When Gu Santong heard what the blood operator said, he couldn't help but said haha:

By you?

The blood operator said I don't know whether to live or die and took a step back.

The people in blood clothes beside him also made seals with their hands and chanted strange scriptures.

Gu Santong is knowledgeable and has inherited the mantle of Tianchi Weixia.

Immediately realize what the other party is trying to do:

Is this a battle formation?

The blood operator smiled and said: Haha, the ancient three links are indeed the ancient three links, and they actually know the battle formations.

This is my [Blood God Sect]'s unique formation.

You'll have no problem living there.

[Blood God Cult]?

Gu Santong was stunned. He had never heard of this sect.

Don't wait, react.

The people in red robes around them began to emit an evil red light.

The next moment, one by one, they were like ghosts, attacking Gu Santong.

Hmph, good time! Gu Santong shouted and punched the oncoming enemy.

With a puff sound, the opponent was blocked from the waist and blasted to pieces.

This move comes out.

Instead of being happy, Gu Santong frowned.

The enemy who was cut off at the waist was leaving the fist.

It closed automatically again, and attacked me again like nothing happened.

What's going on? These people are so weird.

The blood operator smiled calmly and said: Haha, there are many things in the world of Gu Santong that you can't understand.

Gu Santong has always had a stubborn temper. Since he doesn't understand, he has to understand.

The internal energy was stimulated in the Dantian, and a burst of golden light emitted from the whole body.

Facing the surrounding blood-robed men, there was a series of attacks.

Unexpectedly, it had no effect at all. The fist hitting the enemy was still like hitting paper.

With one punch, the opponent was split into two pieces.

Later, the other party can still reconcile as before.

Damn it!

Damn it!

Damn it!

The surrounding chanting sounds and several attacks were ineffective.

This made Gu Santong more and more impatient.

The boxing techniques became more and more complicated.

Seeing that the time had come, the blood operator raised the corners of his mouth and ordered:

Taboo weapon!

When the blood-robed men heard this, they took out an awl from their sleeves.

Without hesitation, he plunged into his left arm.

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere.

And the awl flashed with red light.

A sense of crisis suddenly pressed into Gu Santong's heart.

Something's wrong, something's wrong!

As a strong person of the older generation, Gu Santong is naturally more sensitive to danger.

He looked sideways and saw Cheng Fei gritting his teeth and holding his beloved wife out.

So with hatred in his heart, he rushed directly to the blood teller.

Old guy, they are not afraid of death, you must be afraid of death, right!

The blood operator was stunned for a moment, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

He saw Gu Santong rushing towards him.

Not daring to be careless, he said angrily: Hurry up, do it!

Countless red robes no longer stayed and rushed straight towards Gu Santong.


Gu Santong felt a pain in his chest.

The [Indestructible Magic Power] that he was so proud of was actually punctured by the awl in the opponent's hand.

Although it wasn't fatal, it was something he couldn't accept.

He roared angrily and punched the man.


There was a flash of golden light, and a feeling of something real without touching it arose in Gu Santong's heart.

He clearly felt that he had touched the other party.

It is no longer the illusory touch that seems to be there and not at all like before.

Sure enough, blood immediately splattered everywhere, and the man's head was shattered by his blow.

Judging from the aura of the opponent's corpse, there is no doubt that he is just a first-rate warrior.

Haha, [Vajra Indestructible Magic Power], that's all. The blood teller said with contempt.

Throughout the whole process, he didn't show the slightest sadness for the dead people.

Gu Santong gave a cold hum and continued to rush towards the blood operator.

Who would have thought that all the men in blood robes were brave enough to stand in front of him without fear of death?

Exchanging injuries for injuries, using the awls in their hands to attack Gu Santong?

In the blink of an eye.

Gu Santong, a urchin of a generation, was stabbed with numerous wounds.

But still didn't touch the blood operator.

Haha, don't worry Gu Santong, I won't let you die easily.

Instead, like them, I will refine you into the [Blood God Son] for my use.

Gu Santong gritted his teeth and said, What is [Blood God Son]?

The blood teller didn't hide anything, he smiled and said:

Haha, a more flexible puppet.

It will vary depending on the specific strength of the puppet.

Gu Santong's heart was aghast, this evil method.

He had only read it in ancient books, and couldn't help but look even uglier.

Hmph, you want to refine me into a puppet and live out your spring and autumn dreams.

He turned back to Cheng Shifei and roared:

You bastard, if you keep dilly-dallying, both of us will die here today.

What! Cheng Shifei was shocked when he was yelled at, but he saw the blood holes all over Gu Santong's body.

Immediately, he became angry. ..

He activated his Dantian with all his strength and quickly ran towards Gu Santong.

Seeing this, Gu Santong no longer retained his strength.

The golden light around him became even more dazzling, turning into a Vajra shadow about one foot tall.

Sweeping the surroundings fiercely, sweeping away all the [Blood God Sons] around.

Regardless of the reality, they were all blown to pieces.


The entire [Hulong Villa] was shocked.

The earth suddenly cracked and collapsed, forming a huge pit.

Before anyone in the villa could react.

One strong and one weak, the two golden lights disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Among the ruins.

The blood operator slowly got up and looked at Gu Santong as he left.

Instead of showing any anger, he showed an evil smile.

Jiejie, Gu Santong did a great job. When Zhu Wuwang comes back, he will be mad.

At that time, the blood poison in his body can be completely stimulated.

Let him truly integrate the will of the Son of God.

I'm sorry, King Yan, this [Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom] is my wife's ancestral possession.

I will not hand it over easily.

Murong Fu calmly rejected Zhu Wu, how could his treasure be given away in vain?

Zhu Wuwu seemed to have anticipated this scene and replied:

This king is not just asking for help.

But I am willing to make an equivalent exchange with you.

Zhu Qizhen was afraid that the two would make a deal, so he quickly reminded:

Uncle Huang, this [Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom] is the best in the world.

I'm very curious, what do you want to exchange with King Yan?

Zhu ignored Haha and laughed.

He took out a purple crystal clear bead from his pocket and said loudly:

This thing is called [Jade Linglong]. I don't need to explain its function.

Murong Fu nodded silently.

[Jade Linglong] is a divine stone from heaven.

After refining, it can increase physical strength, skill, and activate the soul.

It gives ordinary people terrible power.

However, there are no other people in this world except Qi Refiners.

I'm afraid, very few people know how to refine this thing.

Seeing Murong Fu's hesitation, Zhu Wu asked with a smile: How about it? Is King Yan willing to exchange with me?

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