su, the medicinal materials you requested have been sent to the alchemy room. I also bought some dried gourds.

Murong Fu smiled and said, Thank you for your hard work, Third Brother.

It's not hard, I have to go out to buy some supplies for the old house anyway. Bao BuTong replied.

Murong Fu stood up slowly, straightened his clothes, and smiled at Su Ying: Let's go, Miss Su, let's try the ancient method of alchemy.

Well, let's go! Su Ying said nothing and followed Murong Fu to the secret alchemy room.

Strength-increasing pill can increase the strength of an ox.

Ten strains of Ninglicao, six skeletal flowers, five liang of Atractylodes... 12 liang each of licorice and hawthorn are mixed with various medicines.

In order to succeed in alchemy, Murong Fu actually spent a lot of time studying the art of alchemy after returning.

Therefore, he is not unfamiliar with the method of alchemy.

Knowing whether the elixir is successful or not depends mainly on the control of the fire when refining the elixir and the timing of opening the furnace to take the elixir.

And fire control is the most important thing. If there is a slight mistake, a furnace of elixirs will be destroyed.

As for the ingredients and quantities of raw materials, they have been clearly stated in the formula through countless practices by our ancestors, so there is no need to consider them. Of course, it is okay to increase or decrease the number of elixirs produced at one time appropriately. Just increase or decrease the quantity of raw materials according to a fixed proportion.

But it’s easy to say, but extremely difficult to do!

When he came to the alchemy room, Murong Fu first turned on the ground fire and let it slowly warm up the alchemy furnace. He was not in a hurry to refine the alchemy, but sat cross-legged and performed the Qingxin Jue.

Make your spirit reach its optimal level.

After realizing that his mental and physical strength were in optimal condition, he opened his eyes and stood up. ..

First, with Su Ying's help, he divided the medicinal materials into powder one by one.

Immediately, open the ancient furnace.

Add the ground powder into it one by one.

After all the powder is poured in, cover the stove top.

This first step is considered completely completed.

Then it's all about waiting.

So simple? Su Ying's eyes widened in disbelief.

Of course not. I won't mention it in the elixir prescription. After half an hour, you need to inject fierce fire to hold on for a hundred breaths. Murong Fu said with a smile.

What is fierce fire? Su Ying's beautiful eyes showed a hint of confusion.

The fierce fire is naturally me.

Murong Fu's true energy circulated in his hands, and a purple flame suddenly burned out from his hands.

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