Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 703 The blood sword seals the heart

Deng Yin said calmly: Haha, your world is too backward.

You need our help so you can go further.

Murong Fu said disdainfully: Invasion is aggression. It's shameless to speak so high-minded.

Deng Yin's face turned cold and he said, Boy, I think you have good qualifications and want to take you under my wing.

You must not show shame.

Murong Fu said sarcastically: Although I don't know how you seize Zhu Wuli's body.

But your current strength is not worthy of taking over this king.

If you are willing to be my dog, maybe I can let you go.

Seeking death! Deng Yin shouted loudly and raised his hands.

The virgin blood in the blood pool condensed into a blood sword.

Pointing to the center of Murong Fu's eyebrows.

The blood sword seals the heart!


Murong Fu's eyes were in a trance, Deng Yin's sword had strong spiritual power.

It speaks directly to people's hearts.

He did not dare to be careless and reach the highest level of spiritual power.

My eyes immediately became clear.

Raise the [Tianji Stick] and raise your hand.


A harsh explosion sounded, and the heaven and earth space shook.

The huge power of the stick shadow blasted away the blood sword carrying a desperate and strange spiritual power.

Deng Yin's expression changed, and his blood sword turned into a shield to block his chest.


Easily defused Murong Fu's counterattack.


Deng Yin's eyes became even colder.

A kind of despairing coldness.

The blood turned into a sword again, allowing him to hold it in his hand.

The phalanges are protruding, and he raises his hand to move [Blood Shadow Sealing the Sky].

The blood-red sword light illuminated the cave with a red light.

Murong Fu's expression changed. Deng Yin's move made him extremely depressed.

The blood sword was like a barrier, sealing off his world.

Stronger fighting spirit!

Use the [Tianji Stick Technique] to fight faster!

Resist forcefully!

He already understood that the difference between him and Deng Yin was not in realm.

It's about the understanding of moves.


Deng Yin's sword was as powerful as a broken bamboo, defeating Murong Fu's stick shadow.

Murong Fu's heart trembled and he quickly retreated on his toes.

How can you be so strong and have the power of this blood?

It's impossible for him to possess endless spiritual power as soon as he takes possession of his body.

Deng Yin seemed to see the hesitation in Murong Fu's heart.

He immediately threw out the bloody sword in his hand and pinched the seal with his hand.

Countless drops of blood immediately appeared in the blood pool.

It turned into countless blood arrows again and stabbed towards Murong Fu.

Murong Fu did not dare to hesitate, he blocked his body with the [Tianji Rod], quickly rotated and turned into a shield.

Block all drops of blood.

A contemptuous smile appeared at the corner of Deng Yin's mouth, and he sealed again.

The blood drops scattered on the ground suddenly trembled.

Turned into bloody snakes.

He crawled toward Murong Fu very quickly and gave his ankle a hard bite.


I smashed the snake's head with a stick, and I didn't dare to have the slightest objection.

He jumped onto the stone wall in one step.

He frowned and stared at Deng Yin.

This person's strength is extraordinary, and his methods are too weird.

It makes people hard to guard against.

Haha, kid, weren't you very arrogant just now? Why do you only know how to be calm now?

Deng Yin continued to stimulate Murong Fu with his words.

His eyes were also filled with disdain.

Murong Fu said nothing, raised the [Tianji Stick] across the ground, and swung it suddenly!

The stick is as powerful as the sky, like a mountain roaring like a tsunami!

Hit Deng Yin directly.

Go! Deng Yin raised his finger, and the blood pool under him immediately boiled.

It turned into blood threads and pierced the attacking Murong Fu.

Murong Fu was so anxious that he didn't expect Deng Yin to have such a move.

With a loud roar, his spiritual energy formed a wall of air in front of him.

The blood line swept through the air wall, and the huge force hit Murong Fu's body through the air wall.


Murong Fu spurted out a mouthful of blood and was knocked away.

Interesting, I didn't expect you to be able to use this method to break my [Blood Line Ascending Cage].

He is indeed a genius in this world.

Deng Yin's cold voice reached Murong Fu.

The eyes flashed with red light.


A strong pressure, like a physical mountain, hit Murong Fu.

Hmph, despicable!

Murong Fu covered his chest and used his mental power to smash the mountain with one kick.

The strong fighting spirit spreads like a tide, overwhelming the sky.

Shengsheng suppressed Deng Yin's arrogant attitude.

Huh? What a strong fighting spirit!

Boy, how did you do that?

Murong Fu picked up the [Tianji Stick] and swung it at Deng Yin again.

If it doesn't work once, he will do it twice; if it doesn't work twice, he will do it three times.

He didn't believe that he would lose to an outsider!




The two always fought around the blood pool and were entangled.

Murong Fu abandoned all distracting thoughts.

Absolutely equal to Deng Yin.

Deng Yin's brows gradually wrinkled.

He clearly felt that Murong Fu was getting stronger as he fought.

If he continues to fight, he will probably be unable to continue, so he said sternly:

Murong Fu, you are qualified to let me use my most powerful skills.

Murong Fu had a clear mind.

The two are now equally powerful.

Deng Yinruo didn't use his strongest weapon.

If the fight continues, he will definitely win. He glanced at the blood pool inadvertently.

Suddenly laughed and said:

Deng Yin, I know where your strength comes from!

Deng Yin's eyes were as deep as abyss, his spiritual power surged, and the surrounding space began to blur.

The blood underneath him suddenly rushed into the air.

Then it turned into a three-foot-long blood dragon.

Boy, if you see the source of my power, what can you do the same?

You are really unlucky. I didn't expect this person named Zhu Wuwu to have dragon energy in him.

Under this move of mine, despair!

Deng Yin shouted, his face turning red.

The overwhelming evil intent was injected into the blood dragon.

The blood dragon seemed to have spirituality for an instant.

The body rushed out quickly, making a dragon roar that reached the sky.

Dragon? Murong Fu whispered without any emotion.

The whole body exudes boundless fighting spirit.

A huge purple gold dragon appeared behind him.


It raises its head and gathers dragons, roaring through the air.

Before the two of them hit each other, the ground was already cracking!

It seemed like a big wave was setting off and sweeping across the world.


Murong Fu roared loudly, and the real dragon turned into purple energy across the sky.

Bite with the blood dragon.


The blood dragon was bitten hard by the purple gold dragon.

Let out a miserable wail.

Deng Yin's eyes were filled with disbelief: How can your dragon energy form be so powerful?

Because this king is so big! Murong Fu dodged.

Realize the [Xiao Xianmen].

In an instant, he appeared in front of Deng's invisible body, raised the [Tian Ji Stick] and smashed it on his head.

Deng Yin was thinking about his retreat.

But Murong Fu suddenly appeared in front of him.

His mood suddenly hit rock bottom, and a look of panic appeared on his face.

Deep down, I was even more desperate.

This stick will definitely kill me!

No matter how you resist, you will die! roared:

No! If you dare to kill me, his Japanese king will destroy your entire clan.

Oh, then remember to come quickly, otherwise, I will destroy you [Blood God Cult] one day!


The [Tianji Stick] fell, and Deng Yin (Zhu Wuwu)'s head shattered into a watermelon.

The blood dragon in mid-air roared.

Instantly shrunk to the extreme.

Then, all the power suddenly exploded.


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