Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 701 Invasion from another world

Your Majesty, just be patient a little longer!

The blood operator looked at the black hole in the void that gradually opened up.

The corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

It has been decades since he came to this world.

Like a mouse, always hiding in the dark sewer.

For today!

He wants to welcome his master, the holy son of the [Blood God Religion].

Above the blood pool.

Countless yin energy rotated and gathered into a small door.


The huge pressure shook the entire [Yudu Mountain].

Everyone looked at Zhu Wuwu at the same time.

On [Wudang Mountain], Zhang Sanfeng suddenly opened his eyes.

His gaze is like a torch, looking at this place across time and space.

【Demon Palace】In.

Xiang Yutian stood with his hands behind his back and looked towards [Yudu Mountain].

Clenching his hands, he couldn't help but feel worried in his heart, and murmured:

Did it come so soon?

At the same time, in different places.

There are also people who are silently paying attention to what is happening here and now.

Some people showed concern, and some people showed weird smiles.

Above the East China Sea.

On several islands, people boarded boats one after another.

Coming towards the Central Plains.

The small door slowly opened, becoming a black hole spanning time and space.

Zhu Wulan looked up and his eyes couldn't help but stare.

I saw an incredible scene in my eyes.

There was a handsome young man sitting in that small black hole.

He was looking at himself with contempt.

A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Subconsciously, he asked: Who are you?

Me? The handsome young man sneered: I am the holy son of the [Blood God Religion], Deng Yin!

What! Zhu Wuli was shocked. He originally thought that the other party was his inner demon.

I didn't expect to speak so clearly and express so truly.

Right desire, when resisting.

The blood teller smiled and said: Your Majesty, there is no need to panic, please relax.

Let me teach the Holy Son and give you [Ultimate Yin Spiritual Power].

Him? Zhu Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this and looked at Deng Yin.

That's right! Only my name is the Holy Son, and I can teach you the [Ultimate Yin Spiritual Power] through the void. Blood Operator said again.

Zhu Wuwu nodded and said politely: Then there is the Holy Son of Lao Guijiao.

Deng Yin looked at Zhu Wuwu and said calmly: Do you want [Zhiyin Spiritual Power]?

Yes, I need this power to dominate this world. Zhu Wu said calmly.

Okay, in that case, I will help you.

But remember, you must never forget what you promised to me. Deng Yin said.

Zhu ignored the promise and said: Don't worry, I am true to my word and will never forget what I promised.

Okay! Deng Yin didn't talk nonsense at all, and formed a seal with his hands together.

The whole body exudes boundless spiritual power.

It's like a mountain that cannot be climbed.

A strange energy was instantly generated and passed from the black hole to Zhu Wuwu.

This is... Zhu Wuwu immediately felt a majestic power entering his body.

Give him the illusion that he can defeat anything in the world.

His body was also growing bigger and stronger at this moment.

The blood vessels follow and become clearly visible.

Haha, so strong, so strong, with this energy.

Even if Zhang Sanfeng comes, I won't be afraid of him.

Deng Yin looked at Zhu Wu who was laughing maniacally.

There was a trace of disdain in his eyes.

Make a light stroke with your thumb in your index finger.

A drop of bright red blood floated in the air.

It followed the black hole and landed on Zhu Wuwu's eyebrows.


The sound of blood dripping was clearly audible.

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously reached out to touch his eyebrows.

But he didn't touch anything and looked at Deng Yin in confusion.

Unexpectedly, before he could speak, the other party's voice actually came out of his heart.

This is my blood, I need to control your body through it.

You can think of this as seizing the body!

Seize the body? Zhu Wulan was shocked!

He had heard this word in ancient books and roared:

Damn it, you dare to take She Zhen's body!

Deng Yin said disdainfully: Haha, what are you afraid of?

Don't you think it's ridiculous that you dream about being an emperor all day long?

You are a concubine, and you will never be able to control the imperial power in your lifetime.

At best, he can be a regent.

You... Zhu Wu was speechless, and a surge of bitterness came to his head.

Deng Yin smiled haha and said bewitchingly: If you give up this body to me.

I guarantee that you will completely control this world and become the only king of this world.

Nonsense! Zhu Wuli replied: I don't need to rely on anyone, I can do it myself.

Deng Yin asked calmly: How did you do it?

Don't talk about you being the number one person in the world.

I see in your heart, an extremely young boy.

His strength is beyond your reach.

You're talking about Murong Fu! Zhu Wulan was startled, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

He betrayed his best friend and absorbed the power of more than 800 people.

As a result, he was constantly crushed by Murong Fu.

The key is.

For the first time, he had clearly planned everything, but was easily resolved by Murong Fu.

Only one arm was lost.

Deng Yin kept suppressing and stimulating.

Zhu ignored his last psychological defense and was finally broken through, causing blood to appear.

The blood in the blood pool also boiled.

It turned into red threads, wrapped around him, and finally formed a blood cocoon.

The blood operator looked at Deng Yin with a calm expression in the black hole and said respectfully:

Congratulations to the Holy Son for successfully seizing the body.

Deng Yin said disdainfully: It's just a piece of trash, what's the joy?

I have separated a soul into this person's body.

In the future, you can just obey his words.

The blood teller replied: Don't worry, Holy Son, I understand.

Deng Yin nodded: You have done a good job. When the two worlds open, I will give you [Blood Ganoderma].

Let you restore your cultivation.

Thank you, Holy Son! The blood teller was overjoyed and respectfully said again: I will never disappoint your expectations.

Deng Yin nodded: Okay, let's leave some strength for him to absorb.

I want to go back.

As he spoke, he waved his hand.

In the void in front of everyone, the black hole disappeared.

And at the moment the black hole closed, four people appeared in Deng Yin's eyes.

One of them was the handsome young man he had just seen in Zhu Wuwu's mind - Murong Fu.

Strange, why is he here?

Cousin! Shangguan Xiaoxian had just arrived at the blood pool.

At a glance, he saw Shangguan Feiyan lying on the ground with a flawless body.

What is this? Shangguan Danfeng pointed to the blood cocoon in the blood pool and asked in surprise.

Murong Fu's brows rose, and he clearly felt that there was a spiritual energy fluctuation around him. ..

Plus the black hole phantom seen earlier.

He realized what he was seeing.

It seems that it is not just for the purpose of improving the master's skills.

He asked the blood teller: What did you do to Zhu Wuli?

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