What sword skills are you not worthy of knowing? Hua Jing's eyes were full of anger because of his dream, and his hands did not stop at all.

Then don't blame me!

Hua Cuo's eyes glowed with green light, and he clenched the handle of the knife with his right hand, and suddenly drew the knife at the moment when Hua Jing was about to kill due to his dream.

When the extremely fast knife collided with the sharp sword, the air seemed to collapse and became extremely illusory.

Harsh sound waves followed.


The coachman and the maid screamed and quickly covered their ears.

Hua Jing and Hua Cuo frowned at the same time because of the dream. The zhenqi on the swords collided and they took a few steps back at the same time. The former suddenly felt his body turning upside down. He jumped onto the carriage, hit the horse with a palm from the air, and then collapsed. Fall on the car.

The horse yelled and rushed out.

Madam, are you okay? The maid was so frightened that she asked quickly.

Quick, run, he will catch up soon. Hua Jingyinmeng ordered.

When the coachman heard this, he was so frightened that he picked up his riding crop, turned it several times in the air, and whipped the horse hard:


Son, run quickly. When you get home, I'll treat you to fine horse food and find you a mare to make you feel comfortable again.

When the maid heard this, her pretty face turned red and she scolded: You are such a shameless person. I am not afraid that the young master will find out and cut your tongue.

Um, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, madam. The coachman realized that he had said the wrong thing and apologized quickly.

Hurry up and drive the horse, stop talking nonsense! Hua Jingyin Meng suppressed the energy to rebound and urged again.

The coachman whipped him a few more times, and soon the carriage disappeared from Hua Cuo's sight.

Haha, my good wife, I didn't expect that I have made a lot of progress in the past few years. It seems that the level of this swordsmanship is not low. It should be passed on to her by the man named Murong Fu. Hua Cuo did not rush to pursue it, but took advantage of it. Walking leisurely and slowly towards Gusu.

In the old house.

Murong Fu recited the Qingxin Jue, and his mind became clearer and clearer.

After several cycles of Zhou Tian, ​​I slowly opened my eyes and was about to get out of bed to drink a cup of tea when I suddenly heard Jiang Zian’s urgent voice:

Master, Mrs. Yin Meng has entered the city.

Oh? It's half an hour earlier than I expected. Murong Fu poured a cup of tea and took a sip.

But... Jiang Zian hesitated.

But what? If you have anything to say, just say it. Murong Fu asked.

It seems that Mrs. Meng was injured. The subordinates looked at her from a distance and found that her face was a little pale, and there were blood stains on both sides of the driver's ears. Jiang Zian said hesitantly.


Murong Fu raised his brows, put down his water glass, opened the door and walked out: Let me go and have a look.

Yes, Master.

As soon as Murong Fu and Jiang Zian arrived outside the old house, they saw Hua Jingyinmeng's carriage approaching.

If you look closely, you can see that the horse pulling the cart has been beaten all over.

Yin Meng~ Murong Fu stepped forward quickly and helped Hua Jing Yin Meng out of the carriage: How are you?

Hua Jing shook his head because of his dream, but he could no longer suppress the true energy in his body. He spit out a mouthful of blood, and his breath instantly weakened by three points: It just shocked the five internal organs, nothing serious.

Murong Fu felt his pulse and found that it was indeed the case. He breathed a sigh of relief: Who beat you like this?

Hua Cuo, I don't know where he is. He inquired about my itinerary and stopped me halfway. Hua Jing said in his dream.

Where is he? Murong Fu asked.

Master, he...he is just outside Gusu City. He seems to want to kill you. The maid Nuonuo said.

Murong Fu turned sideways and looked at Jiang Zian: Ask Doctor Su to take a look at Madam.


Jiang Zian quickly found a few maids to help Hua Jingyinmeng: Master, I will go and take a look with you.

No need, I can do this myself. Murong Fu said and walked out.

Hua Jingyin Meng stretched out his hand to hold Murong Fu and said: Be careful, he is already a master, and he has also learned to slash with the wind, which is even stronger than Wuhua's slash with the wind that can hurt you.

Don't worry, I understand. Murong Fu patted Hua Jingyin Meng's hand, walked out without looking back, and disappeared in front of everyone in three breaths. M..

Jiang Zian greeted quickly; Mrs. Yinmeng invites you.

Send some people to watch over Fu Lang. Hua Jing said in his dream.

Jiang Zian said respectfully and seriously: Madam, don't worry, no one within thirty miles of Gusu City can threaten the master.

Hua Jing was stunned by the dream, then nodded and walked into the house with the help of the maid.

Outside Gusu City, Murong Fu dragged the Tianji Stick and walked towards the direction where Hua Jing came from in his dream.

The stick made a squeaking sound on the ground.

From time to time, a tall, thin, strong, slender, strangely strong and upright man walked towards him.

Broad shoulders, narrow waist, narrow hips.

The chiseled face was quite handsome and as pale as snow.

But the most attractive thing is his eyes. His eagle-like eyes have cat-like green eyeballs.

It seems to be the color of emerald when it sinks into the bottom of the sea. It is firm, cold, stubborn, and sharp, with an indescribable arrogance and a very attractive charm.

Murong Fu looked at it calmly and found that it was indeed the same as the original work.

Murong Fu? Hua Cuo was stunned. She didn't expect that Murong Fu would come alone and block the city gate.

You hit my woman. Murong Fu replied coldly, his whole body filled with murderous intent.

Haha, that's my woman. Hua Cuo looked at Murong Fu provocatively, her eyes full of sarcasm.

I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you.

Murong Fu held the Tianji stick in one hand and smashed it towards Hua Cuo.

The white-gold body formed a beautiful arc in the palace and fell towards Huacao.

Hua Cuo saw the stick moving slowly and thought it was Murong Fu's test.

Unexpectedly, after the stick passed over Murong Fu's head, it actually sped up.

Hua Cuo was immediately shocked, his feet sank and he quickly drew his sword and raised it.


After a loud noise, the land below with Huacuo as the center of gravity instantly sank half a meter.

Hua Cuo looked at his own tiger's mouth in disbelief. With just one blow, the opponent's blood flowed out.

How is it possible? You are so strong.

I heard that you have learned Wu Hua's sword-cutting technique? Murong Fu did not kill Hua Cuo directly, but took a half step back and hooked his fingers: Come here and let me see!

Come here and let me see! Huacuo heard this and almost got angry to death: You are insulting me! Since you want to die, I will help you.

After the words fell, Hua Cuo was seen holding a knife in his right hand at the level of his eyebrows, the blade pointing outward.

Focusing on Murong Fu, even though the sword has not yet been moved, the murderous intent on it has already become the force of the sword.

Just when the sword force formed a mountain range.

His green eyes turned red, and all his clothes were flying away from him due to the real power emanating from his body.

This knife imbued him with the belief that he was invincible, indestructible and incredibly fast.

Its speed exceeds the sound of wind and sound waves.

The void seemed to be cut into two halves under his knife.

It is not surprising that it is called a sharp knife that is unparalleled in the world.

The power of the sword merged into the sword and turned into a ten-foot-long sword slashing towards Murong Fu...

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