As the night fell, a beautiful boat was reflected in the lights on the river. The tassel-like moonlight swayed and poured into the cabin. There were lights hanging all around the boat.

They have different features and are full of fun.

A piece of wind brocade is faintly visible at the stern of the ship. Looking around, there are three pretty words Fairy Boat written on the brocade.

The sound of guzheng deep in the fairy boat is elegant and melodious.

Like the graceful woman in the boudoir dream, telling loneliness and love.

The boat moved forward slowly and docked on the shore, and a hazy mist rose from the river.

Through the mist, in the dark water waves, there are wisps of bright ripples.

Prince Murong, please, my mistress has been waiting for a long time. A maid in white said respectfully while standing next to the springboard.

Murong Fu glanced at the boat and said casually: This boat is quite luxurious. I guess your mistress must have put a lot of thought into it.

The maid said respectfully: Returning to your distinguished guest, my mistress likes freedom and lives in the boat on weekdays.

Of course, I want to dress up luxuriously and comfortably.

Murong Fu smiled calmly and followed the maid who led the way to a large room on the third floor of Xianfang.

The other party knocked lightly a few times, until a lazy voice came from inside, and she pushed the door open:

Prince Murong, the mistress is inside, please come in.

Murong Fu said Hmm and walked into the room without hesitation. He heard the door close behind him.

He curled his lips and wondered what Lin Xianer wanted.

Haha, Murong Fu, who is famous in the world, won't be afraid of a little girl like me, right? Murong Fu was stunned.

Lin Xian'er pushed open the gauze curtain in front of her and walked out minding her own business. Her voice was crisp and very pleasant.

Murong Fu raised his eyes and saw Lin Xian'er wearing a black hidden star pattern diagonal skirt, and the bottom was a gold brocade and white gauze embroidered skirt.

Black and white, the skin like gelatin is looming.

On her hands as white as green onions, she wore a chiseled coral ring.

She has delicate eyebrows and a pretty face, with a hint of natural charm in the corners of her eyebrows and eyes.

A pair of eyes as bright as gems, sparkling in the dark night.

His watery eyes seemed to be dripping with water, and he looked sideways at himself, half-smiling but half-laughing, half-angry but not angry.

For a moment, I glanced twice unconsciously, and after I came to my senses, I joked:

Haha, of course I will not be afraid of a little girl.

But I will be afraid of a fairy with superb skills and rich experience.

Lin Xian'er smiled, asked Murong Fu to sit down, and then said: The Nu family is really honored to be able to scare King Yan.

Murong Fu shook his head and said: I was afraid before because of the unknown. Now that I have seen it, I am not so afraid.

Oh? Why is this? Lin Xian'er asked pretending to be surprised.

Because I like to conquer fear. Murong Fu said calmly.

Lin Xian'er laughed softly when she heard this and joked:

Prince Yan, you really know how to joke.

Murong Fu shrugged his shoulders, and naturally did not explain much, and said seriously:

I wonder what Mrs. Shangguan has to do with your appointment here today?

Lin Xian'er was stunned. She didn't expect that Murong Fu would change his face faster than her.

Like other men, he would tell dirty jokes.

This caught her off guard.

I'm here because I want to cooperate with the prince on behalf of the [Money Gang].

Together we will dominate the underground forces of the Ming Dynasty.

Murong Fu was speechless. He was a serious prince, but he was involved in underground forces?

He didn't think about rejecting it and said:

Sorry, madam, I have no intention of interfering with the Ming Dynasty.

Lin Xian'er seemed to have guessed that Murong Fu would say this, and smiled sweetly without getting angry:

Haha, Your Majesty, this matter is not urgent.

I've already ordered some people and prepared drinks.

We were having a drink and talking about it.

Murong Fu nodded: Please, madam.

Lin Xianer ordered the servants with a laughing.

He brought the food that had been prepared and poured wine for Murong Fu himself:

This wine is [Hundred Flowers Wine Mead] brewed by me myself.

It is sweet when imported, and feels like a cotton needle when it enters the throat. It has great staying power.

The average person will fall unconscious after three drinks.

I wonder, how many drinks can King Yan have?

Lin Xian'er's voice became lower and lower as she spoke, and Murong Fu felt that her words were greasy and astringent. ..

Soft and indescribably tender.

Listening to it is really soul-stirring, making one's spirit robbed and soul disappear.

The scary thing is that Lin Xianer's speech seems to be purely natural.

It's definitely not meant to be flirtatious.

It is a kind of charm that is engraved in the bones.

I'm afraid there is no man in the world who can resist her.

not much!

Definitely not much!

Lin Xian'er drank one cup and then another. Her cheeks were already rosy and she said with a smile:

Prince Yan, do you like the slave's honey wine?

Murong Fu nodded and replied: Not bad!

This mead is not spicy and looks very much like the drink from my previous life.

It was not satisfying to drink from a cup, so I poured it into a bowl and drank several bowls.

Lin Xian'er saw that Murong Fu drank almost half of the jar and nothing happened, so she couldn't help but admire her:

King Yan has deep inner strength, and this little girl is ashamed of himself.

The voice sounds like complaining and coquettish, which makes people feel itchy.

Murong Fu smiled, with his current physique, such an ordinary drink.

Except for the taste, it is the same as ordinary plain water.

Just about to explain.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps in my ears.

It seemed to be surrounding their room.

This move immediately made him feel unhappy.

Damn it, this Lin Xian'er was sent by some enemy to plot against her.

When I took a look with my consciousness, sure enough, several men in black appeared around the room.

Your Majesty, try it quickly. This is the famous four-eating live fish in our capital.

Lin Xianer didn't seem to feel the people coming from outside.

Still actively making friends with Murong Fu.

Haha, Madam Shangguan, there is no need to act.

I'm afraid your men are ready. Let them come in.

Murong Fu said.

Lin Xian'er was stunned for a moment, her eyes full of confusion: Prince Yan, what are you talking about?

I, why don't you understand at all?

Murong Fu stared at Lin Xianer's innocent eyes and frowned slightly.

He could feel that the other party was not lying.

Is it possible that these killers were not arranged by Chong Lin Xianer?

Don’t wait to figure out the cause and effect.

The killer leader outside heard Murong Fu's words.

Shout: Do it!

In an instant, a group of men in black rushed in from outside the room.

He drew out his weapon and slashed at Lin Xianer:

Lin Xian'er, you bitch, I finally found you.


Lin Xianer was startled by the killer who suddenly rushed out.

He said Ah and got into Murong Fu's arms, begging for help:

Your Majesty, save me!

Murong Fu frowned, not wanting to interfere in the other party's affairs.

However, everything happened too fast.

Before he could pull away, Lin Xianer hugged her tightly.

The killer didn't even give him a chance to explain, and continued to curse:

This is the concubine Lin Xian'er found. Kill her too.

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