Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 633 Want to explore the depth


Murong Fu looked at Lu Xiaofeng's Spiritual Finger and easily clamped Gu Santong's wrist.

Suddenly, I thought of someone.

A Xiao Li flying knife who can do anything and hit the target with perfect accuracy.

If you encounter one, it can catch anything [Lingxi Finger].

Who is more powerful?

Get out! Gu Santong's internal energy exploded, instantly shaking off Lu Xiaofeng's fingers.

Without mercy, another slap.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaofeng was agile and dexterously dodged Gu Santong's attack.

In the blink of an eye, he retreated three feet away and said with a smile:

Huh, luckily I can run fast, otherwise, my bones would be broken.

Gu Santong curled his lips, and when he saw that he missed a hit, he stopped pursuing him and muttered:

Hmph, the kid's body skills are good, but unfortunately, he doesn't have any attack methods.

I'm afraid I'll suffer a loss when I go out.

Lu Xiaofeng didn't take it seriously and said:

Hey, Senior Gu, I have a close friend Ximen Chuixue, so it is appropriate to attack and defend.

We have never done anything to suffer a loss.

Gu Santong didn't bother to talk to Lu Xiaofeng and asked Murong Fu for a drink.

Murong Fu checked the time and asked his men to prepare lunch.

During the meal, he proposed to meet Ximen Chuixue one day.

Look at the strength of this Sword God.

I'm sorry, King Yan. Lu Xiaofeng saluted:

Ximen Chuixue is currently preparing for war and cannot fight with you.

After he defeats Ye Gucheng, I will invite him over to you immediately.

Ye Gucheng? Murong Fu showed a hint of joy, he didn't expect that he could see it.

A battle at the top of the Forbidden City.

King Yan, have you heard of the title Lord of Baiyun City? Lu Xiaofeng asked curiously.

Murong Fu shook his head and followed Lu Xiaofeng's words:

On a full-moon night, on the top of the Forbidden City, a sword comes from the west, and a fairy flies from the sky!

In these prosperous times, two famous swords compete.

How could it be possible that I, the King, have not heard of it?

Lu Xiaofeng showed a hint of worry: Prince Yan, do you know Ye Gucheng?

Murong Fu said bluntly: Are you worried that Ximen Chuixue is not Ye Gucheng's opponent?

Lu Xiaofeng said truthfully: This person's origin is too mysterious, so I have to worry about my friend.

Murong Fu pondered for a moment, speaking in terms of strength.

Ye Gucheng's Flying Immortal from Beyond the Sky is better than Ximen Chuixue's One Sword from the West.

However, the former was disturbed by common things and lost the heart of the sword.

In the end, he got his wish and died under Ximen Chuixue's sword.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

The two of them are equally matched. What they compete in the end is their will to fight.

In this way, in the world, I am afraid that only Ximen Chuixue has the deepest obsession with swords.

He has a greater chance of winning.

Gu Santong said disdainfully: The obsession is too deep, forgetting one's feelings and abandoning love is the same as the devil's way.

Either or not.

Lu Xiaofeng secretly rolled her eyes at Gu Santong and said to herself: What the old man said is so unpleasant.

When he was about to refute.

The servant brought a letter and handed it into Murong Fu's hands:

Your Majesty, there is a maid outside the door. Please give this letter to you.

Murong Fu took the letter and smiled.

He still remembered that the last time he received a letter, it was from Zhao Min.

It was filled with poison by the little girl.

Fortunately, I took two doses of Long Yuan at that time and my body was invulnerable to all poisons.

Otherwise, maybe he really got her way.

After opening the letter.

A refreshing fragrance instantly spreads into the nose.

Looking at the handwriting on it again, it flows like clouds and water, and the strokes are like clouds and smoke. It is delicate and beautiful, and I can't help but praise: Good calligraphy.

The person who signed the payment surprised him greatly.

Lin Xianer?

How could it be her?

Murong Fu was sure that he had never interacted with her.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually invited him to have a drink on the boat.

Hmph, kid, just by looking at you, I know that this letter was written by a woman.

Besides, there are good things. Gu Santong sneered.

Lu Xiaofeng also joked:

I am familiar with all the celebrities in the capital.

I don't know, whose beauty is meeting with King Yan?

Murong Fu did not hide anything and said bluntly: It's Lin Xian'er.

Who? Lu Xiaofeng was so surprised that she almost stood up and said excitedly: You said Lin Xian'er asked to meet you?

What? Are you familiar with it? Murong Fu asked curiously.

Lu Xiaofeng quickly shook her head: Not familiar, not familiar.

Eighteen years ago, Lin Xian'er single-handedly turned the Ming Dynasty upside down.

Xiao Li Tanhua, Flying Swordsman, and Shangguan Jinhong were all played by her.

Although she was recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world at that time, she was also an extremely vicious woman.

So that's it. Gu Santong did the math and said, Then isn't she in her thirties this year?

I have no way of knowing this. Lu Xiaofeng said seriously, I was just lucky enough to meet her once.

It's as if time has never left any trace on her body.

Murong Fu smiled softly. He had a life span of five hundred years, and the age of the woman had long been insignificant to him.

But he didn't understand why the other party suddenly came to him.

Is there any conspiracy?

Or trouble.

Lu Xiaofeng reminded: King Yan, as far as I know, Lin Xian'er has not appeared in the world for a long time.

I'm afraid it's not easy for her to find you.

Gu Santong also said: Heroes think alike, women are in trouble!

Murong Fu thought for a moment and said:

Lu Xiaofeng, do you know! Where did Xiao Li Tanhua go?

I don't know where Li Tanhua went after she retired. Lu Xiaofeng shook her head.

What about Shangguan Jinhong?

Lu Xiaofeng still shook his head and said, It is said that he is dead.

But it's true or not, no one has seen his body.

Also a mystery.

Murong Fu took it indifferently and just asked a few people casually.

He didn't bother to mess with a woman like Lin Xian'er.

Who knows, there are some people who, the less you want to mess with them, the more they just like to lean on you.

Especially a woman like Lin Xian'er who will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals.

Actually, taking advantage of the sunset.

He hired many maids and sang along the road.

He came to the door of the villa with great momentum and called:

My mistress would like to invite His Highness Prince Yan to come on board the ship to meet him.

I also hope that His Highness, King Yan, will show his kindness and reward me with a thin meal.

In the mansion, Gu Santong was lying on a bench, crossing his legs and jokingly saying:

The boat, the boat, rocked and rocked, and it reached the embroidery bed...

Bao BuTong rolled his eyes at the ancient three links and saluted:

Your Majesty, my subordinates have found out the details of Lin Xianer.

Since Shangguan Jinhong's death, she took over the position of leader of the [Money Gang].

It wasn't until two years ago that the position of gang leader was handed over to her daughter Shangguan Xiaoxian.

So he retreated behind the scenes and rarely showed up.

Murong Fu listened to Bao BuTong's report and based on some information he had.

Still not understanding Lin Xianer's purpose, she shook her head and said with a calm smile:

Whatever she does.

Since you want to see me so much, I will find out her background personally.

Look at how deep the water is in here.

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