Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 188 Murong Jiu’s Confession

Murong Wudi was stunned, and his expression gradually became serious: So you are the hero Mei Nian Sheng Mei, disrespectful.

Haha, easy to say, easy to say. Mei Niansheng saw that Murong Fu seemed unwilling to pay attention to Murong Wudi, and he did not ask for his name.

I'm the owner of Jiuxiu Manor, Murong Wudi. Murong Wudi said calmly.

Oh, I didn't expect you to be the famous Murong Wudi. Mei Niansheng said politely, cupping her hands.

That's right. Murong Wudi saw that Mei Niansheng was very sensible, and her old faces were as bright as hiding from chrysanthemums.

He did not forget to look at Murong Fu, which meant that I was also a famous person.

Murong Fu didn't bother to talk to him. After all, he and his seventh and eighth children were also husband and wife, so he just wanted to give him some face.

As a result, everyone held up their wine glasses to celebrate, changing glasses and enjoying themselves.

Hey, Murong Fu, let me tell you something. Su Ying said, a little drunk.

Oh, miracle doctor, please tell me if you have anything to do. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Su Ying said: I found a recipe for wine in the Alchemy Book. If you like it, you can try brewing some. It might have miraculous effects....

Really? Let's go back to your place and have a look. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Hmph, drink slowly, I'm full! Su Ying rolled her eyes at Murong Fu and stood up to leave.

Murong Fu smiled calmly, said nothing more, and watched the other party leave.

Afterwards, Wang Yuyan and other women also took the initiative to leave the table, leaving only a few men on top to share drinks.

Ouch, I'm suffering!

Who knew that while drinking, Murong Wudi actually started crying.

A good grown man, an old man in his sixties, crying loudly with no dignity at all.

This stunned several people present.

As the head of the family, Murong Fu asked in embarrassment: Uncle, what do you mean?

I...I'm suffering, Master!

Murong Wudi took Murong Fu's hand and said: The power I have been running for half my life was completely destroyed overnight. All my good sons-in-law are dead, and several of my daughters have become widows. It's so painful!

Murong Fu was speechless. He thought something had happened and advised him: People cannot be resurrected after death, so you have to express your condolences.

Well, I and my daughters will have no choice but to stay in the old house from now on. Please don't dislike me, the head of the family. Murong Wudi raised his eyebrows and glanced at Murong Fu secretly.

Murong Fu was suddenly surprised. He didn't expect that this old guy was so skilled in acting. He changed his mind to stay in the Murong family.

Haha, don't worry. I have already discussed with your daughters to let you return to the family tree.

Well, actually it doesn't matter whether I can return to the family tree or not. The key is that my daughters can't just stay in the old house without any name or status.

Murong Wudi was swaying, his voice was different in volume, and he looked completely drunk. Anyone who heard him would think that he was about to get drunk.

Murong Fu felt guilty when he heard this. It seemed that the old guy already knew about his affair with Murong Qiniang and Murong Xiaoba. He was forcing a marriage. He replied awkwardly:

Uncle Clan, don't worry, you can treat this place as your home, especially your daughters.

That... that's good. Murong Wudi laughed a few times and fell asleep on the table.

Mr. Murong, I'm almost done drinking. Why don't we just come here today? Mei Niansheng said with a smile.

Murong Fu said: Okay, we'll stop here today. We'll have a big drink the day after tomorrow. We won't come back until we get drunk.

Haha, it's easy to say. I haven't been drunk for a long time. Mei Niansheng laughed and left with Ding Dian's support. ,

Murong Fu glanced at Murong Wudi, pulled him up and sent him away.

He was alone in the old house and drew a place for Jiuxiu to live. He called several times but no one agreed:

Strange, where have your daughters gone?

Murong Fu felt puzzled. Normally, one of the eight daughters should always be here.

When he was confused, he heard someone calling from behind: Cousin, why are you here?

Looking back, it was Murong Jiu: Why is it just you, Ninth Sister?

Well, Madam, she saw that we sisters were bored staying in the old house all day, so she invited some sisters to buy some New Year's goods. Murong Jiu replied in a low voice.

Murong Fu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, then explained his purpose and said: Where is your father's room? I will send him in.

Big cousin, come with me!

Murong Jiu led Murong Fu into Murong Wudi's room and settled him down, then followed him and lowered his head silently.

What's wrong, Xiaojiu? Murong Fu asked, seeing that she seemed to be hiding something on her mind.

I...I have something to tell you, cousin. Murong Jiu said.

Haha, just tell me what's going on. We have experienced life and death together. Murong Fu patted Murong Jiu on the shoulder and smiled.

Cousin, father always causes trouble for you, can you please stop blaming him? Murong Jiu lowered his head and said.

Murong Fu chuckled and said, As long as he doesn't mess around anymore, I can ignore some small things.

Um...I already know about you and Seventh Sister and Eighth Sister. When Murong Jiu said this, his face turned as red as a big apple.

What? You know everything? Did Xiaoqi and Xiaoba tell you? Murong Fu's tone raised an octave, and he was startled.

Ah, no no~ It's not what the two sisters said. It was when I went to the secret place that day that I accidentally saw the seventh sister kneeling on the ground, using her mouth... Murong Jiu quickly waved his hands and replied nervously.

Xiaojiu, what on earth do you want to say? Murong Fu stared at the lovable and charming Murong Jiu who was extremely embarrassed.

Murong Jiu bit her red lips, rushed into Murong Fu's arms, and hugged him tightly: Cousin, I have liked you for a long time, and I also want to be your woman.

What? Murong Fu was petrified at that time. He never expected that Murong Jiu would like him: Xiao Jiu, this happened too suddenly. My cousin, I didn't react at once.

Eldest cousin, I can do anything that the seventh and eighth sisters can do. Please, take me. Murong Jiu mustered up all his courage and shouted loudly.

Murong Wudi, who was still pretending to be drunk in the room, suddenly stood up like a carp, regained his energy, and muttered in a low voice: Damn Murong Fu! He won't even let my little daughter go.

Murong Fu slowly took Murong Jiu's hand and said, Can you let me think about this matter?

Ah? Cousin, you don't like me? Murong Jiu asked excitedly.

How can I put it this way? It's not that I don't like it. It's just that I don't like it that much. It's just a coincidence that your two sisters and I are just coincidences.

Murong Fu was forced to feel at a loss. After all, it seemed that the only woman he liked was Wang Yuyan.

Cousin, although I don't understand what you mean, can you kiss me? Murong Jiu raised his face and stared into Murong Fu's eyes, with a touch of melancholy in his eyes.

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