Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 667: Murong Fu’s Strongest Kung Fu—The Movement of Stars

Fang Yeyu's expression changed and he asked, Prince Yan, do you want to intervene?

Murong Fu said coldly: Are you not mentally ill?

A group of Yuan people went to the southern martial arts world and killed so many of my martial arts comrades.

Now you ask me, do you want to intervene?

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned.

Especially the southern martial arts comrades suddenly realized:

Oh no! That's right! King Yan is not just King Yan.

He is still the leader of our southern martial arts world!

Please ask King Yan to make the decision for us!

Looking at the excited martial arts people, Fang Yeyu's expression changed again.

He knew that something bad would happen if Murong Fu came out, so he asked coldly: Prince Yan, how do you want to solve this problem?

Murong Fu pointed at Diao Xiang calmly and said: Pay your debts with money, kill people with your life.

Since the matter started because of him, I don't want to worry so much.

After getting rid of the chief culprit, I will allow you to leave.

Absurd! Nian Liandan said coldly: We came together.

If we hand him over to you, how can we have the dignity to gain a foothold in the world in the future?

Murong Fu said coldly: There are so many of you today, even Lang Fanyun and Li Ruohai have not been able to succeed.

A group of people hit two people, and they were injured in return.

If I were you, I would just hide at home and never come out.

You... Li Chimei said softly: Prince Murong, you are so cruel.

You actually want to use this to destroy our Taoist heart.

Murong Fu looked at Chimei in the shemale and said in admiration:

Haha, he is worthy of being the only one in the Yuan Kingdom, second only to Pang Ban.

You have guessed everything I thought.

Li Chimei smiled hehe:

Haha, it's just a random guess.

On the contrary, King Yan admitted it and told us directly.

Nian Liandan said solemnly: Humph, after all, we are going to have a battle?

The corners of Murong Fu's mouth raised, and a murderous intention arose in his body:

That's right!

These are the top warriors of the Yuan Kingdom, and they want to take the opportunity to eliminate the martial arts power of the Song Kingdom.

Why didn't Murong Fu want to take advantage of this opportunity to destroy the three great masters?


The dragon roared violently, and the [Tianji Rod] appeared in his hand.

The stick hit Nian Liandan hard.


The heavy stick and heavy sword collided together, setting off bursts of sparks.

Nian Liandan felt his arm go numb and took a few steps back. He looked at Murong Fu in surprise.

It is said that Murong Fu was extremely powerful and could conquer the world with just his strength.

Today's encounter was beyond his understanding.

Not daring to be careless at all, the black iron heavy sword stood beside him.

His eyes were solemn, and a strange light flashed into Murong Fu's eyes.

Mental attack - [Flower Soul Immortal Technique]!

Murong Fu sneered in his heart, but showed a look of confusion, and his body stagnates.

It's as if someone is immobilizing him.

No, Brother Murong seems to be possessed by evil spirits! Feng Xinglie shouted when he saw this.

Lie Zhenbei beside him unknowingly had several more silver needles in his hand.

Be ready to support Murong Fu at any time.

Nian Liandan was ecstatic when he saw Murong Fu taking advantage of his move.

With a loud shout, the black iron heavy sword pointed forward.

He leaned forward and shot out like a cannonball. He and his sword merged into one and stabbed Murong Fu.

Gu Zixian and others did not know Murong Fu's methods.

Yelling is not a good idea.

In the field, only Lang Fanyun and Fang Yeyu could tell that something was wrong.

The latter even shouted: Senior Dan, be careful!

It's a pity that Nian Liandan has been overwhelmed by victory.

Try your best to inject true energy into the [Black Iron Heavy Sword].

He thrust towards Murong Fu with fierce energy.

What King of Yan Murong Fu, die!

Just when everyone thought Murong Fu was dead.

Murong Fu's confused eyes suddenly regained their sharpness.

A roar.

He tilted his head slightly and turned his hand into a sword, pointing towards Nian Liandan's heart.

Murong's unique skills——[Shenzhenzhi]

Not good! Nian Liandan felt shocked when he saw Murong Fu suddenly regaining his clarity.

There was no time to react, and I felt a pain in my heart.

The whole person flew out again.


The [Black Iron Heavy Sword] fell to the ground hard, leaving everyone with shocked looks.

Murong Fu's eyes turned cold and he decided to make another move.

A sweet shout came from Li Chimei.

Following the voice, a pretty face appeared in front of Murong Fu's eyes.

Murong Fu raised his palm and clapped it.

Li Chimei smiled coquettishly, and Gao Jun's slender body exuded a coquettish and strange evil force.

The second attack arrived first and blocked Murong Fu's attack.


The two of them retreated as soon as they hit each other, moving at high speed at the same time.

Li Chimei's speed is really unbelievable.

Everyone in the field felt dazzled, and countless afterimages fell.

I can't see clearly who is who!

Hehe, Prince Murong, the [Tian Mei Ning Yin] he practices can be said to be the strongest movement technique today.

If you compete with me in speed, wouldn't you suffer a big loss?

Murong Fu nodded: In the same realm, no one can surpass you.

He has already seen that the [Tian Mei Ning Yin] practiced by Li Chimei has transformed his physique.

When the yin energy condenses, the body seems to have lost weight, like a breeze.

If I remember correctly, [Tian Mei] refers to the speed as fast as a ghost.

[Ning Yin] refers to the inner strength and mental method.

The two complement each other, which is really strange.

The higher the speed, the stronger the internal energy gathered.

Li Chimei gradually surpassed Murong Fu in terms of speed.

Twisting his body, he condensed several [Yin Needles]

He stabbed Murong Fu in the face and chest.

When Murong Fu was about to escape.

Another Buddha chant rang in my ears:


The donor here is injured. Facing King Yan alone, I'm afraid it will damage King Yan's reputation.

Old monk, let's come too.

The Red Sun Dharma King, who had never made a move, groaned.

The palm of my hand immediately turned from white to red, from small to large.

He slapped Murong Fu fiercely from the air.

In this case, Shi will not be polite.

Let King Yan have a taste of Shi's sword skills! Shi Zhongtian used the sword energy to stab Murong Fu!

For a moment, the three of them sealed Murong Fu's entire body.

It's so tight that it doesn't even give you a chance to escape.

What to do! Gu Qianlian said anxiously: This kind of attack is not something anyone can avoid.

Even if we survive hard, I'm afraid Master Murong will be seriously injured.

Haha, these three people are so stupid! Shangguan Haitang said contemptuously: They only know how to attack Murong Fu blindly.

But he forgot his famous stunt!

In the whole world, I like the few to bully the many.

I'm afraid it's just the Murong family!

Gu Qianlian was stunned, looked at the eldest lady on the side, and asked: Miss, what is Mr. Murong's famous stunt?

Gu Zi's beautiful eyes flashed, and a bright light suddenly appeared, and she said with a smile:

Mr. Murong's famous stunt is naturally [Star Movement]!

These words fell to the ground with Fang Yeyu shouting:

Guys, be careful of his [Dou Zhuan Xing Yuan]!

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