Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 668: Possessed by the Drama Spirit

What! Li Chimei, Hongri Dharma King, and Shi Zhongtian were all shocked!

However, it was too late to stop.

Murong Fu looked at the three of them, with an almost evil smile on his face.

The whole body was suddenly stunned!

Li Chimei, Hong Sun Dharma King, and Shi Zhongtian could clearly feel that time around them had slowed down.

Slow to a speed that they cannot understand.

It was as if he was being held in place.

All the inspired Qi is spinning in a weird way.

Murong Fu seemed to be the center between heaven and earth.

Everything is moving around him.

No! My energy was sucked by him!

The Red Sun Dharma King screamed strangely, causing Shi Zhongtian and Li Chimei's expressions to change drastically.

The same is true for the two of them, with true energy surrounding Murong Fu.

Once the three people's true energy is straightened out by Murong Fu, it will definitely rebound on them.

If this continues, the three of them will surely suffer backlash.

Moreover, there are three people, and the combined infuriating backlash of them.

What should we do? If we don't think of a solution quickly, the three of us may not be able to leave [Shuangxiu Mansion] today!

Shi Zhongtian looked at Li Chimei and asked.

Li Chimei's face turned red, and he had no choice now.

Suddenly, he had an idea and shouted loudly: Fang Yeyu, everyone takes action together.

Once the true energy reaches a certain amount, it will inevitably break the balance of [The Stars Shift]!

I don't believe he can divert the power of everyone present!

Fang Yeyu was stunned. This method seemed stupid, but it was the most positive.

If he succeeds, he might be able to shock Murong Fu to death, grit his teeth... fight!

Everyone listen to my order and attack Murong Fu together!

Today, for our Yuan Kingdom, we will get rid of this serious trouble.

When the Yuan Kingdom unifies the world, we must remember your contribution!

In the field, Fang Yeyu's party immediately became excited.

Yeah, so many of us are afraid of him alone?

Yes, Murong Fu is strong, but he can't be stronger than so many people!

Do it, brothers! Once you become rich, today is the day!

Among these people, Diao Xiang and his wife shouted the hardest.

After all, Murong Fu had called them by name to stay.

If you don't kill the other party, you will be the one who dies.

The two of them used the strongest attack of [Phantom Sword Sect].

Countless sword shadows pierced towards Murong Fu.

Others saw the couple working so hard.

I don’t know how powerful it is!

I thought this was a sure thing!

No matter what, step forward and fight!

What should I do? Is Master Murong going to be in trouble? Gu Qianlian asked anxiously.

Lang Fanyun covered his chest, took a step forward, and insisted:

Let me step forward and help Brother Murong.

Li Ruohai gritted his teeth and said:

Yes, even if he dies, we must not let anything happen to him.

He is the leader of our entire southern martial arts world!

Once something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous.

The two of them had determination in their eyes, desperately trying to save Murong Fu.

Wait! Lie Zhenbei yelled at the two of them.

Look at King Yan's expression!


Lang Fanyun, Li Ruohai and others all looked at Murong Fu.

Seeing the expression on his face becoming more and more painful.

Lao Lie, can't you see that King Yan is dying!

Yes, if we delay any longer he will die!

Diao Piqing and Lang Fanyun asked rhetorically.

Shangguan Haitang, who had always been at odds with Murong Fu, rarely spoke out:

Murong Fu took action because of you.

You don't want to die without saving me, do you?

Lie Zhenbei curled his lips and explained: Look, the expression on King Yan's face is painful.

But the way you look at him seems to be smiling, and it seems to be full of contempt!

Feng Xinglie was stunned and said, You mean, he is acting?

That's right! Lie Zhenbei nodded and said, I guess I'm not wrong.

He was just acting to lure these people into taking the bait!

As soon as these words came out, several people looked at Murong Fu and saw the colorful zhenqi surrounding him.

But they were all blocked by him seven inches away.

No matter how Li Chimei and others increased their true energy output, they could not break through.

Damn, damn, why hasn't Murong Fu's energy been exhausted?

If you push harder, he will die soon!

That's right, fame and fortune are right in front of you, go!

Ye Yu, I'm afraid that Murong Fu is not simple, we'd better retreat!

Fang Yeyu's best friend Ying Fei noticed something was wrong and reminded him in a low voice.

Fang Yeyu's expression was extremely ugly. These were the three great craftsmen of the Yuan Kingdom!

If they all really died here, his crime would be quite serious.

But, this is the current situation.

He seemed unable to do anything but pray.

what should we do?

Ying Fei said: Let's retreat to ten feet first, then we can advance or retreat.

We can make a judgment no matter which side wins.

Hearing this, Fang Yeyu nodded and agreed with Ying Fei's strategy.

From the beginning to the end, he never thought about helping Li Chimei and the others.

Murong Fu looked across the crowd and saw Fang Yeyu leaving.

Secretly admire him, this boy is really worthy of Pang Ban's true biography.

Just leave without any hesitation.

With a cold snort, he activated [Dou Zhuan Xing Shi Shi] to the extreme.

All the true energy turned into stars all over the sky, with Murong Fu as the center.

Gradually disappeared into his body!

The next moment, everyone's ears thundered!


Murong Fu pushed forward with both palms, and stars shone around him.

In an instant, it turned into colorful and fierce sword energy that pierced the void and shot towards everyone around him indiscriminately.

No, run! Li Chimei reacted the fastest and used [Tian Mei Ning Yin] to its extreme.

The body turned into a residual wind and disappeared in place.

Narrowly and narrowly, he escaped the sword energy that filled the sky.

Unfortunately, others are not as lucky as him.

Puff puff puff puff...

Each one was shot into a sieve.

Even the King of the Red Sun, who was as powerful as Pang Ban, was not spared.

The whole body is covered with scars.

Just after the sword energy was fired, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

When I thought I had saved my life.

I saw that Murong Fu's whole body's true energy surged and was suddenly released.


The whole earth suddenly shook.

In one breath, the competition platform shattered into pieces and fell into a depth of ten feet.

Some people who didn't know what was going on thought it was a tsunami.

They all screamed and ran away.

The huge earthquake lasted for a long time until the smoke cleared.

In the deep pit, only Murong Fu stood proudly.

Others were either dead or injured.

Worse still, he hugged his body and cried for his father and mother.

Murong Fu walked up to Diao Xiang, picked him up, and chuckled:

You seemed to be really good at howling just now!

Diao Xiang endured the pain of his meridians being injured by the sword energy and sighed:

It was my fault before. Can you please, Prince Murong, spare my life?

Okay! Murong Fu said cheerfully: Abolish your martial arts, hand over [Tian Fragrance Cardamom], and your family can leave here.

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