Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 700 Breaking the Formation

Zhu Wuwu looked up at the moon in the sky and nodded with satisfaction:

Very good. When I become emperor, you will be the national advisor.

An existence like Yao Guangxiao.

I will have people sing your praises and praise them forever.

The blood operator quickly handed over his hands and replied:

Thank you, Your Majesty. I will never give up even if I die.

Zhu Wuyi laughed haha and was extremely satisfied with the scene of a kind king and a filial minister.

He glanced at the moonlight, patted the blood teller on the shoulder and said:

Okay, let's get started.

The blood teller said respectfully, Your Majesty, please take off your clothes and enter the pool.

Just follow the formula I told you before and activate the surrounding talismans.

Zhu ignored his curiosity and asked, Is it that simple?

No! Blood Counter clapped his hands.

The disciples of the [Blood God Sect] quickly brought in forty-nine white jade-colored stones that were ten inches square.

What kind of jade is this? Zhu Wulan asked.

The blood teller explained: To be honest, this stone is a spiritual stone.

It was collected by the old man for decades.

They are the key to helping you open the void and collect the [Ultimate Yin Spiritual Power].

Zhu Wulan nodded, stopped talking nonsense, and pulled off the python robe.

He strode down into the pool.

Feeling the aroma of blood everywhere made him faintly excited.

Ha ha ha ha…

Sooner or later, I, Zhu Wuli, will be crowned Jiuding and step onto the throne.

Become the greatest emperor of the Ming Dynasty!

Who is this! You're laughing so crazy! Shangguan Xiaoxian heard Zhu Wuli's laughter and said with disdain.

Haha, if I heard correctly, it should be the voice of Iron Gallant God Marquis Zhu Wuwu. Murong Fu joked.

There was a hint of vigilance in my heart.

He was about to use his spiritual consciousness to check what the other party was doing.

Unexpectedly, the cave where the other party is located.

A cloud of blood mist appeared, blocking his consciousness.

Just when he was trying to figure it out.

Suddenly, countless red figures rushed out from the surroundings, killing them.

Be careful! Gui Hai slashed with his sword without any hesitation.


The red shadow split into two and easily became two sections.

Gui Hai Yida's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly felt something was wrong with his hand.

Sure enough, the red shadows came together again and slashed at Gui Hai with their backhand.


Guihai Yidao quickly raised his knife to resist, and a burst of sparks flashed.

The red shadow ghost retreats when a hit misses.

Then another person will fill in.

Endless, like a red wave.

Constantly squeezing Gui Hai Yi Dao's living space, trying to drive him out.

Humph, die!

Gui Hai shouted loudly with his sword, and a murderous hatred emanated from his body.

It made his eyes become cold

It's as if human emotions have been completely lost.

He swung his sword out to break the mountain and cut the sky.

Three knives on the nose! Shangguan Xiaoxian recognized this move and shouted in surprise.

I saw three sword lights sweeping across the battlefield, cutting off the red tide!

Cutting off love with one knife...

Give up love with one knife...

One knife...enter reincarnation!

Whether it is the red tide, the earth or the trees on the battlefield.

They were all split into several pieces.

Shangguan Danfeng opened his mouth and said in admiration: So strong!

Shangguan Xiaoxian nodded in confirmation and thought secretly.

If it were him, would he be able to take the opponent's three swords?

After thinking about it, he shook his head helplessly.

These three swords were too harsh, and even if I took them next, I would never feel better.

Even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

Just when she and Shangguan Danfeng thought the battle was over.

The red tide broke out in response.

He rushed towards Guihai with a knife.

How... is it possible that such a powerful blow didn't kill them all?

Shangguan Xiaoxian said in confusion.

Murong Fu said calmly: This is a formation. They dispersed and offset the attack of Gui Hai Yi Dao.

Formation? Shangguan Danfeng asked doubtfully, Is it possible that it is a battle formation handed down from ancient times?

Murong Fu nodded and said, Yes, it should have been passed down from ancient times.

In other words, they brought it themselves.

Shangguan Xiaoxian asked: What should you do? We won't be able to get through it?

Look there. Murong Fu smiled and pointed at some big trees not far ahead.

Shangguan Xiaoxian was stunned and said in confusion:

Isn't it just a few trees? What's there to see?

That's where the formation should be.

As long as they are destroyed, this formation will be broken without any attack.

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Xiaoxian immediately understood what Murong Fu meant, pointed to his pretty nose, and said:

My dear husband, are you planning to let me break the formation?

Murong Fu said: Haha, it's a good time for you to go and try the power of this battle formation.

I won't suffer any loss if we meet in the future.

Shangguan Xiaoxian rolled his eyes at Murong Fu.

Knowing that he couldn't go, he let out a squeak and rushed towards the formation point pointed by the other party.

The body technique is extremely fast and arrives in an instant.

Just when she was standing next to Zhengyan.

Suddenly, a red light pierced towards her. Fortunately, she was not slow to react.

In an instant, he pulled out two small golden wheels from his waist and blocked the enemy's attack.


The two forces dispersed at the first touch, each taking a step back.

Seeking death! Shangguan Xiaoxian turned his inner strength, and the small golden wheel in his hand began to spin.

Without politeness, he threw it towards the opponent's neck.

The speed was so fast that the other party stared in shock.

General raised his long sword to resist.


As soon as he struck out, he immediately saw the difference between the two.

Hmph, it seems you are not as powerful as those people in red.

As Shangguan Xiaoxian spoke, he raised his hand again and shot countless flying needles at the enemy.

Murong Fu was surprised when Shangguan Xiaoxian took action.

This thing is called [Heaven and Earth, the Great Soul-Searching Needle].

It is the treasure of Manichaeism.

The needle body is made of Western mithril, and its sharp edge can penetrate heavy armor and break Gang Qi.

It is also tempered by the powerful poison secretly passed down by the Demon Cult, and the blood seals the throat, and those who are infected cannot be saved.

Extremely vicious!

Puff puff puff~

The man in red who was blocking the way was turned into a sieve in the blink of an eye.

Shangguan Xiaoxian smiled calmly and followed Murong Fu's instructions.

Sure enough, a strange jade stone was dug out under the big tree.

Holding it in his hand, he turned back and smiled at Murong Fu:

Hehe! Easy!

Murong Fu hugged his chest and pointed at another big tree, signaling the other party to hurry up.

Shangguan Xiaoxian curled her lips, she finally understood now.

How did Shangguan Haitang feel at the beginning?

Our Lord Yan really doesn’t know how to show mercy to people.

It's simply too bullying!

Hmph! Let's see how I deal with this stinky man in the future!

Cursing secretly in his mind, he quickly ran to the next big tree.

This move really surprised the disciples of [Blood God Religion].

Because the blood operator is confident, no one in this world knows how to break the formation.

But he never expected that there would be such a weirdo as Murong Fu.

After just one glance, he discovered his [Blood Shadow Killing Formation].

However, he didn't know that this formation was considered rubbish in Murong Fu's eyes.

Undoubtedly, it was just pieced together by people from this world who didn't know how to use spiritual stones.

Seriously, there is no technical content at all.

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