Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 689 Not a simple sect

Murong Fu smiled slightly and was not in a hurry to agree.

He can sense [Yu Linglong].

It's very possible that it's the treasure he used to break through to the realm of soul.

The realm of ancient Qi refiners was different from that of warriors.

It can be roughly divided into Qi training, foundation building, golden elixir, Yuanying, transforming into gods, overcoming tribulations, and Mahayana.

In the Nascent Soul Stage, in this age of Dharma End, he is also an extremely master.

I just don’t know how far behind Zhang Sanfeng is.

He glanced at Zhu Qizhen and said:

Since the Lord Shen wants [Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom], I will naturally become a man of beauty.

This item can be exchanged!

Zhu Wuwu was startled, but he didn't expect Murong Fu to agree so readily. He said happily:

Okay, here you go!

Along with the words, he handed the [Jade Linglong] in his hand to Murong Fu.

Murong Fu didn't think much about it, in front of Zhu Qizhen.

He gave the [Tianxiang Cardamom] that he cherished so much to Zhu Wuwu.

This... Cao Zhengchun wanted to speak, interrupting the transaction between the two.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to speak, Zhu ignored him and glared back.

In an instant, he wilted.

Okay, thank you very much, King Yan! I have something else to do and I have to go back to the mansion first.

We'll see you another day.

With that said, he turned around and said goodbye to Zhu Qizhen.

He thought to himself, if he had known it was so easy, he wouldn't have tried to rob it just now.

But even just a moment ago, he couldn't be sure that Murong Shu was fine.

It can only be said that fate plays tricks on people.

After he left, Cao Zhengchun said anxiously:

My lord, how could you take [Tianxiang Cardamom].

Where can I give him such a precious thing?

Murong Fu said with a smile: This thing has no effect now in my hands.

Why don't you exchange it for a baby?

Cao Zhengchun glanced at Zhu Qizhen, whose face was green, and closed his mouth speechlessly.

If they had known better, they should have pricked their fingers first.

No, there are so many calculations.

Zhu Qizhen took a deep breath, still feeling cruel in his heart.

He had to grab it, but Zhu ignored the [Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom] in his hand.

Otherwise, even if Murong Fu still has the [Phantom Sword Sect]'s [Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom] in his hand.

For him, it had no effect. He waved his hand and said: I am tired and want to go back to the palace to rest.

King Yan, if nothing happens, please stay here with Concubine Shu.

Murong Fu said politely: Concubine Shu has just been detoxified and should take more rest.

The foreign minister stopped disturbing me and resigned.

Haha, okay! Zhu Qizhen suppressed his dissatisfaction and asked Murong Fu to leave.

Then, he looked deeply at Murong Shu and drove back to the palace.


Murong Shu looked at the people leaving and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She knew that she was halfway through this hurdle.

He bowed several times to the sky.

Murong Fu returned to the mansion in his imperial chariot.

Not to mention how comfortable I feel.

This time when I entered the palace, I not only gave away the hot potato.

I also got a treasure, not to mention how happy I am!

Unexpectedly, he just walked into the house.

Murong Jiu hurriedly came towards him and said:

Your Majesty, it's not good!

Murong Fu smelled the smell of blood in the mansion and asked:

What's going on? Is it possible that someone is injured?

Murong Jiu said: It's ancient!

Who? Murong Fu was startled, unable to believe that Gu Santong would be injured.

It's ancient! Murong Jiu confirmed again.

Murong Fu asked doubtfully: Who can hurt him?

Murong Jiu shook his head and said, Gu Gu also just came back.

I don't know the specifics either.

Murong Fu sighed and said:

This old man really doesn't make people worry.

Come on, let's go see him.

Murong Jiu said hmm.

He immediately took Murong Fu to Gu Santong's room.

Don't wait to enter the house.

Murong Fu smelled it again. The smell of blood hits my nose.

It was a hundred times more intense than when we were in the lobby before.

He couldn't help but frown.

He knew the strength of Gu Santong very well.

His strength is absolutely top-notch in the world.

No way, someone could hurt him easily.

It is even more impossible that someone has broken his [Indestructible Magic Power].


After opening the door, he saw Lie Zhenbei treating Gu Santong.

When I got closer, I saw that it was even the battle-hardened Murong Fu.

He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Gu Santong's body is like a hornet's nest.

Countless knife edges of the same size and different depths appeared in front of his eyes, and he said in a deep voice:

How is this going?

At this time, Gu Santong had become extremely weak.

He was no different from an old man who was very old, and he said:

Old man, I went to [Hulong Villa] and brought my wife back.

I'm a little tired, in case I fall asleep.

Please, Your Majesty, take care of my wife and children.

Murong Fu glanced aside, dumbfounded, and said speechlessly:

You ran to [Hulong Villa], there's something wrong with your brain, right?

Cheng Shifei nodded and said:

Master, are you going crazy again? I told you that I am not your son.

Pa! Murong Fu said to Cheng Shifei. He hit his head hard and said, Are you crazy? He is your biological father.

Cheng Shifei covered his head and spoke for a long time, looking extremely aggrieved.

That's wrong! Murong Fu suddenly changed the subject and said, Zhu Wuwu has been with me in the palace to meet Zhu Qizhen.

How is it possible that he will be injured so seriously?

Cheng Shifei shook his head and explained: It was not my father who was injured by the Lord Shen.

It was a group of strange people who injured him.

Murong Fu looked at Gu Santong, and the old man said weakly: It's a battle formation, and the leader calls himself the [Blood God Sect].

[Blood God Cult]?

Murong Fu's eyes shone brightly, and he kept searching for clues about this religion in his memory.

The result was nothing.

Gu Santong shook his head and said: Don't think too much, they should be a new sect.

How can you be sure? Murong Fu was speechless.

As the saying goes, troubled times are coming and demons are rampant.

It seems that this sect is not simple.

It can injure Gu Santong, who is recognized as having the strongest defense, to this point.

Gu Santong took out an awl from his sleeve, handed it to Murong Fu and said:

Look, they hurt me with this thing.

When used, it will flash red light.

Murong Fu took the awl and took a closer look. It had a very rough pattern on it.

The position of the handle has a card slot.

This is impossible! After Murong Fu understood, he looked at Gu Santong in surprise.

This kind of thing is very much like an ancient magic weapon.

It's just that it's a one-time thing.

Very few people can find this kind of thing.

Gu Santong asked in confusion: My lord, what exactly is it?

Murong Fu looked at Gu Santong, who was about to find him, and explained:

This object is a magic weapon made by Qi refiners from the pre-Qin period.

Destroying stone and breaking metal, no one can stop it.

It's just that this thing is disposable.

A person who can make something like this is definitely not a simple person.


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