Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 624: There is a knife in the heart, everything is a knife


With a loud noise, the entire restaurant seats shattered.

The two continued to fight with each other, gritting their teeth and refusing to retreat.

Gui Hai Yi Dao's face gradually became ugly, his true energy surged out, the sword intention gathered the shadow, and used the killing move [Heartless Slash].

In an instant, a huge sword intent filled the field. Everyone who felt the pressure unconsciously wanted to retreat.

I saw Liu Bin holding the knife with both hands and pouring all his true energy into it.

He let out a low drink, his whole body filled with fighting spirit.

Instead of retreating, he advanced forward, strode forward, raised his sword to meet Gui Hai and slashed three inches below the handle.

Then listen to the sound of dang.

A short knife flew several times in the sky and fell towards Murong Fu.

Prince! Bao BuTong wanted to stop him, but he saw Murong Fu tilting his head slightly, and the broken knife flew past his ear and embedded in the wooden table behind him.

The next moment, Liu Bin seemed to be shocked by the huge sword light, and a bright red color flowed from the corner of his mouth.

It looked like he was seriously injured.

I lost! Gui Hai Yi Dao said expressionlessly.

Everyone looked at Gui Hai Yida in confusion.

Obviously if the fight continues, Liu Bin is the one who can't hold on.

Why did he give up?

A swordsman takes the sword as his life. The sword is there for the people, but the sword destroys the people. So the one who loses is naturally Gui Hai's sword.

At this time, another group of people walked in outside the door. The leader was wearing gold and silver, but he did not have the mean look of a nouveau riche. Instead, he looked at Murong Fu with a naive smile.

When Murong Fu saw the visitor, he couldn't help but smile and stood up and said politely: It turns out it's thirteen thousand, brother Wan.

Seeing Murong Fu being so polite, Wan Sanqian couldn't help but quicken his steps, came closer and said respectfully: Brother Murong, I didn't expect that we would meet here after we said goodbye back then.

When you come to Ming Dynasty this time, you must let me fulfill my duty as a landlord and don't shirk.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Haha, that will cost me a lot of money.

He has more than 10,000 people under his command, and all of them are big eaters, consuming at least 5,000 taels a day.

Coming back and forth is a lot of consumption.

This made Prince Murong, who had always been diligent and thrifty, somewhat distressed.

My husband, he is Wan Sanqian, your idol. Shuang'er stood in the distance and whispered.

His grandma's business is rich, isn't it? If I open sixteen [Yihongyuan] in the future, I will definitely be richer than him. Wei Xiaobao said unconvinced.

Shuang'er rolled his eyes and asked, Have you thought about how to repay your benefactor?

Think about it, think about it, I will go back and persuade Grandpa Zu to tell the emperor to marry Princess Jianning to the prince. Wei Xiaobao showed a mean smile, and he didn't know what he was planning.

As the two of them spoke, they looked at Murong Fu and Wan Sanqian again, and heard the latter speak bluntly:

Brother Murong, I, Wan Sanqian, always speak straightforwardly and don't mince words. Can you please, for my sake, give Haitang some slack?

Murong Fu pretended to be stunned and asked in confusion: Brother Wan, do you know her?

Wan Sanqian said truthfully: To be honest, Haitang is not only the number one secret agent named Xuan, but also the owner of my [Number One Village in the World].

So, please be kind and let her go.

I see. Murong Fu said Oh and showed a hint of embarrassment: But she seems to be related to the Japanese assassin who came to assassinate this king.

What do you think, Brother Wan?

Wan Sanqian was stunned. He really didn't know about this. He gritted his teeth and said, Brother Murong, I am willing to vouch for Haitang. She will never have anything to do with this matter.

Since Brother Wan said so, I will naturally give you a favor. Murong Fu smiled haha and asked Shangguan Haitang to be let go.

Seeing this, Wan Sanqian smiled and said, Thank you so much, Brother Murong.

Shangguan Haitang rubbed his shoulders, looked at Murong Fu with an unkind look, and let out a cold hum in displeasure.

Murong Fu smiled indifferently and did not pay attention to this woman.

Seeing this, Wan Sanqian immediately changed the subject: Brother Murong, you haven't eaten yet.

Haha, we have our own cook when we go out. We can just go to the back kitchen to borrow a fire later. Murong Fu said.

No, when you come to my place, how can I ask you to do it yourself? I will order someone to cook. After Wan Sanqian finished speaking, he waved his hand to his subordinate, who immediately walked out.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, and naturally did not try to offend Wan Sanqian, but politely thanked him.

From time to time, countless delicacies were served in the restaurant.

Murong Fu tasted a few mouthfuls first, and after praising him, he said:

Brothers, please stop standing.

It's time to eat, and it's time to drink.

After Bao BuTong received the order, he went to give instructions.

Shangguan Haitang looked around and saw the soldiers who were eating alone, showing a hint of contempt: Humph, you soldiers don't test for poison when you go out to eat, are you not afraid of being poisoned to death?

Murong Fu smiled haha and did not explain. Instead, he looked at Gui Hai and said, I said, you lost, but you can keep your word?

I Guihai Yidao, I will keep my word. You can do whatever you want with me. Guihai Yidao is still brooding over the incident of breaking the sword, and seems to have a death wish.

Murong Fu replied: I am going to the Qing Dynasty, so you can stay with me and be a thug for me.

What? Do you want Yidao to be your thug? Shangguan Haitang said angrily.

What? Is there a problem? Murong Fu asked again,

I'm willing to admit defeat, I admit it! Gui Hai nodded with a knife.

Haha, not bad. Murong Fu was very satisfied with the other party's attitude, so he said: The knife is not a knife in your hand, but a knife in your heart.

“If there is a knife in the heart, everything is a knife.”

Without a sword in your heart, even if you have a peerless sword in your hand, it is like scrap metal.

Your level is not good enough, you need to practice.

Hearing this, Guihai slashed his entire body and was shocked.

He knew that there was a gap between him and the Grand Master.

But I still can't understand the meaning.

Now Murong Fu's words were like a wake-up call, allowing him to instantly break through the bottleneck that had troubled him for a long time.

In an instant, his whole body was filled with the terrifying domineering sword intent.

What...what happened to him?

Wei Xiaobao was so frightened that he dropped the chicken leg in his mouth on the table without taking a bite.

He looked at Gui Hai with a horrified look on his face, fearing that this man would disagree again and draw his sword at him.

Haha, it doesn't matter, he just had some enlightenment and became a great master. Murong Fu said calmly.

Wan Sanqian clapped his hands and said, I admire you, I admire you.

Think of one word from my brother Bu Murong, and he will be able to enter a realm that others only dream of.

Brother, I don't even know how to describe you.

Murong Fu smiled and said: This son has a strong will, but his mind is a bit single. I just said a few words casually.

Don't dare to take credit.

Immediately, he looked at Shangguan Haitang and said, How about it, am I right? Master Haitang Village,

Shangguan Haitang frowned slightly, recovered from the surprise, and said:

Haha, what Prince Murong said is of course right. Breakthrough is also a skill of one sword. It really has nothing to do with you!

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