Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 196 Murong’s Sword Technique


Murong Shuang also wanted to stop Murong Shanshan, but the other party turned around and left without looking back.

She stood there and sighed heavily, but she was confused.

I not only hope that Murong Fu will take action, but also hope that the two families will not become too rigid.

Huh~ It's been a long time since I drank so happily, so happily, so happily!

Murong Fu used the Small Phaseless Kung Fu to spit out all the remaining alcohol in his body.

Then, he asked A'Zhu to pour a basin of hot water and wash his face.

Fulang, according to the rules, there are still some clan elders to meet today, do you think? Wang Yuyan reminded.

Murong Fu shook his head: I have recently made new progress in the integration of my skills. I want to practice in a secret place. Those old guys have no use except opening their mouths to get benefits.

Have you made new progress in your skills? Wang Yuyan said happily.

Well, it's a pity that the Ziwei Sutra is too profound. As a husband, I may not understand it for a while. Murong Fu had already translated the text in the sutra to Wang Yuyan, who also had only a partial understanding of its contents.

The couple were helpless.

Murong Fu actually knew in his heart that what was recorded in the scriptures was very different from today's cultivation system, and spiritual energy was mentioned many times.

As for spiritual energy, he had only experienced it when drinking monkey wine.

As for whether there is spiritual energy in other places, he doesn't know.


That thing is very scarce.

Fu Lang, you can't rush this matter, step by step is the way to go. Wang Yuyan consoled her.

Don't worry, I understand. Murong Fu smiled, exchanged a few words with Wang Yuyan and prepared to leave.

I happened to see Abi walking in with a small wine glass and jokingly said: What, you didn't drink enough last night? Do you want some more?

Master, you are making fun of me again. Abi blushed at Murong Fu's words and quickly retorted.

Then what are you doing with a wine glass? Murong Fu said with a smile.

Abi said: There was a servant outside the door who said that a wave of guests came last night and set the wine glass on the solid wood table.

Last night? Murong Fu was stunned and turned to look at Wang Yuyan: Who is here?

Wang Yuyan shook her head. She had been with Murong Fu last night and didn't know about the visitors from Nangong's family.

Where is the Shadow Guard? Seeing this, Murong Fu didn't waste any time and called someone to come out and ask.

The secret guard Xiang Rong is here. The voice of the secret guard came from outside the door less than three breaths away.

Who came last night? Murong Fu asked.

At six quarters past midnight, a group of second-generation sons and daughters from the Nangong family came, namely Nangong Jun and Nangong Jue... Xiang Rong replied respectfully.

Murong Fu thought deeply: You are not staying at home during the Chinese New Year, so you are going to our house to grab leftover food? Are you sure this group of people is real? I don't know where the beggars come from to cheat me with food and drink?

Xiang Rong was stunned, took a breath, and said quickly: Master, please forgive me, because time is too tight, we cannot confirm the authenticity.

Murong Fu opened the door and walked out, stretched out slowly and said with a smile:

Haha, I'm just teasing you. We don't know each other. How can we not recognize Murong Shuang?

Xiang Rong wiped the cold sweat on his head in embarrassment, and broke into a smile that was uglier than crying: Master, you are really funny.

Murong Fu laughed haha several times and took a closer look at the cup in his hand.

The cup is an ordinary cup from Murong's old house, at most a little more expensive than the ones on the market.

There is nothing novel about it.

“The cup was set into the table for no reason, I guess there are two possibilities.

First, he is showing off his deep inner strength, and second, it seems more like a warning or a provocation.

Which ingredient do you think is more abundant? Murong Fu seemed to be asking Xiang Rong, or talking to himself as he fiddled with the cup a few more times toward the sky.

Xiang Rong said seriously: There is no conflict between our Murong family and the Nangong family. They should not provoke.

Well, the normal logic is correct, but we in the world are accustomed to stepping on the corpses of our seniors to get to the top. Maybe these people want to use my reputation to do something. Murong Fu handed the cup to Xiang Rong.

Xiang Rong's face instantly turned cold: Whoever dares to be disrespectful to the master, I will let them die!

Forget it this time, I don't want there to be a next time.

Murong Fu patted Xiang Rong and handed the cup to him.

Then left.

Xiang Rong stood up slowly, stared at the cup in his hand, and his expression suddenly changed.

Madam, the young master seems a little unhappy. Abi asked, looking at Murong Fu's leaving figure.

That group of people named Nangong, no matter what the reason.

Setting the cup into the table is a provocation to our Murong family. The fact that the young master didn't arrest them already shows that he has a broad mind. A'Zhu explained.

It seems so! Abi thought for a while and finally understood.

After Murong Fu left the yard, he remembered the New Year celebration yesterday and seemed to have missed the little girl Mu Wanqing, so he muttered:

I just punished her a few times recently. The little girl won't go on a hunger strike to protest. Forget it, it's still early. Let's go see her first.

He was so focused on walking towards Mu Wanqing's yard that he didn't notice the panting Murong Shanshan running not far behind him.

Because Mu Wanqing often had to be punished, Murong Fu arranged her yard to be relatively quiet.

No one comes here on weekdays, and occasionally you can only hear the sound of the other party practicing.

Murong Fu walked up and saw the little girl practicing Kung Fu there.

Playing a very boring swordsmanship.

But no matter how mediocre the swordsmanship is, paired with Mu Wanqing's graceful and graceful figure, she will become extremely beautiful.

Like hibiscus in water, it is graceful and clear without any trace of carving.

After watching a few moves, Murong Fu really couldn't stand the flawless swordsmanship:


Mu Wanqing seemed a little unhappy when she saw Murong Fu coming.

He stabbed him at the slightest disagreement.

Little girl, does your butt need spanking again? Upon seeing this, Murong Fu smiled calmly and used his inner strength to suck in a cane.

He started fighting with Mu Wanqing.

Murong Fu's swordsmanship was light and agile, and he made continuous moves, just like flowing clouds and flowing water. In an instant, his whole body seemed to be covered in a curtain of light.

Mu Wanqing was immediately shocked. She had long heard that the Gusu Murong clan was knowledgeable in martial arts and knew all the kung fu of various schools. Unexpectedly, their swordsmanship was also so exquisite.

But before she could react, a black shadow passed by.

There was a sharp pain in my butt.

Pop! Pap! Pap!

There were a few more crisp sounds, and the little girl's face turned red with embarrassment, and she threw the long sword in her hand to the ground: No fight, no fight, you know how to bully me because of your high martial arts skills. M..

Murong Fu walked closer, picked up the sword that was thrown on the ground, and ordered: Take it, I will teach you a set of Murong swordsmanship, so that you won't be embarrassed by me in the future.

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