Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 189 The swordsman spent the wrong money


Murong Fu was forced into a corner and wondered why the daughter of the Murong family was so strong and liked to be forced.

However, how could Nan Murong, the majestic head of the Murong family and a great hero, lose to a weak woman.

He put his arms around Murong Jiu's waist, lifted her up, and slowly lowered his head towards her red lips.

Murong Jiu raised his toes and clearly felt Murong Fu's breath hitting his face, and his mind was completely blank.

A soft thing penetrated into her mouth. She didn't understand anything and could only respond clumsily according to instinct.

It wasn't until she felt she couldn't breathe out that she pushed Murong Fu away hard: Cousin, I...

Stop talking and kiss me.

They didn't know how long they had been kissing.

Suddenly, a sharp voice sounded: What are you doing?

When Murong Fu stood up, he felt guilty and separated from Murong Jiu. Following the reputation, he turned out to be Murong Shanshan.

Third sister, why are you back?

Me? Murong Shanshan glared at Murong Jiu angrily, then looked at Murong Fu: Cousin, if nothing happens, can you leave first? I have something to say with Xiao Jiu.

Ahem, okay, okay, I'll leave now.

Murong Fu didn't talk nonsense and left Murong Jiuxiu's residence as if running for his life.

After thinking about it, he didn't go back to the house. Instead, he went to the secret place to make elixirs.

However, this time it seemed that the alchemy was not as lucky as the first time. I tried several times without success.

It was not until the fifth time, as his mentality became more stable, that he finally succeeded.

And the number is the same as last time, no more than thirteen.

When he left the secret place, he found that it was already noon on the second day. Murong Fu looked at the sun in the sky and murmured: I'm afraid Yin Meng will be back soon.

On a certain trail in Pingjiang Mansion.

Hua Jingyinmeng took several maids and drove the carriage quickly towards Gusu City.

Madam, we can see Gusu City in about an hour. The groom said happily while driving the carriage.

After this trip, he can take his annual leave and spend time with his wife and children.

Is it.

Hua Jing opened the curtains due to her dream and looked at the unfamiliar scenery outside with emotion: I didn't expect to come back less than a month after leaving home. I don't know how Fu Lang is doing now.

Haha, madam, do you miss the young master? the maid said with a smile.

Hua Jingyin Meng was not angry after hearing what the maid said. These are the people she brought from Sanxian Island, and they can also be regarded as her loyal servants. She said viciously: If you dare to tease me, believe it or not, I will let Fu Lang take you. Get married.

I don't want it. I want to stay with Madam forever. The maid shook her head to express her refusal.


While the two women were talking, the carriage suddenly stopped, and the driver's angry voice came to his ears: Are you blind? You don't know how to walk. Why don't I kill you?

Madam, it seems that someone is not watching the road. The maid said as she opened the curtain, and then she seemed to see something terrible. She froze there and exclaimed: No, madam, it's Master!


Hua Jingyin Meng frowned and thought of something immediately. Through the gap, she saw a handsome man with a handsome face and a sword in his arms. An incredible expression appeared on his face:

The wrong flower! Why is it you?

Haha, I haven't seen you in a dream for a long time. How have you been lately? Hua Cuo was idle and slowly walked towards the carriage.

Madam, what should I do? the maid asked anxiously.

get off.

Hua Jing ducked due to Meng, and slapped Xiang Hua in front of her face. The latter seemed to have been prepared, and he raised his hand to face her without hesitation.


Hua Cuo was shaken back a foot, with a trace of surprise in his eyes: My good wife, your strength has increased a lot.

Huh, you've been away from home for many years, so it's only right that my strength has improved. Hua Jingyin Mengwen said angrily.

Haha, after all, it didn't take long, only five years. Hua Cuo said with a smile.

Hua Jingyin Meng looked at the cynical and playful look on his face, and couldn't help but feel angry and angry: Five years? You left me on that broken island for five years. Do you know what kind of life I lived?

Haha, what kind of day? It's nothing more than facing a few old guys every day. If they dare to be rude to you, I will just kill them then.

Hua Cuo sneered coldly, his eyes like green eagle eyes, cold, ruthless, and intimidatingly sharp.

Haha, if I hadn't lived in seclusion, always on guard, waiting for you for five years? I'm afraid I would have become someone else's slave, living a life worse than a pig or a dog. Hua Jingyinmeng's tone was full of ridicule.

Huacuo said with an ugly face: I'm not here to play, but to make the knife faster.

What? Waiting for Shi Guanyin made your sword faster? Hua Jingyin Meng asked contemptuously.

Not bad. Hua Cuo said with a proud smile.

Then if you're not lying on Shi Guanyin's bed, what are you doing here? Hua Jing asked disdainfully because of his dream.

Hua Cuo said: I feel that I have almost learned it from Shi Guanyin. She asked me to do the last thing for her and told me to slash with the wind.

Tian Feng cuts with one sword? Hua Jingyin Meng was a little familiar with the name, and there was doubt in his eyes.

Do you think you've heard it somewhere? Hua Cuo said with a smile.

It seems to be very similar to Wu Hua's sword strike in the wind! Hua Jing replied in a deep voice due to his dream.

Of course, Wu Hua's sword technique is modified based on this sword technique. Hua Cuo explained.

Hua Jingyinmeng suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart: What did Shi Guanyin ask you to do?

Kill your mistress's whole family. Hua Cuo said without any cover-up and with great confidence.

You are no match for Fu Lang. Hua Jingyinmeng shook his head and said.

That's because you don't know the true power of facing the wind and slashing with the sword. Hua Cuo shook his head and said helplessly.

Hua Jingyin Meng's thoughts changed and she snorted coldly: Really? Then let me try your Windward Slash to see how powerful it is....

As soon as he finished speaking, he was like a flying swallow and suddenly slashed his sword towards Hua Cuo.

Nonsense! Hua Cuo saw that Hua Jingyin Meng's swordsmanship was so light that he didn't even have the strength to pull out the sword.

Ding Dong~Ding Dong~ followed several moves.

Yin Meng, your swordsmanship is really ordinary. I think you should stop obediently and come with me to kill Murong Fu. Then you and I will wander into the martial arts world together and kill him in the dark! Hua Cuo said with a smile.

Really? Hua Jingyin Meng was not angry when he heard this, but became even more calm.

The nine-turn chain sword technique focuses on showing weakness, luring the enemy, and counterattacking, so that the enemy can be overwhelmed step by step.

If Hua Cuo is so arrogant, he will only be defeated in the end.

After getting familiar with it, Huacuo finally felt something was wrong.

Huajing Yin Meng's sword moves became more and more fierce, and he was like falling into an invisible net and being strangled tightly. He asked in surprise: What kind of sword technique are you doing? How can it be so weird!

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