Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 626 Murong Jiu Sisters

Go back! Murong Fu didn't even bother to look outside. These people were either stupid or bad, or they were just deliberately causing trouble.

My lord, don't get me wrong, these things are all approved by Concubine Wan Gui. A eunuch outside said.

When Murong Fu heard the words Concubine Wan Gui, he couldn't help but be stunned.

It is said that after the God of War was defeated, he seemed to be frightened and went crazy, hiding in his room all day long.

No one was seen except Concubine Wan Gui.

Now that I think about it, the person who wants to see me is probably not this woman, right?

However, if the other party wants to give him a gift, there is no need to make such a big show of it.

To say that among them, there is no...


Murong Fu had a flash of inspiration and instantly understood this woman's purpose.

Haha, it seems that she wants to borrow my hand to test who in the court is dissatisfied with her.

What's wrong? Your Majesty? Lang Xuici asked.

Murong Fu shook his head and said loudly: I appreciate the kindness of Empress Wan, and tell her that I thank her and will pay her a visit some other day.

Several powerful people heard that Murong Fu was firm, so they did not dare to make any more requests and went back obediently.

The carriage started again.

Everyone followed thirteen thousand servants and arrived in front of a villa.

After Murong Fu dismounted, he took a look at the simple and luxurious villa in front of him and nodded with satisfaction:

I am afraid that only Brother Wan in the entire Ming Dynasty can own such a large villa in the capital.

In the future, I will also buy a bigger Zhuangzi than this in the Qing Dynasty. Wei Xiaobao muttered unconvinced.

Murong Fu smiled hehe and was about to walk into it.

Suddenly, I heard someone calling me in unison: Big cousin!

Looking back, I couldn't help but be surprised and exclaimed: Why are you here?

Lang Xuici followed Murong Fu's gaze and was a little surprised, because the person who came was none other than the eight Murong sisters.

Murong Shuang had an outspoken personality. He walked up to Murong Fu and said, I miss you, can you come and see me?

Murong Fu leaned into his ear and whispered back: Then you come to bed tonight.

You... Murong Shuang didn't expect Murong Fu to say it in front of so many people. She was so embarrassed that she almost blushed from her neck to her head, and said: Cousin, you are so bad!

Murong Fu smiled and led them towards the room.

Wait until you are completely settled.

The servants took them to rest in the hot spring dug in the village.

At this time, Murong Fu asked again: Tell me, you few rarely go out on weekdays.

This time I traveled all the way to Ming Dynasty, let alone simply missing me.

Murong Shuang and Murong Shanshan looked at each other, pulled Murong Jiu to Murong Fu's side, got into his arms, and said:

Cousin, I'm afraid it's true this time, and I'm going to trouble you.

When Murong Fu saw the girls being so serious, he felt something was wrong and said:

If you have anything to do, just tell me!

Murong Shuang quickly touched Murong Jiu with his jade foot. The latter was stunned for a moment and said immediately:

Cousin, my sister, my sister is in danger, please save her.

Murong Fu was startled and looked around. He saw all eight sisters well in front of him. They looked at him and said in confusion:

Aren't they very nice?

Murong Jiu immediately realized that Murong Fu had misunderstood, and quickly explained: It's the eldest sister, our eldest sister.

Your eldest sister? Murong Shu? Murong Fu was slightly surprised.

In his impression, this Murong Shu had no contact with Murong Jiu and the others except for occasionally writing a few letters.

Murong Shuang said quickly: Yes, it's her.

Murong Fu thought for a moment and said, I remember that she was a concubine in the Ming Dynasty and her life was very bad. What danger could there be?

When the eight sisters heard this, they said anxiously: Because the eldest sister is pregnant with Longzi, and if someone in the palace is pregnant with Longzi, something unexpected will happen.

At worst, Longzi will not be saved, and at worst, he will die unexpectedly, so my sister wrote a letter asking you to save her life.

Murong Fu suddenly understood the cause and effect.

In the Ming Palace, there is an unwritten rule.

Before Concubine Wan Gui is pregnant with a child, whoever gets pregnant will die.

Because of this incident, Lao Zhu's family almost broke up.

However, this matter is Zhu Qizhen's family and state affairs.

As a foreign king, he was not qualified to ask questions.

If he takes action rashly, the 10,000 people under his command may have to be blamed here.

Suddenly, a system notification sounded in my head.

Ding, here comes the problem.

One, a beautiful woman asks for help, and is rewarded with the secret technique [True Shadow Clone Technique].

Two, sit back and let nature take its course, and reward the baby.

Looking at the two choices, Murong Fu felt a little confused. These two rewards were simply too good to be true.

[True Shadow Clone Technique] can use spiritual power to create a clone of flesh and blood that is no different from the original body.

His strength has reached his own level, and the time he can maintain it is directly proportional to his spiritual power.

It can be said that it has endless uses.

The second one [Hundred Dragons Xuanlin Golden Mail Armor] can withstand 10% of the damage from attacks by Golden Immortals and above.

Although he doesn't know what kind of strength is above Golden Immortal, he should be able to reach 10%.

Two such good treasures are placed in front of you.

Let him choose. He really doesn't know which one to choose.

At the moment of hesitation.

Murong Fu saw Murong Shuang gently biting his teeth, took a deep breath and dived into the water.

Instantly, a feeling of being tightly wrapped was transmitted to the brain.

How comfortable it is.

Eldest cousin, please help eldest sister. Murong Shanshan took the opportunity to persuade her softly.

While Murong Fu was enjoying himself, he joked: You guys, have you already thought about how to deal with me?

No way. Murong Shanshan retorted quickly: It was the second sister's last-minute idea.

How dare we deal with our cousin.

Murong Fu smiled slightly and was not in a hurry. Instead, he closed his eyes, leaned his head on the stone, and hummed a tune.

After a while, Murong Shuang came out of the water, panting heavily, and said softly:

Huhu, I'm really suffocated.

Then he asked: Has our eldest cousin agreed?

Murong Shanshan shook her head and said with a smile: I'm afraid my eldest cousin is feeling comfortable and has no time to speak.

Murong Shuang's beautiful eyes turned twice, and she pulled Murong Jiu over and said:

Little sister, didn't you say you've always wanted to try what the seventh and eighth sisters do?

This important task will be left to you.

Murong Jiu's face turned red. She wanted to try that kind of thing once.

But no, doing it in front of so many sisters, he said shyly:

Can I watch next time, this time?

Murong Shuang said: For the sake of eldest sister, just sacrifice once, be good.

After thinking about it for a while, Murong Jiu no longer hesitated, summoned up the courage to take a deep breath, and followed Murong Shuang's example and dived into the water.

She did what she had dreamed of doing, but her [Fossil Magic Skill] was different.

Murong Fu felt a sense of coolness, forming a warm and comfortable feeling with the surrounding hot springs.

Unconsciously, I chose the first option.

After all, we are all members of the same family, so we should help each other.


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