Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 195 Murong Shuang’s Difficulties

Murong Shuang looked at Nangong Jue and asked curiously, You guys haven't eaten all day, right?

Back to sister-in-law, it took not one day but three days. We took a side road and just came out. Nangong Ping said.

Murong Shuang said: Then I'll call my servants to prepare some food for you.

Thank you, sister-in-law. Nangong Jun saluted.

Murong Shuang nodded and said nothing more.

He called the servants and brought up the unfinished food.

You guys, please eat slowly. I have arranged the room. If anything happens, we will discuss it tomorrow. Murong Shuang said.

Nangong Jun was stunned for a moment, then nodded: Sister-in-law, please have a good rest.

Yes. Murong Shuang nodded and said nothing more.

He left with Murong Jiu and others.

Second brother, it seems that my sister-in-law doesn't want to go back with us. Nangong Jue said.

Nangong Jun picked up the chopsticks, thought for a moment, and said, Let's talk about eating tomorrow.

OK, all right.

Nangong Jue looked at the dazzling array of delicacies in front of him and took a casual bite.

He put it in his mouth nonchalantly and chewed it for a few mouthfuls.

Suddenly, a burst of fragrance spreads from the mouth to the brain.

Wow, it's so... delicious! Is this the legendary imperial banquet?

Seeing this, several other people swallowed their saliva and picked up their chopsticks to pick up the food.

Then, everyone made a sound of exclamation.

It's delicious on earth, it's delicious on earth!

The two Nangong girls almost cried with excitement.

Wow, it's so delicious. I finally feel like I'm still alive...

The brothers and sisters wolfed down all the food on the table quickly.


Nangong Jue patted his belly and praised: It's so delicious. It's really delicious.

Nangong Jun shook his head and said, Let's go rest after eating. We have to hurry back tomorrow.

Ah, you are on your way tomorrow? Nangong Zheng'er asked in surprise.

Nangong Jun said: We have been out for too long, we must hurry up and go back, otherwise father and the others will be worried.

Well, by the way, if it weren't for getting lost, we should be at home now, spending the holidays with our father? Nangong Jue shook his head and sighed.

When Nangong Jun heard this, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch a few times: Ahem, yes, so I will go back tomorrow to avoid father and the others worrying.

Then we will never be able to eat such delicious food again?...

Nangong Zheng'er looked at the empty plate and expressed regret.

If the servants of Murong Mansion had not told her that there was no more food, she would have been able to eat three more large plates.

Nangong Jun shook his head, stopped talking nonsense, and urged several people to rest quickly.

Nangong Yuzhen continued the topic just now and asked: Second brother, what if the sister-in-law doesn't want to go back with us?

Our Nangong family has rules. When the husband dies, the wife must pray for him throughout her life. Nangong Jun said.

Nangong Zheng'er said in confusion: This seems unnecessary, right? My sister-in-law is willing to leave, so just let her go.

You don't understand. This seems to involve the luck of my Nangong family.

Nangong Jun shook his head and said firmly: She must go back with us no matter what.

Nangong Jue said worriedly: I heard that the Murong family is not trivial. Their existence is not shorter than our Nangong family, really...

Hmph, what do you really want? The Murong family is no longer as prosperous as before. If they really want to break up with my Nangong family, they will be the unlucky ones.

Nangong Jun drank the last drop of the wine glass and placed it firmly on the table.

Several younger brothers and sisters immediately shut up, stood up and left.

When the servants cleared the table, they couldn't help but be surprised.

The cup Nangong put down was actually inlaid on the solid wood table.

It took them a long time to get him out.

What's going on? asked the servant in charge.

The servants quickly told the whole story.

The steward Ding frowned and didn't know. After thinking about it, he decided to tell Bao BuTong about it.

The second day.

Nangong Jun did not wake up his younger brothers and sisters. He met Murong Shuang alone and asked bluntly:

Sister-in-law, where is my elder brother's body now?

I buried your eldest brother's body in the back of Murong's house. Murong Shuang said calmly.

How did eldest brother die? Nangong Jun stared at Murong Shuang and asked again.

Murong Shuang sighed: Killed by your eldest brother Yuanren Darba.

Well, I heard about this, but what I want to ask is why the eldest brother was killed by Dalba. Nangong Jun said solemnly.

When Murong Shuang heard this, there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Without hiding anything, he told Nangong Jun the whole story.

After hearing this, Nangong Jun's face became even more ugly: So, it's not wrong to say that the eldest brother died for his sister-in-law.

No, A Liu did die for me. Murong Shuang shook his head without any rebuttal.

Nangong Jun nodded and changed the subject:

Sister-in-law must know that according to the rules of our Nangong family, the wife needs to pray for her husband after his death.

Murong Shuang's heart trembled, then he nodded and said, I know, he once told me when I married A Liu.

That's good. If nothing happens, sister-in-law can go back with us. Nangong Jun saw that the other party already understood, so he stopped talking nonsense.

Murong Shuang remained silent for a while and said, Okay, I'm going to say goodbye to my family.

Well, okay, I'll wake them up and take the eldest brother away later. Nangong Jun said quickly and stood up to leave.

Murong Shuang was left alone. At this time, her heart was very confused, very confused.

Second sister, do you really want to go back with them? Murong Shanshan was worried about Murong Shuang and kept following behind. She heard everything.

Haha, there is no other way. If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog. If A Liu died for me, I will accept it even if I stay a widow for him for the rest of my life. Murong Shuang sighed.

But, second sister, you are only twenty-seven, and you still have a long life in the future. If you become a widow... Murong Shanshan did not want to say any more.

Forget it, this is fate. Don't talk nonsense to them when you go back later. Let's separate happily. Murong Shuang said.

Murong Shanshan thought for a moment and said, Maybe my cousin can help.


Murong Shuang's mind immediately pictured Murong Fu's gentle and slightly domineering appearance, he shook his head and sighed:

Forget it, the Nangong family is extraordinary, so I won't cause any more trouble to my eldest cousin.

Let me bear all the mistakes alone.

Seeing Murong Shuang's resigned look, Murong Shanshan felt unwilling and said anxiously:

If you want to pray for blessings, you can't pray anywhere. Do you have to go back to Nangong's house?

Now that we have returned to the clan, it is appropriate for my eldest cousin to stand up for us.

If you don't tell me, I will!

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