As time passed little by little, the medicinal fragrance emitted from the alchemy furnace, which made people feel refreshed.

But Murong Fu knew that it was still very early for the elixir to be formed at this time. At the very least, he would have to use more violent earth fire to condense the elixir instantly, so that the elixir could be formed.

Thinking of this, Murong Fu's eyes became more concentrated than ever before, and he could accurately detect every trace of flames ejected from the ground fire.

Silently counting the time in his heart, the flames in front of his eyes became more and more dazzling, and the scent of the medicine became more and more intense.

For half an hour, Murong Fu suddenly circulated his Qi without losing a breath, increasing the temperature of the flame.

When everyone saw that the color of the ancient furnace changed from golden to red, it was the moment when everyone concentrated.

The fragrance of the medicine gradually became less and less, and Murong Fu felt happy, knowing that this was the medicine powder starting to condense.

Become more cautious.

Time passed by breath by breath, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Even though Murong Fu's energy was endless, he was still a little exhausted and sweating profusely.

Everyone almost had their hearts in their throats.

Bao BuTong asked in a low voice, for fear of disturbing Murong Fu: Why hasn't this elixir been completed yet?

Su Ying replied: Now we need to use fierce fire to lock the power of the medicine, so we have to go slower.

Did the ancients have such a hard time refining elixirs? Bao Tongtong asked puzzledly.

Probably not. The wisdom of the ancients is beyond your imagination. They had special formations for making alchemy. Su Ying looked at Bao Bubu with disdain.

While the two were talking, Murong Fu shouted: The pill is complete.


Then I heard the furnace holes of the ancient furnace beginning to release air.

Murong Fu quickly withdrew his energy and fell to the ground: Why is this elixir so difficult to connect?

Master, can we take out the elixir now? Bao BuTong asked.

Well, be careful when you turn on the stove, don't get caught by the heat inside. Murong Fu reminded.

The heat in the alchemy furnace is not low. Once it is sprayed on the arm, there will probably be no bones left in the blink of an eye.

Okay, sir, don't worry. Bao BuTong quickly called on several servants to find some black iron rods and open the alchemy furnace.

Carefully, he took out the Strengthening Pill from inside.

I counted exactly thirteen.

Congratulations to the young master for winning the first battle and refining thirteen power-increasing pills for the first time. Bao BuTong said happily.

Murong Fu raised his head and smiled: One pill of this pill can increase your pure strength by two thousand kilograms. Your body can take one pill.

Master? Do you want to give me one?

Bao Bubu was so happy that he couldn't help but choose a good-looking one among the thirteen pills and spit it into his belly.

Seeing this, Su Ying couldn't help but said anxiously: Are you crazy! You didn't even find a poultry to test the medicine, and you ate it?

What? Bao BuTong's face suddenly turned blue, and he complained while complaining: I said miracle doctor girl, why didn't you tell me earlier?

Hmph, who knew you were so impatient and would eat without asking. Su Ying replied angrily.

Murong Fu shook his head and said with a smile: Haha, third brother is fine. Just sit down and refine the medicine with your true energy.

Ah, I understand, Master. Bao BuTong quickly put the remaining elixir into the gourd.

Sitting cross-legged, he refined the medicine according to Murong Fu's instructions.

Su Ying came close to Bao BuTong, observed carefully, and said excitedly:

If this elixir is really useful, I'm afraid you will really be invincible in the future.

Haha, I would have been invincible, it's just a matter of time. Murong Fu replied calmly.

Murong Fu, I found that your bragging skills are far higher than your martial arts skills. Su Ying rolled her eyes at Murong Fu fiercely.

Murong Fu shook his head helplessly.

After all, who would trust an honest man?

After a few breaths, Bao BuTong stood up unsteadily and patted his head:

Master, there doesn't seem to be anything special...


Suddenly, a fart came out of his body.

Before the strange smell could spread, Murong Fu quickly stood up, pulled him and ran outside, saying:

The power of the pill requires the body to adapt slowly, so don't worry.

Ahem, what a fart! Su Ying held on to the hole, panting heavily and saying with lingering fear.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Haha, if it weren't for me, you would probably be smoked inside.

Hmph, how do you know he can fart? Su Ying asked.

Murong Fu explained: If you don't practice martial arts, you don't know that when a powerful force suddenly appears in your body, you will instinctively want to expel it.

That's it. Su Ying said angrily.

Murong Fu took out a strength-enhancing pill and said, Do you want one too?

Can I eat it too? Su Ying looked at Murong Fu in surprise.

Yes, your body will have no problem eating one. Murong Fu replied.

Su Ying subconsciously took the Strengthening Pill, she was mainly curious.

Is this elixir as magical as what is written in the Alchemy Sutra? It can increase the strength of an ox.

Okay, then I'll take one.

I can help you…

Just as Murong Fu was about to speak, Su Ying ran away with the elixir.

Looking at Su Ying leaving, Murong Fu finished his words alone: ​​Refining the medicinal power will save you... farts.

However, now that the other party was gone, Murong Fu didn't bother to chase after him, so he counted eleven pieces left.

Give one to Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu, and A Bi.

There is also Huajing Yinmeng, she is so strong that she can eat two pills without any problem.

Zi'an, Ruan Yi, each has one heart.

For the foster brother, Mei Niansheng will give one, and Deng Baichuan will give one to each of them.

With this calculation, Murong Fu's handsome face suddenly became much more ugly.

After much calculation, one furnace is not enough.

It seems that I have to find time to make another furnace.

When I returned to the room, I saw Wang Yuyan practicing Xiao Wuxiang Kung Fu.

Murong Fu took out the Ziwei Sutra and started reading it in front of the door.

With the ability to read through eternity, the words above were very simple for him.

However, the content of the scripture was too mysterious and Murong Fu was unable to use it for a while.

Fortunately, the General Outline was of great help to him and gave him a direction to integrate the three major magical arts.

If the conditions are reasonable, Murong Fu thinks it should be completed within a month.

Later, just keep fixing the flaws and make it more perfect.


Several loud noises came from Su Ying's room.

Murong Fu shook his head and laughed at himself: Oh, why bother? Don't let me help.

Cousin, why are you sitting here? Wang Yuyan came slowly after finishing practicing.

Murong Fu smiled and said, It's okay, I'll sit here for a while.

As he spoke, he poured out a strength-enhancing pill from the gourd on his waist and handed it to his beloved wife.

Cousin, have you refined the elixir? Wang Yuyan asked happily.

Murong Fu nodded: Cousin, sit down, you take one, and I will help you refine it.

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