Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 191 The coming year will be better

Murong Fu felt the huge pressure coming from the sword light.

His eyes narrowed slightly, his true energy burst out from his Dantian, and his whole body burned with purple flames.

The blazing temperature instantly evaporates all surrounding moisture.

Seeing this scene, Hua Cuo frowned and felt a faint sense of crisis in her heart.

Haha, well done! Murong Fu took half a step back with his right foot, held the big stick in his right hand, and poured all his energy into the Tianji stick.

Just when the sword light was still three feet away from him, his body suddenly rushed forward.

Stabbed out with a stick.


The huge power combined together caused the ground to tremble and smoke to billow.

Almost the entire city of Gusu was shaken, and the people thought it was an earthquake.

As the thick smoke rose into the air, a black shadow quickly flew out from it.

If you look carefully, it’s the wrong flower!




Like a mad cow that had lost its heart, he fell to the ground and broke several giant trees three feet high before he stopped.

Then he spat out a mouthful of old blood!

He looked at Murong Fu in the smoke in disbelief. it possible that you would be so strong.

It's just the power of a dragon, nothing to make a fuss about. Murong Fu dispersed the thick smoke in the sky with a swing of his stick, and slowly walked towards Hua Cuo, dragging the Tianji Stick.

Hua Cuo felt that her internal organs and bones were almost all broken into pieces. She looked at Murong Fu who was coming slowly and exhaled heavily:

I didn't expect you to be so powerful.

Really? Murong Fu replied expressionlessly.

If I had known you were so powerful, I wouldn't have come to find you. I would have killed a few people first. Hua Cuo said calmly.

Murong Fu shook his head: Tell me who they are. If I meet them in the future, I might help you take care of them.

Jiang Duanxian, the chief deacon of the Criminal Department, Hua Cuo said.

Murong Fu nodded: Don't worry, if he dares to provoke me, he will die!


Hua Cuo was speechless. What kind of cuisine was this? However, before he could finish his sentence, he tilted his neck and died instantly.

Well, the power of my stick is too great. Most people may not be able to bear it. I'm afraid it will be difficult to find a comparable opponent in the future.

Murong Fu shook his head. He wanted to smash his head to vent his anger, but he died too quickly. He turned his head and shouted:

Come out.

Jiang Zian, Bao Bubu and others seemed to have been waiting for a long time. They came out and stood on one side, bowed and congratulated: Congratulations to the master (master) for killing the enemy.

Take the knife back to Mrs. Yin Meng, and choose a good place to bury the body. Murong Fu slowly walked towards Gusu City, dragging the Tianji Stick.

You have to ask him why he likes to drag the stick.

There is only one word - handsome!

In front of the old house, before Murong Fu could step in, Wang Yuyan came out with A'Zhu and A Bi, and asked gently: You're back, cousin. M..

Murong Fu looked up, feeling a sense of warmth in his heart.

A man works hard outside and all he wants when he returns home is this peace.

It’s great to have a cousin!

came back.

Cousin, I have ordered my servants to boil hot water for you. You can take a good bath later. Wang Yuyan took Murong Fu's hand and walked into the mansion.

Haha, after a fight, I'm covered in ashes. Murong Fu said with a proud smile.

Master, you are the most powerful. Madam said you will win. Abi stood aside and said happily.

Murong Fu nodded: This is natural.

The women took Murong Fu back to the house, washed him and massaged him thoroughly, making him feel comfortable.

Outside the city, Bao BuTong and Jiang Zian stared at Hua Cuo's body, shocked and silent for a long time.

The master's strength reached such an extent that all the bones in his body were shattered.

If we continue to cooperate with Douzhan Xingyi, no one in the Grandmaster's territory will be Young Master's opponent anymore.

After saying that, the two looked at each other with a sparkle in their eyes.

The twenty-seven-year-old grandmaster is still number one.

I’m afraid, no one dares to believe it!

I'll go take his saber back to Mrs. Yinmeng first, Jiang Zian said.

Well, go ahead. Bao BuTong nodded: I'll go find that drunkard Lai Wenjun and choose a good place for him to be buried so that he can find a good home in the next life.

Haha, let's go together!

Let's go together, haha!

Inside Murong's old house.

Jiang Zian came outside Huajing Yinmeng's courtyard and said respectfully: Mrs. Yinmeng, the master asked me to bring you something.

come in.

After a long time, Hua Jing opened the door and walked into the courtyard due to her dream. When she saw the sword in Jiang Zian's hand, her heart suddenly became clear.

Madam, the master asked me to give you this knife. Jiang Zian handed Hua Cuo's knife to the other party.

Hua Jing took a deep breath in his dream, took the knife in his hand and gently touched the blade. A tear fell gently on the knife, as if he was lost in memories.

Jiang Zian saw this and stood quietly aside without making a sound.

After a long time, Hua Jingyinmeng handed the sword back to Jiang Zian: Help me bury this sword with him.

As you command!

Jiang Zian didn't have any more nonsense, picked up the knife and left.

Hua Jingyin Meng looked at the other person's leaving back, sighed heavily, and then returned to the room to rest.

At night, she was alone, looking at the stars in the sky.

Thinking of the past time, I felt a little melancholy.

Suddenly, a big hand was placed on her shoulder.

I'm still sad and haven't even eaten.

Hua Jingyinmeng wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and pulled the owner of the big hand closer to her.

Well, a little bit.

Murong Fu said: I'm sorry, I was too nervous at the time and I couldn't hold back.

Hua Jing shook her head because of her dream and hugged Murong Fu's body tightly:

When he comes to kill you, he is already prepared to be killed. Moreover, I am your woman now, so naturally I hope you win.

Murong Fu smiled, hugged Hua Jingyin Meng's body and said:

I asked my servants to stew some bird's nests for you. You can eat some, otherwise, you will follow me tomorrow to worship your ancestors.

Hua Jing was stunned by the dream and asked, Don't you blame me and feel sorry for his death?

Haha, of course I'm not surprised. If you don't shed a single tear, that would be a terrible thing. Murong Fu replied calmly.

Besides, how could he argue with a dead man?

Hua Jing was very happy and moved by her dream, and she hugged Murong Fu quietly.

After a long time, he said two words: Thank you.

Haha, you and I are husband and wife, so there's no need to be polite.

As he spoke, Murong Fu raised his fingers to a nearby place, and the servant smoothly brought a bowl of bird's nests: Be good, eat some.

Hua Jing nodded due to her dream, and did not refuse again. She opened her mouth and said coquettishly:


feed me.

While talking, she didn't forget to stick out her little tongue.

Murong Fu shook his head, took the bird's nest and fed it to Hua Jingyin Meng one by one, and sighed:

This year has gone by so fast, I hope the next year will be better.

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