Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 651 A man who doesn’t know how to show mercy to women


In the sky, two real dragons, one purple and one green, collided.

Claws, teeth, dragon breath!

They are attacking each other using the most primitive methods.

Murong Fu, who was below, calmly took out the [Tianji Stick].

Tap lightly on the water ghost rushing up.


The leader of the water ghost was instantly knocked out and his companions behind him were smashed to pieces.

Leave a white line in the void!

Chen Youliang curled his lips and said disdainfully:

Boy, do you think you are the enemy of thousands of people?

I have a million troops here, and they are all brave and fearless of death. Even if I delay you, I can still drag you to death!

Murong Fu's stick shadow is like flying flowers and running water, airtight.

Leaving a vacuum in front of him, he said calmly:

Haha, there are still two hours until daybreak.

What can you do even if you have a hundred troops?

Let's see if the sun doesn't burn you all to death when it comes out!

Chen Youliang was stunned and looked at Murong Fu with gritted teeth.

He didn't expect that the other party actually knew so much.

What's even more disgusting is that Murong Fu has dragon energy to protect his body.

Let his spiritual method have no effect at all.

If it were someone else...



Chen Youliang secretly thought that he could not deal with Murong Fu.

But we can deal with Shangguan Haitang next to us.

And it’s easy!

Thinking of this, his pattern instantly opened up and changed into the previous boy's voice:

Good sister, help me quickly, I'm going to be beaten to death by my big brother!

Shangguan Haitang was stunned when he first heard this, didn't you deserve to be beaten to death?

Unexpectedly, as the number of shouts increased, her mind became muddier.

It is already somewhat unclear whether the things in front of me are true or false.

Sister, help me quickly, big brother is going to beat me to death.

The next moment, her eyes flashed with soul light.

He looked at Murong Fu angrily and was about to speak.

Then Murong Fu turned around and hit her on the neck with a stick. .

Murong Fu said that he knocked Shangguan Haitang unconscious with a stick, looked back at Chen Youliang, and joked:

Haha, Your Majesty, you don't have any shame, and you still pretend to be cute despite your age?

Chen Youliang was stunned on the spot, pointing at Murong Fu and was speechless for a long time:


Don't you know how to show mercy at all?

Murong Fu looked at Shangguan Haitang and said indifferently:

She's a traitor.

Besides, I'm not on good terms with her.

Next time, try someone else.

Maybe, this king will be sympathetic to her.

Chen Youliang showed a look of appreciation in his eyes.

I admire Murong Fu, he really has the qualifications to be an emperor.

Kill decisively and cold-bloodedly.

He gritted his teeth and said aggrievedly: Okay, okay, okay, I won't play with you anymore, I'm leaving!

Murong Fu smiled evilly and said, Then I will send you off to Your Majesty?

Chen Youliang looked at Murong Fu's expression and felt something was wrong.

Before he could react.

A burst of screams of ouch, ouch and ouch came from the green dragon in the sky.

I saw the real purple dragon biting off a large piece of meat on its thigh.

Spit it into your mouth, chew it, make a gulp sound, and swallow it.

Seeing this scene, he shouted angrily:

Ah, you brave thief, you dare to swallow my dragon energy!

Murong Fu smiled and said: Haha, Your Majesty, don't be stingy.

It's just some dragon energy, it's more for you,

You... Chen Youliang wanted to leave another harsh word.

Unexpectedly, the purple dragon rushed up again and took another bite at the other dragon's leg.

He was so distressed that he almost cried and didn't even think about taking Qinglong back.

He turned around and ran away, disappearing without a trace.

His last words floated quietly on the spot:

I will definitely come back!

Murong Fu looked at Chen Youliang leaving with a sneer and shook his head.

This old guy hasn't answered his question yet.

Do you want to be shameless?

He looked back at Shangguan Haitang, who was lying on the ground wet.


Telling you not to sleep outside, not to sleep outside.

But if you don't listen, you will get into so much trouble.

If I hadn't been here today, I'm afraid your life would have been decided here.

He kicked Shangguan Haitang and saw that she was very dizzy.

I had no choice but to carry her into the car.

Looking at the clothes that were still dripping, I had no choice but to be a gentleman for once.

The next day, Shangguan Haitang woke up from his dream.

Looking at the slightly unfamiliar environment around him, he sat up suddenly.

Then he saw his body and shouted Ah.

Murong Fu heard this and walked to the car and asked:

What's the name of the ghost this morning?

Scared away all my fish.

Shangguan Haitang covered his body and asked, Where are my clothes?

Oh! Murong Fu replied: You were possessed by a water ghost last night.

My clothes were all wet with water.

I was worried that you would freeze to death, so I took it off and dried it for you.

What! Shangguan Haitang was going crazy: You took off my clothes!

That's right! Murong Fu explained: Don't worry, I took off my clothes with my eyes closed.

Didn't you see it? Shangguan Haitang asked angrily.

Haha, unexpected surprise, I will find your clothes right away. Murong Fu laughed haha.

Hand the dry clothes to the car.

Shangguan Haitang gritted his teeth and took the clothes, shyly walking out of the car.

When I looked at the sun, it was already afternoon again.

“Come over and eat some fish!”

Murong Fu gestured to the grilled fish next to him with his eyes, asking the other party to come over.

Shangguan Haitang wanted to refuse, but his stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

I had no choice but to sit down and eat the grilled fish.

As soon as I took a bite, I was shocked by the softness and sweetness of the fish.

Immediately, he stopped being polite and started eating in big gulps.

Well, I didn't expect King Yan to grill fish.

If you don't become a prince in the future, it would be a good choice to go back and set up a grilled fish stall.

Murong Fu knew that Shangguan Haitang would not be honest, so he said indifferently:

Haha, when the time comes, I will ask Miss Shangguan to go down to the lake to fish for my king.

With your ability, you should be able to catch hundreds of fish in one night.

Shangguan Haitang's heart tightened when he mentioned night.

What happened last night really refreshed her outlook on life, and she asked weakly:

Are there really ghosts in this world?

Murong Fu nodded: Some people who were also very powerful mentally during their lifetime.

Or someone who dies on a specific occasion.

They can all become the ghosts you call them.

Shangguan Haitang asked in a low voice: Then what happened to him last night?

This was the first time Murong Fu saw Shangguan Haitang being scared, and he found it very interesting:

Are you talking about Chen Youliang?

Yes, that's him! Shangguan Haitang nodded.

Murong Fu explained: As far as I know, Chen Youliang was not simple during his lifetime.

Ability to control other people's minds.

Obviously, he belongs to the first type of people with strong mental strength.

Now, it seems that he has turned into a ghost cultivator with the help of the telepathy of his dead warriors.

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