Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 625 The complex forces of all parties


Gui Hai Yida woke up from his realization, stood up suddenly, bowed deeply to Murong Fu, and said:

Thank you, King Yan Chengquan. I now understand what a sword is and not a sword.

Shangguan Haitang's face suddenly became extremely embarrassed, he glared at Murong Fu fiercely, and still said unconvinced: Huh, it's just a coincidence.

No! Gui Hai shook his head seriously and said, When King Yan spoke, it was when my mind was unstable and I was about to lose my mind.

His words made me feel like a spring breeze and nourished my broken martial arts heart.

You... Shangguan Haitang suddenly became angry, stood up and left without even saying hello.

Brother Murong, please forgive me, Haitang has a bad temper, please don't pay attention to it. Wan Sanqian quickly spoke for Shangguan Haitang.

Haha, brother Wan, don't worry, how can I be the same as her? Murong Fu disagreed, looked at Gui Hai and said with a knife: Sit down, wait for a while, you can find a place to break through.

Okay! Gui Hai toasted a glass of wine and sat down.

Everyone seemed to be used to his reticent appearance.

Under Wei Xiaobao's mobilization, the atmosphere became active again.

Brother Murong, now that the world has changed drastically, people say that there will be divine punishment. What do you think?

After having enough wine and food, Wan Sanqian looked at Murong Fu seriously and asked.

God's punishment? Murong Fu shook his head: Not really.

However, there may be a drastic and disruptive disaster.

When everyone heard this, they all pricked up their ears and became very curious. Wei Xiaobao was the first to ask:

My lord, what disaster will happen?

Heavy rain, drought, plague, extreme heat, extreme cold! Murong Fu said calmly.

This... Wan Sanqian shook his head: Aren't there going to be countless casualties again?

Death may not be the end. Murong Fu said.

Everyone became silent after hearing this.

Wei Xiaobao asked unwillingly:

Your Majesty, how long until it starts?

Let's find a place to hide, okay?

Murong Fu laughed Haha and said, Have you not noticed that it rains more this year than in previous years?

This... Wei Xiaobao had an idea and immediately understood the meaning of Murong Fu's words.

Is it possible that it has already started?

Haha, cherish the people in front of you. After Murong Fu said the last sentence, the makeshift banquet was over.

Wan Sanqian took his subordinates and stood up to say goodbye. He only said that he would be responsible for the rest of the journey.

Just let Murong Fu rest assured.

Wei Xiaobao wanted him to leave and asked thiefly:

My lord, tell me, how much money can you get from these thirteen thousand?

Murong Fu looked at Wei Xiaobao and said, What, you want to imitate him and be as rich as the enemy?

Hehe, my lord, you discovered it. Wei Xiaobao said with a smile.

Murong Fu patted Wei Xiaobao and said:

With your ability, it's no problem to make money.

But whether you can protect your money depends on whether you have enough backing.

After saying that, he returned to the room, leaving Wei Xiaobao alone and messy in the wind.

[Money Gang] At the helm, Shangguan Xiaoxian said curiously:

Cousin, how did you feel when you saw Murong Fu today?

Hmph, this man is arrogant, lustful, arrogant, and extremely hateful. Shangguan Haitang insulted Murong Fulai without hesitation.

After half an hour, he stopped with a dry mouth.

Cousin, is that Japanese woman really sent by you? Shangguan Xiaoxian asked carefully.

Shangguan Haitang shook his head and said, No, the order I received was to protect him.

Why, maybe I'll hurt him again.

Shangguan Xiaoxian curled his lips when he heard this:

He is so miserable, why are you protecting him?

Shangguan Haitang rolled his eyes at Shangguan Xiaoxian and said:

You don't understand, this is politics.

Murong Fu is now an envoy of the Song Dynasty. If there is a problem with us, he will be here.

With his prestige, there will be a hurricane in the world.

The Song Dynasty will also use this to beg for things.

Shangguan Xiaoxian said Oh:

So he is so important.

If he dies, it will be troublesome.

Shangguan Haitang said indifferently: It's better if he dies.

I'm just afraid that he won't die because of his picky and unyielding character.

I'm sure it would be worse than death for someone who offended him.

Shangguan Xiaoxian's heart trembled when he heard this, and he smiled and said: Cousin, it's not as serious as you said, right?

Shangguan Haitang affirmed: Yes, and it is more serious than what I said.

Did you know that just because of the Japanese, they burned, killed and robbed several fishing villages in their territory?

He successively killed the entire Japanese clan, millions of them.

Now, the entire Japan is under his absolute hegemony.

If you are not careful, it will be the disaster of annihilation.

When Shangguan Xiaoxian heard this, his whole body felt cold.

She suddenly felt as if she was provoking a monster that she shouldn't provoke.


I couldn't help but swallow.

Shangguan Haitang comforted him: Cousin, don't be afraid.

I also heard that Murong Fu was extremely lecherous.

With your looks, even if you provoke him, the most he will do is punish you and warm your bed.

Go, bad cousin, you are teasing me again. Shangguan Xiaoxian rolled his eyes at Shangguan Haitang.

The worry in her heart has also improved a lot. She is not afraid of Murong Fu's lust.

With the beauty of her mother Lin Xianer, it was impossible for any man in the world to be able to resist her.

A few days later.

Murong Fu rode a chariot and horse and entered [Shuntian Mansion] in a grand manner.

Lang Xuechi said through the car window: Your Majesty, I didn't expect that this [Shuntian Mansion] is quite lively.

Murong Fu looked through the gap and said:


Lao Zhu's family is still very good to the people.

However, it doesn’t matter how good it is.

The Zhu family is just that, Zhu Yuanzhang was born in a generation of poor peasants.

None of the remaining heirs can compare with him.

Zhu Di was a hero, but unfortunately, in order to prove himself, he died on the way to war.

The remaining three emperors were in power for too short a period of time.

Not to mention that Zhu Yunwen was forced to step down.

The other two were also short-lived.

Otherwise, [civil changes] would not have occurred.

As a result, the Ming army lost the best of twenty elites.

However, the advantage is that in exchange for Zhu Qizhen, he will be given the title of God of War of the Ming Dynasty.

Your Majesty, shall we go to the palace today? Bao BuTong asked outside the car.

Murong Fu looked at the sky and saw that it was already late, so he said:

No need, Brother Wan has already arranged a place to stay.

Let the servants lead the way.

As ordered! Bao BuTong replied and immediately arranged for the vehicle to move forward.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived, the road ahead was suddenly blocked by a group of people.

Bao BuTong was about to scold him, but he saw everyone on the other side bowing respectfully and asking:

I dare to ask the person in the car, but His Highness King Yan.

Yes, my master is King Yan. Who are you? Bao BuTong asked.

The people in the traffic jam were so happy that they began to give their names one after another.

The younger one is Dongchang General Banner. On the order of my family's governor, I will send fifty thousand taels of gold for his use.

The younger one is the general banner of the West Factory. On the order of my family's governor, I will send you 60,000 taels of gold for his use.

The younger one is the Commander-in-Chief of Jinyiwei. On the order of my family's governor, I will send you 60,000 taels of gold for his use.

Bao BuTong felt a little awkward listening to the other party's words.

How could someone run to the street to deliver a gift and asked:

My lord, what should I do?

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