Woo... Shangguan Haitang struggled desperately, trying to push away the water ghost in the water.

However, she was caught off guard, and the water ghost is extremely powerful in the water.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't exert any strength and was gradually dragged down into the lake.

I'm dying?

I don't want to die!

No! I don't want to die!

Shangguan Haitang struggled desperately and shouted.

It's a pity that everything is in vain.

Her body was gradually submerged in the water.

His fingers were clasped tightly on the shore, leaving several rows of scratches.

When he saw his life was dying.

A contemptuous voice came from my ears:

You captured her, who will build a bamboo raft for me tomorrow?

Who! The little boy was shocked when he heard this and quickly looked for the speaker.

Murong Fu slowly walked out of the darkness.

He looked up and down at the little boy in front of him and said softly:

Hey, are you a spirit?

I have seen it in ancient books.

It's commonly known as 'ghost', right?

The little boy's expression changed and he said solemnly: You are not afraid of me!

Me? Murong Fu was slightly startled and said with a smile, Are you still an emperor?

Which dynasty are you from? Tell me about it.

Bastard! The little boy heard Murong Fu's provocative words and became a little angry.

He said bluntly: I am the Emperor of Chen Han, Chen Youliang, that's right!

Are you Chen Youliang? Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, but he was relieved.

It is said that there are millions of remnant souls under [Poyang Lake], and they are looking for scapegoats for generations.

It seems true now.

Unexpectedly, you didn't die and became a ghost cultivator?

Haha, my destiny is destined to become the foundation of all generations.

No matter how strong Zhu Yuanzhang is, won't he still die in front of me? Chen Youliang said with a proud smile.

Murong Fu smiled lightly, Chen Youliang was indeed very strong.

He can definitely be regarded as a great hero against the Yuan Dynasty.

But compared with Emperor Hongwu, he was still a little behind.

One has played with a tailwind all his life, and the other has played with a headwind for a lifetime.

As a result, the downwind game was defeated by the headwind game.

Just think about it and you will know who is stronger!

Haha, you are a hero of a generation, I admit this.


Chen Youliang was stunned and asked, But what?

Murong Fu smiled coldly: But give her back to me!

While talking, while Chen Youliang was distracted, Murong Fu shot out a burst of spiritual power from his hand.

He quickly pulled Shangguan Haitang back out.

He retreated half a foot to distance himself from the lake.



Shangguan Haitang knelt and kept spitting out the water in his stomach.

After a long while, he raised his head and looked at the two people, one large and one small, who were confronting each other, and said in surprise:

How could it be that he saved me?

Chen Youliang's small eyes exuded an extremely cold light, and he said coldly:

Boy, you ruined my good deeds. Don't you want to die?

Murong Fu shrugged: To be honest, you are just a water ghost here.

I have no objections and I am too lazy to meddle in others' affairs.

However, she is a servant brought out by my king!

If you want to kill her, there will be no one to serve me.

Chen Youliang's expression changed, and a green light suddenly flashed all over his body:

If you don't eat the toast, you'll have to drink wine as a penalty!

After finishing speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and rushed towards Murong Fu.

A sharp claw came through the wind and clawed hard at the vital part of Murong Fu's neck.


Murong Fu was naturally not afraid. He had fought zombies and demons, but he had not fought ghosts yet.

Now I have made up for this regret.

His hands ignited with purple flames, and he shot out the [Heaven-Destroying and Earth-Destroying Purple Sun Hand] with one palm!


The big hand of flame extinguished the green claws in an instant.

Chen Youliang looked at Murong Fu in shock: Boy, who are you and how can you be so strong?

Murong Fu replied calmly: I am Murong Fu of Gusu.

Gusu Murong Fu? Chen Youliang shook his head: Never heard of it.

Haha, it doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it, isn't it the same now that you have seen it? Murong Fu was not angry either.

He didn't want to compete with a ghost.

Hmph, it's useless! Chen Youliang said indifferently: Although you are very strong.

But this is my home court. It would be easy for me to kill you.

Home court? Murong Fu smiled contemptuously and said domineeringly: This world is my king's home court!

You are just a ghost cultivator and you dare to yell at me. You really don't know how to live or die!

As soon as he finished speaking, a dragon roar came from within his body.

It shook the entire Poyang Lake.

Dragon Qi? Chen Youliang's face froze, he couldn't believe that Murong Fu actually had dragon Qi hidden in his body.

How is it possible, you are also the Chosen One?

The chosen one? Murong Fu thought for a moment and said, It's too small. Your situation is too small.

Chen Youliang's expression changed when he heard this.


Fuck the pattern!

He still remembered the last battle between him and Zhu Yuanzhang.

This peasant turtle just said: Our situation is bigger than yours.

You can not!

These words at that time almost pissed him off!

Now I saw Murong Fu's proud face.

He immediately became furious and said angrily:

It's just dragon energy. Do you think I am Chen Youliang?

As he spoke, a dragon roar came from within his body.

A green dragon shadow appeared behind him, flying into the sky and looking into the eyes of the purple dragon.

What's going on with these two people? Shangguan Haitang looked at the two dragon figures that suddenly appeared.

In an instant, I woke up from the fear of death.

in her mind.

It seems that only the Tiegu Shenhou occasionally shows up during practice.

Unexpectedly, there are still people in this world who possess dragon energy.

And, as soon as it appears, there are two.

Murong Fu looked at the dragon shadow behind Chen Youliang, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

If I absorb this dragon energy, will my luck skyrocket?


This guy's dragon shadow is green!

Will it be unsatisfactory in some aspects?

Boy, what do you want to do? Chen Youliang saw a hint of greed in Murong Fu's eyes.

It gave him a bad feeling.

Murong Fu smiled and said: If you don't take what God gives you, you will be harmed by it.

I would like to borrow your dragon energy to help my emperor prosper.

What! Chen Youliang was shocked. He didn't expect Murong Fu to be more ruthless than Zhu Yuanzhang back then.

He actually wanted to take away his dragon energy.

Yelled angrily.

The entire Poyang Lake suddenly boiled, and big blisters appeared.

Countless water ghosts holding weapons and wearing armor walked up from it.

When Shangguan Haitang saw this, his entire face turned pale, whiter than the face of a water ghost!

These...are these zombies?

No! Murong Fu replied neatly: These are souls!

They are the heroic spirits of countless dead warriors!

But they... Shangguan Haitang wondered why this group of soldiers gathered together and never dispersed after their death.

No, should I reincarnate?

Murong Fu guessed: It should be that they are unwilling to give up their lord and leave alone.

have to say!

Chen Youliang has a unique personality and charm in running the army.

It's a pity that he met Emperor Hongwu back then.

Now, you meet me, the King of Yan Murong Fu!

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