Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 434 Devouring the Demon

Knowledge within the sea.

Murong Fu transformed into a real purple dragon and was fighting with a giant with a green face and fangs.

The two attack each other in the most primitive way.

One punch and one claw.

The blood of the struggle was sprinkled on the Consciousness Sea Continent.

The battle was extremely brutal.

The more the devil fought, the more shocked he became. He couldn't believe that a mortal could have such a tenacious spirit and could confront his own soul head-on.

His thoughts were changing, and he was already in decline.

If you continue to fight hard, whether you can get out today will have another outcome. He uttered Chun Lei and said:

Boy, it's your luck. This demon can't do anything to you. Just let me go. How about you and I don't bother each other in the future?

Haha, let you go? Murong Fu's eyes were full of contempt: Do you think that I, the king, know the sea and your garden, and can come and leave whenever you want?

What do you mean? If you offend this demon, you will lose your consciousness. The demon said angrily.

Sea of ​​consciousness?

Murong Fu's expression couldn't help but hesitate, and he was thinking deeply with the demon Zhou Xuan.

When the demon saw this, he thought Murong Fu was afraid of him, so he couldn't help but feel very proud.


As he continued to fight, he realized something was wrong.

Murong Fu seemed to have no intention of paying attention to him at all, and started to kill him.

He was bitten by his dragon's mouth and swallowed up half of his soul, and he said even more angrily:

Boy, whether it's peace or war, you should just say a word.

Murong Fu remained silent after hearing this, still frowning, as if he was thinking carefully. ..

Stop fighting, stop, I'm telling you to stop!

Damn it, kid, if you do it again, don't blame me for destroying your sea of ​​consciousness.

Boy, I'm willing to apologize, please stop, stop!

The demon became more and more irritable, but his tone gradually became softer.

After fighting for several more rounds, the giant that was originally like a mountain shrank by several feet.

On the other hand, the purple dragon that Murong Fu transformed into had already covered the sky and suppressed the giant.

Stop? Murong Fu said calmly: If a mere devil dares to come to this king's sea of ​​consciousness, just stay here to provide nourishment.

What? The demon was so shocked that he even thought there was something wrong with his ears: You want to devour the demon for nourishment?

Why not? Murong Fu asked loudly.

It's a joke. This is the first time I've heard that a mortal wants to devour a demon. I think you are really out of your mind.

The demon looked at Mo Rongfu contemptuously.

Since his birth, the strong have bullied the weak.

Mortals and demons are basically two different levels of life.

The latter is far more noble than the former.

Just like an ant can never defeat an elephant.

Even if they eat the corpse, they will be strangled to death.

Murong Fu naturally understood the truth, but he believed that he had two souls.

Enough to swallow the devil.


The giant dragon opened its mouth, mouth after mouth, and was about to swallow up the demon.

Let...let me go!

The demon was finally afraid, his eyes full of fear.

He had already seen that Murong Fu in front of him was not joking, he really planned to devour him.

Haha, don't worry, I will refine you later, get all your knowledge, and dominate this world.

Murong Fu laughed arrogantly, opened the dragon's mouth again, sucked hard, and smoothly swallowed the demon into his belly.

Then he let out a big burp and returned to his true self.


It tastes terrible!

As soon as he finished speaking, Murong Fu's consciousness flooded.

Suddenly there was a strong wind and loud noise.

There were hurricanes.

A huge memory appeared in his mind.

Just as the devil thought.

Ants can indeed eat elephant carcasses, but they will be strangled to death.

Strange pictures appeared in his mind.

This is exactly what the demon looked like when he was alive.

He was originally a disciple of a sect in that world.

But he was bullied for being too weak.

During a sect trial, his soul accidentally came to the world where Murong Fu lived.

This guy knows that even if he goes back.

It's also at the bottom, so I might as well just do it.

By seizing Cang Cang's body, he relied on the skills of his original world to become the ancestor of the Demon Sect.

It was originally going to be smooth sailing, who knew.

A Bodhidharma will appear, kill him and seal him.

Even more unexpected.

I thought Bodhidharma was invincible.

Unexpectedly, Murong Fu was more powerful than Bodhidharma.

He was stunned to eat his soul alive, devouring it completely.

If I had known earlier, he would have returned to his original world.

It is better to be a second-generation ancestor than to be here.



The heavy rain finally fell on Shaoshi Mountain, dripping on everyone's face.

The fire in Shaolin Temple was gradually extinguished by heavy rain.

The fighting has reached now, and the battle is nearing its end.

Everyone was already feeling exhausted.

If he continued to fight endlessly, he would be fighting for his life in another way.

Xiang Yutian forced the retreating leader Tuo Tuo with a palm strike.

There was also a hint of solemnity on the cynical face.

I didn't expect you to see through life and death. I admire you. I admire you.

Huo Gong Tutuo did not hesitate to praise:

Hmph, you're not a simple boy either. You have a strange aura, which seems both evil and righteous.

The ultimate way.

Except for that stinky Taoist priest Zhang Sanfeng, I'm afraid no one in this world can deal with you.

When Xiang Yutian heard about Zhang Sanfeng, he also smiled:

Haha, I noticed him a long time ago.

It's a pity that I never got the chance to meet him. I hope I can compete with him one day.

Huo Gong Tutuo said coldly:

There's no need to compete with him. If you've beaten me, you can beat him.

Xiang Yutian touched the remains in the bag and said with a smile:

Hey, today is not the time.

If that sweeping monk comes over, this emperor will suffer a big loss.

You and I should fight another day, bye!

After saying that, he looked deeply at Yutian and Murong Fu who was about to wake up.

I always feel like this guy is weird in everything.

But the burning monk in front of him was not a good person.

It might be difficult to take this kid away in front of him.

Make some calculations.

Deciding to wait until another day, he put some force on his feet and jumped directly upwards.

I plan to leave this Demon Sect.

Hmph, you want to leave without having a good fight with me? Huo Gong Tutuo was naturally bellicose.

How could it be possible to let go of such a good opponent like Xiang Yutian so easily.

With a twist of internal energy, he chased after him with a bang.

When Xiang Yutian was speechless upon seeing this, he cursed Martial Madman and quickly gave the order to retreat.

The sweeping monk knew that he had obtained the remains and had to chase them.

As a result, the entire venue became extremely quiet again.

Until Zhu Yuyan, who fainted, was woken up by the rain, she looked at everything around her blankly.

Suddenly, a question came from my ears: You're awake.

When he looked up, he saw that it was Murong Fu who was covered in rain and half naked.

This is what we are doing?

Murong Fu looked at Zhu Yuyan who was soaked by the rain and her transparent gauze clothes clung to her body.

He laughed a few times and walked over, hugged him into his arms and said:

They're all gone, you and me are the only ones left here.

After that, he lowered his head and kissed her, enjoying the beautiful thing in his arms again.

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