Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 435 What do you think of my good disciple?

The next morning.

There was a mess on Shaoshi Mountain in the heavy rain.

Murong Fu stood up, stretched his body, and looked sideways at the beautiful Zhu Yuyan.

Seeing his long eyebrows blinking, he joked:

No need to pretend, I know you're awake.


Zhu Yuyan instantly blushed from her neck to her head.

He twisted his body and gave Murong Fu an exquisite back view.

Murong Fu smiled, touched Zhu Yuyan's delicate body with his hand, and said:...

If you don't get up, those monks will come over.

You...don't touch me! Zhu Yuyan sat up immediately.

He pushed Murong Fu hard.

Murong Fu looked at the posture of Zhu Yuyan's youngest daughter.

He hugged him again and kissed him.

Zhu Yuyan was already troubled by him and was extremely sensitive.

Smelling the masculine energy on Murong Fu's body, his eyes became blurred again and he said softly:

Please... find another place.

Haha, you put on your clothes first, my master is back. Murong Fu said, picked up his robe from the ground and put it on Zhu Yuyan.

As soon as Zhu Yuyan heard that someone had returned, she immediately changed back to her aloof appearance as the Yin Queen.

After a while, I heard a burst of cursing.

Hmph, those evil emperors and bloody hands are all boring people.

Before she could react, a great monk dressed in the Western Regions appeared in front of her.

Murong Fu, who was beside him, bowed and saluted very respectfully: Disciple, I have met the donor.

Huo Gong Tou Tuo waved his hand and signaled Murong Fu to stand up.

Then he glanced at Zhu Yuyan, who had an extraordinary temperament, and joked:

You are fighting life and death for your master, but you are at ease.

Follow this beauty

Halfway through his words, Huo Gong Tutuo suddenly changed his words:

The aura of this girl is somewhat similar to that girl Wanwan.

Zhu Yuyan heard this and asked if she could find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

She actually had a good time with her apprentice's man. Isn't it like a mother and daughter serving together... one husband!

Murong Fu said awkwardly: Disciple knows that with Master's strength, it will not be a problem to deal with them.

Haha, that's true. Huo Gong Tutuo laughed and said, However, I have to say that people like the Demon Sect still have some strength.

Humph, apart from playing some conspiracy and tricks, what kind of strength does the Demon Sect have!

As soon as Huo Gong Tutuo finished speaking, three more people fell into the cave at the bottom of the mountain.

It was the sweeping monk, Fang Zheng, and the wine-fighting monk.

The one who spoke was naturally the drunkard monk with the most fiery temper.

Who are you? Huo Gong Tutuo asked as he looked at the slightly tough Drunken Monk.

This is the Doujiu monk from the Sa family. The Doujiu monk patted his chest and said.

Huo Gong Tutuo was stunned. He practiced the [Nine Yang Manual] and naturally knew who the Doujiu Monk was.

I just didn't expect that this guy didn't seem to be as strong as I thought.

Who are you? How come I didn't know that there is such a number one figure in Shaolin Temple? the wine-fighting monk asked.

Huo Gong Tutuo said disdainfully: I am not from the Shaolin Temple.

I am Huo Gong Tutuo, the ancestor of the Vajra Sect in the Western Regions.

The wine-fighting monk glanced at the sweeping monk, who shook his head.

He hid in the temple and had no interest in worldly affairs.

How could he know Huogong Toutuo?

On the contrary, Fang Zheng was stunned and chanted the Buddha's name:

Amitabha, this poor monk seems to have heard of it.

Seventy years ago, there was a monk who set fire to the temple and fled the temple.

Relying on Uncle Doujiu Master's [Nine Yang Manual], he established a sect in the Western Regions.

It must be the senior brother in front of me.

When the wine-fighting monk and the sweeping monk heard this, they showed a look of understanding.

However, they didn't say much.

They have no way to control whether the other party rebels against the temple or not.

A realm where heaven and man are one, and a realm where life and death can be overcome.

This kind of strength is at the top of the pyramid in today's martial arts world.

It's too late to make friends with him.

Who would turn against him over the incident of Chen Sesame and Rotten Millet decades ago?

Haha, very good. If you call me senior brother, I can bear it.

Huo Gong Tutuo felt a little proud when he heard that Fang Zheng had met his senior brother.

Hmph, I didn't expect that you were quite good at practicing the [Nine Yang Manual] I created.

Doujiu Monk wrote the Nine Yang Manual back then, so he naturally had the confidence to say this.

Hmph, I was born extraordinary, if it weren't for the unfair treatment of Shaolin Temple back then.

I can't say, I might be the current abbot. Huo Gong Tutuo was always right, and he was still worried about what happened back then.

Amitabha, maybe this is fate, allowing my Shaolin teachings to spread throughout the Western Regions. The sweeping monk said with his hands clasped together.

Neither Huo Gong Toutuo nor Shaolin Temple was wrong.

In one word.

Then he put this matter aside and stopped the argument between the two parties.

Huo Gong Tutuo hummed and said:

Sweeping Divine Monk, if you have a chance, we will face off to see who is more powerful.

The sweeping monk shook his head and said very sincerely:

Amitabha, monks don't compete with each other, win or lose.

You and I both use Shaolin Kung Fu, so naturally the Shaolin Temple will win.

Huo Gong Tutuo was suddenly speechless. The old guy in front of him was not as interesting as Zhang Sanfeng:

Shaolin Temple suddenly encounters a big disaster. If you don't want to compare, forget it.

Rather than competing in martial arts, why don't we sit down and have a cup of tea when we have time. The sweeping monk said with a smile.

Forget it, my disciple's palace has enough tea, let's go.

Huo Gong Tutuo has lost interest in talking to the sweeping monk and is ready to leave Shaolin.

The sweeping monk clasped his hands together and watched him leave.

Wait a minute, you two can leave. I'm afraid the Yin Queen has to stay.

At this time, another group of great monks came and stopped in front of Huo Gong Tutuo.

The leader was none other than monk Xuan.

Fang Zheng saw that the person was Xuannan and couldn't help but ask: Where is your senior brother Xuanci?

Xuannan had a sad look on his face, tears in his eyes, and said sadly: Senior brother, he was killed last night and is already dead.

What? The face of the three powerful men in the unity of heaven and man suddenly changed.

The death of his own leader is a huge funeral in the world.

Especially when he died on the day when the Demon Gate attacked the mountain.

The sweeping monk was about to ask the cause and effect when Xuannan spoke again:

Not only is senior brother Xuanci dead, but also three senior brothers Duhe, Dujie, and Dunan died after exhausting their efforts.

What! As soon as these words came out, the surrounding Shaolin monks could no longer control their faces and cried bitterly.

As if overnight, most of the Shaolin Temple was destroyed and most of it was gone.

Murong Fu glanced at Huo Gong Toutuo and saw that his face was extremely ugly.

I knew it would be difficult to take Zhu Yuyan away.

After all, she is one of the leaders in this matter.

Shaolin Temple is determined not to let her go easily.

The wine-fighting monk looked at the sweeping monk and said:

Shaolin is facing such a catastrophe, which is truly a century-old shame.

We absolutely can't just let it go. This witch must stay.

The sweeping monk frowned and looked at Huo Gong Tutuo:

Amitabha, what do Tutu think of this matter?

Huo Gong Tutuo did not answer, but turned to look at Murong Fu and said bluntly:

Good disciple, what do you think?

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