Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 704 The initial birth of a baby

[Yudu Mountain] A landslide occurred during the violent explosion.

Countless stones fell from the cave, blocking the entrance in an instant.

Murong Fu (Prince)!


Both parties shouted at the same time.


A flash of afterimage appeared next to the blood operator in an instant.

He hung the big knife on his neck.

What...what are you going to do?

The blood operator looked at Gui Hai Yida in surprise.

Guihai slashed his sword and said, I will take you back on the order of the prince.

Prince? The blood teller quickly moved out Zhu Wuwu and said: Nonsense, I am in the same group as the Iron God Marquis.

You should help me and catch them.

Gui Hai Yida has always been taciturn, and never talks when he can do something.

He raised his wrist [Sweat and Blood Sword].

There was a blood mark left on the blood operator's neck.

You are plotting against the Lord God. I haven't settled this account with you yet.

It's better if he's not alive, but if he dies, you guys will be buried with him.

Hmph! The blood teller gritted his teeth and decided to endure it: Whatever you say is fine.

Wait a while, when the Lord God comes out, you will know what the consequences will be if you offend me.

The four of them stood for a long time, but there was no movement at all.

Shangguan Xiaoxian said worriedly: Will the prince be okay?

Shangguan Danfeng reminded: The explosion just now was too strong.

He... won't die, right?

This... Shangguan Xiaoxian thought for a while and did not dare to delay.

Immediately, he took out a [Sounding Arrow] from his waist.

Shoot towards the sky.

With a whoosh~ sound, it exploded in the air, forming a huge money pattern.

Shangguan Danfeng's beautiful eyes flashed and he joked: A cloud-piercing arrow brings thousands of troops to meet.

Cousin, you are planning to use the power of the [Money Gang] to dig up this mountain.

Shangguan Xiaoxian pretended to be coquettish and said:

Prince Yan is my sister's fiancé. It's impossible not to save him.

Haha, sister, you are so kind! After Shangguan Danfeng finished speaking, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

As the princess of the Golden Roc Kingdom, she is now the weakest.

To put it nicely, it’s called living under someone else’s roof.

To put it mildly, it is just a canary raised by others.

If it hadn't been for the treasure of the dynasty, it would have been killed long ago.

If possible, find a new backer.

Maybe it can change the current situation.

And it was Murong Fu who made Shangguan Xiaoxian think so highly of him.

Definitely a good goal.


Such a strong person is dead!

Inside the cave.

A piece of gravel fell to the ground, revealing a mangled arm.

Uh, damn, it hurts!

I, the king, am not dead?

Murong Fu used all his strength to push the stone away slowly.

He promised that he had never been so seriously injured in his life.

All the bones in the body were almost shattered, and all the internal organs were shattered.

If he hadn't encountered a thunderstorm.

I'm afraid, I really have to go see the King of Hell this time.

Looking at the well-preserved cave, I couldn't help but feel relieved.

Fortunately, before I was knocked unconscious, I allowed the Purple Gold True Dragon to maintain the roof of the cave.

Otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

He glanced at several women lying beside the blood pool.

I called out a few times, but no one responded.

Without further delay, he quickly sat up.

Start running the exercises to repair yourself.

Who would have known that the [Ninth-Rank Star Dragon Mysterious Technique] that had always been invincible in the past.

This time, there was no sign of color at all, and there was almost no reaction.

What should we do? Murong Fu lay weakly on the ground.

I was lying on my back, just wanting to have a good sleep.

Suddenly, he thought of something and gritted his teeth and sat up again.

With a thought, a blue jade appeared in his hand.

【Jade Linglong】!


Take the jade into your mouth in one gulp and start the technique.

The Dharma door is driven open.

The wood in the heart rises, and the vitality is like a spring.

Nourishes the internal organs, as well as the meridians throughout the body.

The body also began to gain strength.

His eyes widened, his palms patted lightly, and his body jumped.

It immediately landed in the center of the blood pool.

No matter whether the blood is dirty or not, take out all the spiritual stones stored in the system.

Throw it into it.

In an instant, the spiritual energy around him surged.

Like a great river rushing into the sea.

And the [Supreme Yin Power] in the blood pool continuously enters the body.

Two streams of energy flow.

The extremely pure cold current, and the warm current of pure spiritual energy.

Boom, boom, mighty.

Rushed into Murong Fu's Dantian.

Murong Fu's mind was extremely clear, and his body became very strange.

Sometimes light and sometimes heavy!

In the sky above Dantian, the ninth-grade golden elixir was spinning rapidly.

Absorbing spiritual energy and yin energy from the outside world.

Murong Fu was overjoyed that it really worked!

[Yu Linglong] even burst out with a strange energy.

Make him feel that his body has been sublimated.

The ninth-grade golden elixir the size of a longevity peach is as big as a heart.

The powerful beating of dong dong dong.

With each beat, Murong Fu's Danhai trembled slightly.

Murong Fu was overjoyed, [Jade Linglong] was indeed extraordinary.

Dan trembling is the beginning of conceiving a baby, knowing that this is a great opportunity.

As long as you pass this level.

From now on, I will be invincible in this world!

He quickly followed the [Da Ru Realm] and started practicing the method of conceiving a baby.

Start by sealing your hand.

There was a bang sound.

A purple flame appeared on the golden elixir and burned.

The purple flame is like a source of movement.

Let the golden elixir beat more powerfully, making a thumping sound.

It feels like it's beating faster than the heart.

Every time the golden elixir beats, Murong Fu's Dantian is filled with energy.

Then a turbulent wave was set off, filling the whole body.

A large amount of spiritual energy turned into spiritual power along with the waves.

It was absorbed back by the golden elixir.

Over time, cracks appeared on the golden elixir.

Every time the golden elixir beats, the cracks will grow bigger.

Gradually a glimmer of light emerged.

Murong Fu was overjoyed and quickly increased the speed of absorption.

Absorbing spiritual energy into the body like crazy.

When a monk conceives a baby, he needs the perfect golden elixir.

It requires a lot of spiritual energy.

Although Murong Fu lacked preparation for this, he was made up for by [Yu Linglong].

The energy emitted by this object was far beyond Murong Fudian's knowledge.


The golden elixir gradually shattered, revealing a white jade round baby body.

Murong Fu looked at the baby's body and couldn't help but be extremely excited. ..

His consciousness was awakened, and the shadow of a real dragon appeared behind him.

Opening his mouth wide, he immediately sucked in all the [Yin Qi] in the blood pool.

The forty-nine women on the side even trembled all over and let out bursts of hum.

The baby's body was like nectar, and it slowly opened its little hands.

There is life.

The shape has gradually become more stable, not as blurry as before.

And outside the cave at this time.

Originally, the sky was already showing white stripes.

Suddenly dark clouds gathered, and an extremely depressing atmosphere fell on the top of [Yudu Mountain].

The momentum became more and more solemn, and the huge black clouds seemed to be brewing a heavy rain.

It's like the end of the world, which makes people's hearts tremble.

Gang leader, these clouds are too scary, we should retreat first!

An elder of the [Money Gang] suggested.

Shangguan Xiaoxian frowned and was hesitating.

But I heard the blood operator say in horror:

Impossible, never... impossible!

Is there anyone in this world who can conceive a baby?

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