Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 690 The dying ancient three links

Gu Santong, however, disapproved of his own body and pleaded:

King Yan, can you give me the [Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom] in your hand?

I would like my son to serve you for thirty years.

Cheng Shifei was stunned and said, The son you are talking about can't be me, right?

Gu Santong rolled his eyes and said, Nonsense, I'm about to die. If you don't repay King Yan, who will repay you?

Cheng Shifei was speechless and muttered a few words.

Facing Murong Fu, he saluted and said:

Prince Yan, if you can save my mother, I will naturally be willing to be loyal.

Murong Fu nodded, took out a jade bottle and handed it to Cheng Shifei: Go.

He was so happy that Murong Fu was really willing to give the treasure to him.

After thanking him a few times, he quickly ran to rescue his mother.

In fact, he still doesn't want to believe that Gu Santong is his biological father.

Murong Fu glanced at Cheng Shifei who was leaving, looked at Lie Zhenbei, and asked: Old Lie, how about the ancient injury?

Lie Zhenbei shook his head and said: His injuries are not very serious. What is serious is the poison in his body.

Poison? Murong Fu stepped forward and opened Gu Santong's wound, seeing that it was bright red in color.

It is very different from the poison I understand. He said curiously:

What kind of poison is this?

Lie Zhenbei shook his head: This is the first time I have seen this kind of poison.

When you get in, your body becomes very active.

Murong Fu said in a deep voice: Is there any way to detoxify it?

No! Lie Zhenbei said with a look of embarrassment: It's difficult to do it now with my ability.

When Murong Fu heard this, he missed Su Ying.

If this little girl is here, even if she can't cure the poison, she can still provide some solutions.

However, if I go back to pick her up now, I am afraid it will be too late.

Lie Zhenbei suggested: Actually, I have a way, maybe I can save Brother Gu.

Murong Fu stared into Lie Zhenbei's eyes, took a look, and guessed:

You want me to go find the person who poisoned you?

That's right! Lie Zhenbei said with admiration: To untie the bell, you must tie the bell.

Presumably, they should have a way to detoxify it.

Hearing this, Gu Santong immediately stopped him:

My lord, please don't go. I think you are very powerful.

But that group of people was pretty weird.

Especially their weapons, which are extremely difficult for us to defend against.

Murong Fu's face became darker and darker:

You stole the woman Zhu ignored, even if we don't do anything now.

With his character, it's hard to say that he won't come to his door right away.

This... Gu Santong was startled, with a look of shame on his face: I didn't think carefully enough and got the prince into trouble.

Why don't I take the two of them and hide outside now.

Murong Fu waved his hand and said:

There are Zhu Wuli's spies throughout the capital.

With your current strength, I'm afraid you will be found as soon as you go out.

Gu Santong sighed, not knowing how to answer Murong Fu.

Fortunately, Cheng Shifei ran back yelling and solved everyone's embarrassment.

Wake up, wake up, my mother is really awake.

Gu Santong was overjoyed and quickly supported himself with his arms, wanting to go over and take a look.

Unexpectedly, when my feet hit the ground, my whole body felt numb, and it was difficult to even take a step.

Lao Gu, don't be impulsive. We'll see you soon. Lie Zhenbei advised.

It doesn't matter, I can do it! Gu Santong waved his hands, gritted his teeth, and stood up.

This move is really seen as right and wrong, which is a bit confusing.

Dad! How about I go and bring my mother over?

Bah, what do you know? Gu Santong glared at Cheng Shifei: Your mother is born to cry.

If you saw your father lying on the bed, wouldn't you cry endlessly?

Uh, okay! Cheng Shifei quickly stepped forward to support Gu Santong and walked towards Cheng Suxin's room.

Murong Fu and Lie Zhenbei looked at each other, also very curious.

What is this Cheng Suxin like who Gu Santong and Zhu ignored and fell in love with at the same time?

The two of them also followed.

Cheng Suxin sat in the room, staring at herself in the mirror with a blank look on her face.

It was as if he had been sleeping for decades and had forgotten everything.

Until a soft call brought her back to reality again.

Su Xin!

When Cheng Suxin heard this, she looked back and saw an old man with a bloodless face and ugly complexion.

He was helped in by his son.

Subconsciously, I saw a name: Tee!

When Gu Santong heard this, he immediately smiled.

Pushing Cheng Shifei away, he ran to Cheng Suxin in a few steps.

He grabbed his lover's hand and said gently: Su Xin, I...didn't scare you?

Memories suddenly came to Cheng Suxin's mind.

Tears couldn't stop falling from her eyes:

San Tong, it was me who caused you to lose to him.

Gu Santong said nonchalantly: Winning or losing is a common thing for military strategists. As long as you are here, Zhu Zhu will never be able to defeat me.

Cheng Suxin wiped her tears when she heard this and said with a smile, You are so good at making people happy.

Gu Santong laughed haha and said: I am old, but you are still so young.

Cheng Suxin lay beside her ear and quietly looked at Cheng Shifei:

Three links, this young man says he is our son.


Gu Santong nodded and said: Yes, he is indeed your and my son. His name is Cheng Shifei.

Cheng Suxin said Oh and smiled awkwardly:

Our son really looks a bit old-fashioned.

However, my personality is the same as yours before. It looks like you are cynical.

Gu Santong couldn't help but laughed after hearing this.

Cheng Shifei, who was laughing on the side, was extremely embarrassed.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped.

Gu Santong rushed straight into Cheng Su's heart and fainted.

Cheng Suxin was shocked, hugged Gu Santong and shouted excitedly: Santong, Santong, what's wrong with you?

Murong Fu and Lie Zhenbei saw this and quickly helped Gu Santong to the bed.

After Lie Zhenbei felt his pulse, he shook his head:

Lao Gu's body, I'm afraid, has reached its limit.

This... Murong Fu looked at the three people who had just reunited as a family and couldn't bear to say: What if I give him a [Zhu Yan Dan]?

Lie Zhenbei was stunned and said in surprise:

Your Majesty, do you still have [Zhu Yan Dan]?

Murong Fu nodded: I still have a few more.

Besides, as long as I have the materials, I can still refine it.

Lie Zhenbei felt Gu Santong's veins and said, It's just that Lao Gu's injury was caused by blood poison.

Even if there is [Zhu Yan Dan], it will not help.

It seems that we need to force the blood poison out of his body first. Murong Fu said.


Cheng Shifei heard that Murong Fu had a way to save Gu Santong and said quickly:

Please, King Yan, save my father's life. Cheng Shifei is willing to be a cow or a horse from now on.

Murong Fu promised, Don't worry, I will do my best to save your father.

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